• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Have you ever been on a speed date or social event


Legend Member
Dont believe that either dallas. All the women I know are swinging monkeys.
Whats a swinging monkey you ask?
Well watch a monkey swing through the jungle. It never lets go of the branch until it grabs hold of another.
Nearly all women go most of thier life permanently in a relationship lining the next one up before getting rid of the previous.
Stark contrast to men who go years and even decades between partners

Well this explains a lot. A couple of weeks back I bumped into a woman I'd tried to date in my 20's but she turned me down for a property developer who abused her. Well 22 years later I saw her and she told me she had just got divorced. So I asked her out but she said oh sorry I'm in a relationship. I said but didn't you just say you had got divorced? And she said yes but before she told her husband it was over she had another guy lined up so it was an orchestrated and seamless transition - no being single and dating for her. Swinging monkeys it makes sense, they can do that because there are plenty of single guys waiting for their call.


Foundation Member
Ahh divorced women .. now theres a beast. They generally burn through the divorce cash pronto then go looking for the next cash cow like a crazed madman.
Im 45 and meeting women is shit.
What few you meet shag a couple of times then its all about the greater fommitment and support..... in otherwords if your not the next walking wallet fuck off and make way for the next sucker


Legend Member
I've met lots of genuine ladies out there in our age group bushseeker but they've all been in relationships. I think when they end a relationship they don't stay single for long, it seems you have to know them before they split so that you are on their radar when they are ready for a change. I was talking to a really nice woman this morning down at the cafe at Scarborough beach. We were getting along like a house on fire for about half an hour - I thought she seemed too friendly and confident, then sure enough her husband turned up and took her away. A couple of weeks ago I went to the Casino and was talking to a really nice woman looked around late 30's - probably the best dressed there, very friendly, intelligent and out going and apparently single, I thought what's the catch?? and it was $450 per hour. It was easier when I was 25 Lol!


Gold Member
I went to the Casino and was talking to a really nice woman looked around late 30's - probably the best dressed there, very friendly, intelligent and out going and apparently single, I thought what's the catch?? and it was $450 per hour. It was easier when I was 25 Lol!
Casinos much worse for that now its become crown. Can't believe security can't pick them


Legend Member
Casinos much worse for that now its become crown. Can't believe security can't pick them

I don't mind, a lady has to make a living and if I was interested she seemed like she would have been a good booking. I actually spent about an hour talking shop with her, don't think she expected that! Seems we have friends in common. It would just be nice for once to meet someone that was actually single that wants me for me and doesn't carry around an alarm clock.


When I was out last week a met this lovely lady that runs speed dating services in Perth and I was just wondering if anyone was ever been to one of these events .....
Would love to know......

why dont you go find out and let us all no girl

Ms Sue

Legend Member
I was thinking maybe we need to pay for Jacqui to attend a speed date night and then Jacqui could report to all of us....
I don't think my hubby would appreciate me attending this one... He is open minded however I am sure there is a limit... ...lol


I reckon Jacquie would love that....lets do it.



Gold Member
I know the stats say the ratio of men to women are roughly equal. But I dispute that.
Last person that told me I was full of crap I got them to jump in the car as we just drove I counted the men he counted the women. ..... well he very soon gave up and just said
Ok ok your right......

Lol https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/anecdotal. Unless you survey the whole of Perth (nevermind Australia, save on airfares) your perception will probably be skewed. Your brain doesn't fall out when you're open minded ;)

From what I've heard (yes, irony :p) speed dating can be fun considering the different kinds of people you can meet! People are so damned varied you're missing out if you write off a huge chunk of them as a certain "kind" of person. I'll give any personality a chance until that individual writes themself off! Although if you've been burnt before I imagine it would feel safer to avoid a group of people as a whole...maybe why there were no women counted on the street when bushseeker drove by ;)


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy Bro Homer Yeeeee Arrrrr a lucky one, the blind dates I have had, when they seee meeeee for the first time, Just;- Scream and Run LOL (must be the pegleg I am guessing)

I had dates where the night ended very quickly, are these speed dating?


Legend Member
Ahoy Bro Homer Yeeeee Arrrrr a lucky one, the blind dates I have had, when they seee meeeee for the first time, Just;- Scream and Run LOL (must be the pegleg I am guessing)

LoL you misread my post Bro HP. The ladies left rather quickly on these dates, and didn't even bother to say goodbye. Dating at light speed. lol...


