• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Hey you... with the phone


Legend Member
Anybody here getting sick and tired with people with their mobile phone manners...
They seem to think it`s ok to talk on the phone no matter what they are doing.
Went shopping today and had to raise my voice a couple times to ask people to move. One thought it was ok to stop suddenly and start to text and another was too busy talking to listen for her number to be called at the deli.
Then when I went to pay some silly lady at the front of the queue decided it was polite to try and put her full trolley load one by one on the belt as she continued her phone call.
Another time I`ve been on the train when somebody using their phone thinks it`s ok to shout into it so that we can all hear as well but then give us filthy looks when we do...

How many of us have tried to park our cars and been nearly hit by another car simply because the other car driver feels they can steer and change gears with one hand because the other is busy holding the phone.

One last thing.... Why is it somebody can pay about $60000 for a car but not be able to afford a decent handsfree kit??

Langtrees VIP Perth 2

Fair call again billybones! I'm getting sick of agreeing with you now! Lol!

Doesn't it make you wonder how the human race ever survived prior to the invention of the bloody mobile phone?
It seems to me that if we were meant to be contactable 24/7 we would have been born with an antenna out our arse!?


Lisa xxx

Alecia the Foxx

I have heard a lot of guys complaining about some girls (usually the younger ladies) texting all through bookings. How rude.

Farm Boy

Multi skilled woman can tex simultaneity with both hands while kneeling head down on a bed and at the same time faking an orgasm.
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Alecia the Foxx

Multi-skilled escorts leave the multi-tasking till after the booking with the person who has just spent hundreds of dollars for their company.


Full Member
Foundation Member
I had an instance whilst driving. I was approaching a controlled intersection (with the lights green) and a guy on a mobile phone just stepped out in front of me. I braked heavilly to avoid hitting him and hit the car horn. This twat, looked over his shoulder, gave me the finger and just kept walking!!!

What a pity our laws wouldnt protect me (or at least allow me to make a claim on his estate) if I had done the world a favour and just run over him!

Fudd :)

Farm Boy

Multi-skilled escorts leave the multi-tasking till after the booking with the person who has just spent hundreds of dollars for their company.

Obliviously I would never dare to cast aspersions on the level of service you provide Alecia .
Just a little humor at the expense of women in general who seem to be able to accomplish many things in a short amount of time.

Alecia the Foxx

Lol, true true. Sorry, must have been having a serious moment, and lost my sense of humor.


Legend Member
My aversion to mobiles started in the 80's early90's A fella used
to drink at was my local whenever I went to the big smoke of geraldton. He would have his mobile hand set ,about the size of your average homephone , sitting on the bar and a battery pack at his feet. Which had a handle to help you carry the ruddy great thing It had to be 15cm high and 30 or more long This may be an under exaggeration.
He would sit in the most prominent part of the bar and show off his Mobile and tell anyone who would listen how convenient they are


Legend Member
Multi-skilled escorts leave the multi-tasking till after the booking with the person who has just spent hundreds of dollars for their company.

As you say Alecia, Give your undivided attention to a paying client
Not only is it professional it is also simple courtesy


I like it when they are driving down the wrong side of the road texting on there phone just before they go head on into some pour cow in a driving a truck


Legend Member
Anyone remember the old point system we drivers used to have? say 50points for a jay walker maybe 100 points for a jogger? Maybe it has to be updated to include various
levels of mobile users.
The chap who stepped in front of Fudd would be worth plenty of points


5 Star General
Foundation Member
Anyone remember the old point system we drivers used to have? say 50points for a jay walker maybe 100 points for a jogger? Maybe it has to be updated to include various
levels of mobile users.
The chap who stepped in front of Fudd would be worth plenty of points

they made a movie about it

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Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
LOL.....mobile phones......what a pest!!!!!!!!!! I am old enough to remember the times without mobile phones and guess what.......life did still go on and everything just worked fine. Nowadays I have got the feeling that people think the world would come to a "stand still" without mobile phones.
I think it would be a great idea to get rid of all mobiles and while we are at it.......computers as well..........lol....oh dear....chaos.....hehehehe....I would love it :thumbsup:



Legend Member
Now now Rochelle don`t be silly... if we got rid of computers this forum would be no more and how would us punters communicate???
Unless Maryanne didn`t mind us having a pin up board outside the front door of Langtrees with the ladies wearing their sexist outfits handing out Post-it notes...

Farm Boy

LOL.....mobile phones......what a pest!!!!!!!!!! I am old enough to remember the times without mobile phones and guess what.......life did still go on and everything just worked fine. Nowadays I have got the feeling that people think the world would come to a "stand still" without mobile phones.
I think it would be a great idea to get rid of all mobiles and while we are at it.......computers as well..........lol....oh dear....chaos.....hehehehe....I would love it :thumbsup:


This old farmer loves computers , correct his spelling steer his tractor help pick roots simply indispensable.


Legend Member
Anybody else dare to say they remember watching Perfect Match on TV... Now we know what happened to DEXTER...

This old farmer loves computers , correct his spelling steer his tractor
help pick roots simply indispensable

Seems he`s got a job helping Farm Boy.

I think it`s much better when I pick my own roots lol... :laughing4


Legend Member
Hey BB in 36hrs you have come out about liking Ricky Springfield and now that you watched Perfect Match You will have to be careful who you make fun of. LOL


Legend Member
Guess I`m lucky I hav`nt told about how I used to be addicted to watching "The Young Doctors" and "Sons and Daughters"



Legend Member
Well said BB
You know the thing that really amazes me with mobiles is, when you go to buy one, they tell you all these amazing things you can do with this great new model. I think you will soon have to ask if you can actually ring someone with it

Farm Boy

I am not 100% sure you got that attempt at humor Bill, but do you know anything about Mallee Trees?


Legend Member
I am not 100% sure you got that attempt at humor Bill, but do you know anything about Mallee Trees?

No... and I even tried to cheat by using google.
It says something about the Mallee Tree could be the next source of green energy.
Would the greenies let us turn them into wood chips??