Has a provider ever helped you mentally


Just A Former Rider In This Online Rodeo
Legend Member
I found the WLs that allow me to reciprocate a soft massage help me tremendously. Very soothing to glide my hands over a silky, beautiful body. Equal to meditation for me.💕

No idea what to do

Legend Member
Physically on a regular basis
And Emotionally in a big way.
I was in the process of going off the rails well and truly a few years back by consuming both legal and not so legal stuff.
This was due to having more problems than a bear could shit.

My Fav helped me with incredible talk time, (Charged like a wounded fucking bull)
Maybe I was more honest with her than with a mediation council service Also (Charged like a wounded fucking bull)

The main thing I learnt Was about admitting to myself that assistance was needed.
Recovered now and the real thanks goes to my Beautiful WL

🐸 The Frenchman🐸