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Guys messing up your hair and make-up during sex

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Hey folks, @I12345 ... @Sapphire ... let's all settle down a bit... :)

I am perfectly settled and calm solact ... just giving an opinion which another member didn't like ... I've been gently told to fuck off that's all ... opinions are obviously not wanted ... lesson learnt, don't offer an opinion unless it meets the sycophantic criteria ..


5 Star General
Foundation Member
I am perfectly settled and calm solact ... just giving an opinion which another member didn't like ... I've been gently told to f**k off that's all ... opinions are obviously not wanted ... lesson learnt, don't offer an opinion unless it meets the sycophantic criteria ..
a bit of banter is good for the forum but if it looks like it is or will get out of hand , it will be dealt with swiftly


Perth Escorts
Gold Member
This one is for working girls and guys as well. Why do guys always want to go with their hands through your hair during sex and mess up your make-up? I find this really frustrating. I spent and hour doing my hair and make-up and after the first booking I already feel like I can start all over. (In real life I don't really care that much) When in a booking, I try to be as polite as possible, but sometimes it really drives me crazy! What do you think? Brontee XXX
i have long hair my self and i always have to put my hair up in the room and i actually had a client last year that was not happy with the fact that i had my hair up and said his paid $400 and wanted his money back after being in the booking for half an hr so i do disagree


21 yo Sultry Vixen
Gold Member
This one is for working girls and guys as well. Why do guys always want to go with their hands through your hair during sex and mess up your make-up? I find this really frustrating. I spent and hour doing my hair and make-up and after the first booking I already feel like I can start all over. (In real life I don't really care that much) When in a booking, I try to be as polite as possible, but sometimes it really drives me crazy! What do you think? Brontee XXX



its not really complaining, all it takes is understanding that we have to keep the pretty face and hair all night for our clients

Really takes the 'when you are in my booking, it's all about you ' illusion.. :)

I'm sure the wl doesn't want to know how we have other bills to pay beside paying your hourly rate ; thus I find it puzzling why you are making someone who's in your present company unable to truly enjoy the experience cause...as you wrote, got other clients I got to worry about.


I sweat HEAPS in bookings so I gave up wearing tons of makeup and straightening my hair to within an inch of its life... Plus a lot of clients say my freckles are cute and prefer a non cake-face, so now I just wear eye makeup and usually pop my hair into a ponytail when I'm in a booking.

Usually I don't mind a bit of hair pulling but I wear hair extensions so if they get a bit rough I advise them :)

TBH I have found the times I have just come down from a booking, eye makeup smudged and hair up in a messy ponytail, I get booked again straight away... Maybe it's the 'just fucked' look?
Or maybe I just look like a lot of fun LOL

Joey Dee 289

Diamond Member
I sweat HEAPS in bookings so I gave up wearing tons of makeup and straightening my hair to within an inch of its life... Plus a lot of clients say my freckles are cute and prefer a non cake-face, so now I just wear eye makeup and usually pop my hair into a ponytail when I'm in a booking.

Usually I don't mind a bit of hair pulling but I wear hair extensions so if they get a bit rough I advise them :)

TBH I have found the times I have just come down from a booking, eye makeup smudged and hair up in a messy ponytail, I get booked again straight away... Maybe it's the 'just fucked' look?
Or maybe I just look like a lot of fun LOL

Hi Emily...you are so tru (and sexy)...please take it as a compliment when a guy runs his fingers thru your hair he's not trying to mess it up to upset you... (i'll let you in on a little secret) this is something guys do when they are just caught up in the moment.....the most fun I've had is when a lady lets you softly kiss her and gently twirl her hair....I generally go back to see them...not someone uptight about having to brush her hair after our "appointment"....


Legend Member
I sweat HEAPS in bookings so I gave up wearing tons of makeup and straightening my hair to within an inch of its life... Plus a lot of clients say my freckles are cute and prefer a non cake-face, so now I just wear eye makeup and usually pop my hair into a ponytail when I'm in a booking.

Usually I don't mind a bit of hair pulling but I wear hair extensions so if they get a bit rough I advise them :)

TBH I have found the times I have just come down from a booking, eye makeup smudged and hair up in a messy ponytail, I get booked again straight away... Maybe it's the 'just fucked' look?
Or maybe I just look like a lot of fun LOL

I think it must be the "I'll have what he just had !" syndrome - but you had to see the movie !