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy LOL, Bro Homer I understood your post;- at least you had a minute of a date, all I got was a scream and the sound of heels heading for the door LOL

LoL you misread my post Bro HP. The ladies left rather quickly on these dates, and didn't even bother to say goodbye. Dating at light speed. lol...


Legend Member
Ok Peg Leg's down you win. heheee...the ladies must have screamed 'Murder!" then.


Legend Member
I actually set fire to my hair on a date many years ago (grr 80's musicians hair!), she had to put me out with the wine, I wonder if I'd be remembered as the hottest date she ever had ?:rolleyes:

Heheee...burning desire...do tell Dallas.


Foundation Member
Welldone on your crap post traceyface
How about you try it yourself then?

Also any door man will tell you they refuse guys entry for really picky things to try and keep the ratio of men to women 70/30
If they let everyone in its about 90-95/ 5-10


Legend Member
Heheee...burning desire...do tell Dallas.

Well homer I had long curly musicians hair past my shoulders and there was a little candle in the middle of the table and I leaned across to give her a kiss and my hair caught fire! I must have been using fire retardant hairspray because I didn't lose too much but my date grabbed the wine and put me out :). But for the rest of the evening all I could smell was burnt hair! Kinda killed the mood!


Gold Member
Welldone on your crap post traceyface
How about you try it yourself then?

Also any door man will tell you they refuse guys entry for really picky things to try and keep the ratio of men to women 70/30
If they let everyone in its about 90-95/ 5-10

I hope I'm not trying to crash the mood downhill again here, but I have to say with all due intents and respect as well as my prior experience in the failed world of "dating" - I hate to say to this for being somewhat selfish but I do agree with the above.

When things are uneven, there's always going to be a natural rule of elimination.

No matter what women say, I believe everything surrounding the facets of dating lies in the fine, minute unwritten policies, as well as "ratio-numbers-law-game". In other words, no matter what counter-opinions there are - you cannot; ever discard the fact for one tangible statistic - there are more single guys than there are single females. Perhaps far more so in the background away from cold hard statistics on paper. Period. There's no need to go beyond scientific study on this. It is just as unfairly evident as it IS. I am not even socially well endowed to have found this out from having been gifted weekly invitations nightouts with "mates" , besides for the fact that I am trying to save money.

So where does this lead? As soon as there are differing gender ratio's in any given environment - there is always competition. Anyone should not deny the fact that there is always going to be us (the gentlemen) having to act beyond than who we really are. Bigger than Ben Hur and smarter than Eddie (aka Limitless). And if I were to get to the conclusion of it all - ALL end-of-chain decision power goes to the hands of the ladies in making that selection.

....Sooo...... now when we are in a speed dating event - it's a gruelling marathon. As a guy, you have to somehow surpass the next guy's charm, witt and level of interest. And the next. And the next. and the next. All in a space of 6 to 10 mins for each lady at a time before moving to the next. I cannot simply rely on being "me" and let her just "accept" me for who I am. Because at the end of the day, no matter how flashy my personal contact / biz card looks on her palm, she will treat me just as a number. Next please!

In the world of dating, we all have either inherent or develop hidden "standards" before we even set out to meet such a person. No one would dare to admit them all openly unless in a rare given position of trust among few. There is no such thing as "I am open for anyone so long as..." trait / criteria anymore.

It's all advertising folks :). You like something at the surface you'd buy it sooner or later. (*gulp* - that's me and my handpicking for vinyl records habit for sure!) Same thing here - whether or not you find that person "interesting" is completely subjective within such a short time frame anyway.

My facts / experiences
Anyone would again suspect that I am writing the above out of thin air. I can prove anyone multiple times over from memory of my experiences through not just 2, 3 but five (read my whole hand) separate online dating sites / experiences. I can prove you multiple times that particularly Lavalife and RSVP (two of which the biggest market in online dating); have meet+greet & speed dating venues that all have the same policy - the no of women must outnumber the males. Apart from this, everything I have absorbed personally from those dating sites are as mindlessly fruitless as walking around with a fake personality in public.

...So where does this end towards? W/Ls are always there. At least for allowing me for being myself and giving my respect in return. Though that recently my trust have been somewhat rotted away but I'm getting there in recovery. Hopefully.


Legend Member
I hope I'm not trying to crash the mood downhill again here, but I have to say with all due intents and respect as well as my prior experience in the failed world of "dating" - I hate to say to this for being somewhat selfish but I do agree with the above.

