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Has stress affected your sex life?

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Well after being told that we can't have children (I'm the faulty part here...) it seems that we have been more stressed and this has led to a dramatic downturn in our sex lives to the point where we don't really have one right now.

We are also launching a new business (web design, graphic design and photography) and this is also stressing us out.

Have any of your sex lives been affected by stress and how did you eventually break through?


Please ignore this thread.. I have reposted in General Discussions and Competitions.


Foundation Member
Don't wait, change things now!!!

Stress will always cause problems in the sex department. I don't really know you that well Cacatous, but have seen you around and glad to see you back again. The sort of problems you're going through is different to ordinary day to day stresses. I have one child and even though she's a teenager at the moment and very painful at times, I couldn't live without her.

When I have felt those stresses I've tried to do those things together with my husband that we don't always get the chance to do. I like to be pampered and spoilt. I think most women do. I like it when my hubbie comes home with a surprise gift or suggests we go for a walk together or have a bath together. He's taking a day off work next week to take me to the Royal Show. These things may not mean that much to you or your wife, but something else will.

Don't let all your worries and stresses ruin your marriage, start thinking of something today to change your situation. What sorts of things did you like to do when you were first dating? Maybe try some of those things.

I hope i have helped in some small way at least.



Thank you Suzie!

My wife wants to have sex but doesn't feel turned on and it is definately an underlying stress issue. We do enjoy silly things like walks, fast food and picnics but maybe this will take time to come to terms with.

Mary Anne PA

another thing you should look at doing is a seminar together that deals with things like stress, worries, problems, how we deal with them or cope with them. I just completed a 'Chris Howard' weekend, and it was totally awesome.

Went through things like going back to the past, in to the future, looking at things that worry us, how we deal with them and also looking at goals and things we want to achieve and how we go about that as well. It's about self empowerment and a whole lot of other things, it's about going past what your worrying about and seeing it turn out successful so letting you know that worrying now is only damaging something that is going to be okay. Stuff like that, hard to explain, it's something you need to do, as it impacts your life and makes a dramatic change.

Don't sit back and watch it get worse, do something now, and it doesn't matter what you do, it all helps a little bit. Don't say it will change in the future as you will become habitated to what it's like now. Do something now to see the changes you both want.

This is Chris's information in regards to different events and to do with the NLP learning. Neural linguistic or something like that, but just one of his normal seminars is worth a go. He's awesome.

Link is broken so has been taken down

also there is a grat one out there called landmark I thik which comes to perth every now and again, this one changes your life for the better.

But these things are up to each individual, but if you want to move forward and make changes you need to do something is basically the bottom line I guess
good luck
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spot on,


You girls are spot on on this one,
and I can relate to what you say about stress,

Thanks serena & Suzie.
Will say more about it when got more time.


I can relate to this

Greetings All,
Doing the "carer-Thing" caused Me to have some "Erectile-difficulties".
M-A & Steve, carted Me off to their Naturopath, it cost $100.oo for the herbal capsules, but they sure had the desired effect. Fixed the erectile difficulties in 2 weeks but took about a month to improve the Libido.
On the cause of your Stress, Been there! I was diagnosed (blessed) with sterility 30+ years ago, initially the wife of that time was relieved that it was not her fault then there was a period of "Blaming".She was not inclined to go for A.I (artificial insemination) from a sperm donor, nor was she inclined to adoption.[This was before I.V.F.. . not that I was suitable for that when it did come along].
This side of things you would need to discuss with your partner,but with modern medicine very little is insurmoutable.
Our parting , that wife and I, had nothing to do with My sterility. and came many years later!

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Stress will always effect your sex life, but we kind of need the downs in life to appreciate the ups, no pun intended.As long as you are aware of a problem you will keep seeking until you find the right answer.The South American naturpath in The northern suburbs is amazing, can't think of his name at the moment in a earlier post under the shopping centre.

Mary Anne PA


maryanne said:
Stress will always effect your sex life, but we kind of need the downs in life to appreciate the ups, no pun intended.As long as you are aware of a problem you will keep seeking until you find the right answer.The South American naturpath in The northern suburbs is amazing, can't think of his name at the moment in a earlier post under the shopping centre.

Strange as it may seem . When i am stressed i need sex to let off steam.So it works the compleate opposite for me.


Stress is a downer for sex

Cacatous said:
Well after being told that we can't have children (I'm the faulty part here...) it seems that we have been more stressed and this has led to a dramatic downturn in our sex lives to the point where we don't really have one right now.

We are also launching a new business (web design, graphic design and photography) and this is also stressing us out.

Have any of your sex lives been affected by stress and how did you eventually break through?

Hi stress and feeling your sexy self are out of reach when your attention and emotions are all over the place. I need to feel happy, confident and safe emotionally.

Great sex needs time and opportunity. Carpe diem

Mary Anne PA

Sex and sex

I supppose particulary with a male i think there is sex for the sake . And of course for want of a better word making love is of course a different aspect all together. Perhaps females are similiar too.


Senior Member
Foundation Member
I can relate stress and the sex issue even though i dont have a partner a couple of months ago my stress levels were very high i lost wieght.I didnt think iwas under stress but when that stressful part of my life went my libido came back and im gaining wieght and the libido has come back where it should im horny as hell all the time now which is normal for me.My father is 62 and his libido is the same and im 36. :hello:

Spice Me

Caveman I'm the same

when stressed i need it and the other half when stressed or when I am stressed does not!!! :argue: and this leads to more conflict etc..

so I know the war path you guys are going down too Cacatous, with a 5year old in the house, move from one country to another, two failed business's in the past and some extra **** from DIMIA on the visa front to spice it .....:( things can get down right dry in the wet-wonder-world... :angry1:

But you need to talk, role play works well, sensual oils and run away weekends helps stack... best bit is too both back off a little and push less and pull more... :love3:

good luck mate

Spice Me
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