• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Have you ever had???


Legend Member
Have you ever had a near death experience? and if you have how did it change you???


Experience at least one daily when I get behind my steering wheel! So many bad drivers out there.

Miranda Fox

Have you ever had a near death experience? and if you have how did it change you???

Yes I have had a near death experience.
Having survived a head-on car accident.

How did it change me ?
To be a more careful, safe driver.


Legend Member
I tried to drown myself in a dam as a kid (there may be those who wished I did a better job) But there was no life changes To young I suppose kids just get on with life without trying to second guess everything.


On a race track a few years ago I put my car into a spin at 175kms and almost rolled in the sand. Not so much a near death but definitely left skidmarks! I learnt a valuable lesson that day. When in doubt, power out :)

One day I had a incident with flipping a 4.5tonne forklift. Chain of events so was a genuine accident but the Maori bloke next to me turned white. Goodness knows how he wasnt hurt as the load of wood just missed him as well. Another valuable lesson. Never trust truck drivers :p
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Langtrees VIP Perth 2

Yep, I've done it! Probably not a story that any man wants to hear about, but it was during child birth. 36 hour labour and my body decided that that was enough...i just started shutting down, and at the time I was in so much pain, I was more than happy to go with it! I could feel myself sinking into the bed and it was the best feeling in the world. I could very vaguely hear alarms going off and yelling and stuff, but it was all muffled like I had cotton wool in my ears.
Anyway, needless to say I pulled through, but I can't say that it was a bad experience, in fact it was all very peaceful. It has changed by view on dying though, it's no longer something that scares me as it used to.

Lisa xxx


I drank and ate all the painkillers in the house and woke up in hospital =\
wasn't pleasant, especially having to spend time at the mental ward too

Farm Boy

Yes I have , No I wasn't permanently changed , but I can tell you One I was Shaken Two I was very very glad to be alive and this feeling lasted some time .