When things are uneven, there's always going to be a natural rule of elimination.

No matter what women say, I believe everything surrounding the facets of dating lies in the fine, minute unwritten policies, as well as "ratio-numbers-law-game". In other words, no matter what counter-opinions there are - you cannot; ever discard the fact for one tangible statistic - there are more single guys than there are single females. Perhaps far more so in the background away from cold hard statistics on paper. Period. There's no need to go beyond scientific study on this. It is just as unfairly evident as it IS. I am not even socially well endowed to have found this out from having been gifted weekly invitations nightouts with "mates" , besides for the fact that I am trying to save money.

So where does this lead? As soon as there are differing gender ratio's in any given environment - there is always competition. Anyone should not deny the fact that there is always going to be us (the gentlemen) having to act beyond than who we really are. Bigger than Ben Hur and smarter than Eddie (aka Limitless). And if I were to get to the conclusion of it all - ALL end-of-chain decision power goes to the hands of the ladies in making that selection.

....Sooo...... now when we are in a speed dating event - it's a gruelling marathon. As a guy, you have to somehow surpass the next guy's charm, witt and level of interest. And the next. And the next. and the next. All in a space of 6 to 10 mins for each lady at a time before moving to the next. I cannot simply rely on being "me" and let her just "accept" me for who I am. Because at the end of the day, no matter how flashy my personal contact / biz card looks on her palm, she will treat me just as a number. Next please!

In the world of dating, we all have either inherent or develop hidden "standards" before we even set out to meet such a person. No one would dare to admit them all openly unless in a rare given position of trust among few. There is no such thing as "I am open for anyone so long as..." trait / criteria anymore.

It's all advertising folks :). You like something at the surface you'd buy it sooner or later. (*gulp* - that's me and my handpicking for vinyl records habit for sure!) Same thing here - whether or not you find that person "interesting" is completely subjective within such a short time frame anyway.

My facts / experiences
Anyone would again suspect that I am writing the above out of thin air. I can prove anyone multiple times over from memory of my experiences through not just 2, 3 but five (read my whole hand) separate online dating sites / experiences. I can prove you multiple times that particularly Lavalife and RSVP (two of which the biggest market in online dating); have meet+greet & speed dating venues that all have the same policy - the no of women must outnumber the males. Apart from this, everything I have absorbed personally from those dating sites are as mindlessly fruitless as walking around with a fake personality in public.

...So where does this end towards? W/Ls are always there. At least for allowing me for being myself and giving my respect in return. Though that recently my trust have been somewhat rotted away but I'm getting there in recovery. Hopefully.

I must agree with honestman on this. I have had to learn how to date again after my marriage of 22 years ended a couple of years ago. It's been largely unsuccessful as everyone I've asked has either been in a relationship or has come out of a bad one and doesn't want another one or, wants one but is incredibly suspicious of potential partners and has an impossible list of selection criteria for them, a date becomes an interrogation rather than a fun get to know you! Been on a few of those! Plus I'm no good at all at working out whether a girl I'm talking to is interested or just being friendly! Yay Langtrees - best speed dating centre anywhere, and you're always guaranteed a date! )


Legend Member
I guess if it works for just one person it's a good thing so I won't knock it but I don't think it wouldn't suit my personality, but then again, I really shouldn't dismiss something unless I've tried it, right? My guess is that the date I'll eventually get that will be great will be with someone who's already a friend as we'll have that connection and trust :)


Legend Member
Well homer I had long curly musicians hair past my shoulders and there was a little candle in the middle of the table and I leaned across to give her a kiss and my hair caught fire! I must have been using fire retardant hairspray because I didn't lose too much but my date grabbed the wine and put me out :). But for the rest of the evening all I could smell was burnt hair! Kinda killed the mood!

I bet your date would have also put out the fire down below later that night.


Perth Escorts
Gold Member
I've never tried speed dating: it sounds like fun though, and I'd be interested to give it a try... Did a little bit of internet dating a few years ago, and to be honest I'm not much of a fan. That being said, I met on of my dearest friends through internet dating... No sexual chemistry, but apart from that we're like 2 peas in a pod :) I found one of the sites I was on a bit overwhelming: I spent aaaaaages answering all their questions so that they could only send me "suitable matches", and in the first 24 hours I had over 700 profiles to look through...