Wow - that was a great read - not sure I want to have an opinion but I learnt a lot. I guess it is like the farmers gate - leave it as you found it....I agree with DD too - most WL I have met could still get my heart racing with absolutely no make up...but I am a simple man...

emily moore

Bronze Member
I feel like the more effort i put into doing my hair and make up, especially when i have just left the hair dressers and come into work.. it always ends up more messed up than ever. o_O


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy Joey Dee, I disagree with your view of "guys do". Obliviously you enjoy touching a woman hair, but, I respect women and most guys rarely think about, hair, skin, hygiene. On the other hand most women do think about their hair, skin and hygiene. As a mature long term punter , if a W/L says to me, do not touch my face, I will not take it as disrespect, but, I will respect her for telling me one of her rules as well I would ask, any other rules I need to know.

Hi Emily...you are so tru (and sexy)...please take it as a compliment when a guy runs his fingers thru your hair he's not trying to mess it up to upset you... (i'll let you in on a little secret) this is something guys do when they are just caught up in the moment.....the most fun I've had is when a lady lets you softly kiss her and gently twirl her hair....I generally go back to see them...not someone uptight about having to brush her hair after our "appointment"....


Foundation Member
Messing up hair is ok, but for me , id prefer people not to put their hands on my face, not just because of my make up, but more for my skin, dirty, sweaty hands plus makeup = pimples!!

I would hope that the "dirty sweaty hands" would have been dealt with by the pre-booking shower. If not then the lady would have every right to send the guy back in there to clean himself up properly.

The problem for a punter is that too much "don't do this, don't touch me there..." underlines the fact that this is a paid encounter and that is a sure-fire passion killer. O.K., I get the makeup problem but surely stroking a lady's hair isn't going to cause any damage that can't be fixed by five minute's work with a brush???


Gold Member
I see Savannah at Esquire as she is not precious about her lovely hair, I haven't studied her make up (if any), just love how she gets into the moment and is not whinging about her hair or whatever. You don't need to pay to listen to this rubbish about getting hair messed up by men, humidity, rain, wind etc etc. Stuff me, I am looking for a change when I punt.

Joey Dee 289

Diamond Member
Ahoy Joey Dee, I disagree with your view of "guys do". Obliviously you enjoy touching a woman hair, but, I respect women and most guys rarely think about, hair, skin, hygiene. On the other hand most women do think about their hair, skin and hygiene. As a mature long term punter , if a W/L says to me, do not touch my face, I will not take it as disrespect, but, I will respect her for telling me one of her rules as well I would ask, any other rules I need to know.
hmmm...I agreed to some degree "happypirate"....but I have generally showered prior to visiting a private lady and happy to shower again when I get there so my personal hygiene is not in question....me running my fingers thru a ladies hair is not a health concern....I definitely respect a womans right if she doesn't want me to touch her hair and definitely her face.....I make it a point that one of my first questions I ask is "what are the rules and boundaries so we can play safe and happily...


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy Joey Dee, it all cool brother, excellent response from you, its always good to debate and issue or idea, nothing wrong in giving opinions and listening to other person opinions.
All the best in all your Endeavours.

hmmm...I agreed to some degree "happypirate"....but I have generally showered prior to visiting a private lady and happy to shower again when I get there so my personal hygiene is not in question....me running my fingers thru a ladies hair is not a health concern....I definitely respect a womans right if she doesn't want me to touch her hair and definitely her face.....I make it a point that one of my first questions I ask is "what are the rules and boundaries so we can play safe and happily...


Legend Member
This one is for working girls and guys as well. Why do guys always want to go with their hands through your hair during sex and mess up your make-up? I find this really frustrating. I spent and hour doing my hair and make-up and after the first booking I already feel like I can start all over. (In real life I don't really care that much) When in a booking, I try to be as polite as possible, but sometimes it really drives me crazy! What do you think? Brontee XXX

I'd like to amend my first comment on this, as I've only really seen regulars for long bookings so it's a little different. Well yesterday, I did my first 30 minute booking - ever, here in Melbourne which is totally out of character for me but thought I'd try it out. Probably never do another again that short. Well anyway the lady had her hair done nicely and all tied back, make up on too - a little heavier than I'm used to but very presentable. It made sense to me at that point why she would not want it or her makeup touched. Still nothing beats 6 hours of hot sweaty crazy sex with someone you've been seeing for months and hair everywhere!! LOL
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