• Lots of naked NEW Members on the forum plz add an AVATAR we are adding them if you don't if you don't like change them.


Silver Member
Having been summoned to a meeting by Maryanne I turned up at Langtrees one evening. This started with a very merry Maryanne with Madam Leigh in the back lounge in a very good mood. A little time was spent in discussion about interviews and articles that have been released and about those to come. Ms Sue found time to stop racing around doing 10 things at once and joined in with the conversation.

The work was done, and what was left to do? Just hang out. Listening to Maryanne tell storie should be a privilege that deserves a door charge. Some was shocking, some was hilarious, and most of it had me on the edge of my seat. And I got to see a side to these ladies that was intriquing. The banter and friendly bitching that goes on between Maryanne and Ms Sue is priceless. Some of the laughter inducing garbage that came out of their mouths made me spit my drink out.

A lot of fun was had. Aside from talking with the bosses hanging out the lovely ladies was a blast. Hanging briefly with Lexus almost called on a cold shower. I was not there to play, what a shame. Then trying to keep my eyes of Blossom and Rasmey the two asian ladies was not easy while I was talking to the boss. And guys, when speaking with blossom just try keep your eyes up. You will know what I mean when you meet her. She enjoyed my magic trick.

The Langtrees lounge is just a place that is hard to leave. All ladies that night were gorgeous women distracting me from every conversation. They would just snuggle up for a chat and a cuddle. And every conversation was entertaining. Especially the sexy young redhead Beth.

All in all I love my job.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Yes I was merry or more precisely dru..k. I had more than my three beers and everyone knows I am a cheap dru..k.We covered a lot of ground about the future of the forum, whilst I have not been around lately I have not forgotten the team that have helped me so well over the last 12 years.Lots of decisions need to be made and I am hoping to include all our special members in this process that have kept the forum alive.We need rewards that are real, I did have to tell Custer is is illegal in WA to give away a sex booking as a competition, but it is not illegal to give away money.We need to come up with idea's and then I would need Svengali to take over the responsibility for the draw and winner to announced, so they can collect there prize from Langtrees front door, or have it paid into there bank account. I am prepared to put up $200 per week for prizes, so the ideas need to start flowing.


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy Mak;- You could use the Poll system on the forum, you know;- who the funniest? , who is the loudest? who is the sexiest? etc, then people vote, highest vote wins.
All the best Mak
Cheers and Pass the Rum

Kirra Bell

Little bad girl
Diamond Member
Was definitely a night to remember, I too was left open-mouthed a few times at the stories I heard, many giggles were had, and of course those few serious moments. But a wonderful night. Thanks as always Mary-Anne, never cease to amuse. ;)