• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Greta , I like this Brave Brat

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
Very mixed reporting concerning Greta she has Halo that shines brightly on the ABC but when I read about her in the Australian online which I subscribe to any reporting of Greta is a little hard and critical .

What Interest me is the readers comments you can scan though hundreds before finding any support for this small 16 Yo girl.


Steppin' Out
Legend Member
I am more interested in finding out who is pulling her strings. She is very good at virtue signalling, indeed sees nothing wrong in doing it. Her "minders" are the problem and I worry that this child, who has a mental condition, is being used.

My oldest daughter when she was 16 year old had the same intense look and chucked identical tanties when I told her she could not go to parties btw.

John Smithl

Legend Member
There's a lot of articles and commentary.

I liked this one when I read it because it looks at the principles behind things and aspects of critical thinking and communication.

"Her public statements consistently communicate a few key points:​
  • the planet is warming, we are responsible and we need to fix it
    • hope is fine, but it is pointless without action
    • economic concerns are irrelevant in the face of collapsing ecosystems
    • if we do not fix this, future generations will remember us for our failures.
Each time Thunberg speaks, these issues are centre-stage. She is not distracted by rhetoric, straw-man arguments, personal abuse or by condescension or appeals to economic theory."​


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
If it was a 16 year old white male from say Ohio then things would be different.. But she is a Girl so what would she know right, secondly she is not native English speaker so same deal, thirdly she is European so hey she only knows about EuroVision and cheap porn, and finally she is short too, but hey she has more confidence than most 16 year olds have.

She may be being funded by who ever, but who do you think is funding Scott Morrison?

John Smithl

Legend Member
If it was a 16 year old white male from say Ohio then things would be different.. But she is a Girl so what would she know right, secondly she is not native English speaker so same deal, thirdly she is European so hey she only knows about EuroVision and cheap porn, and finally she is short too, but hey she has more confidence than most 16 year olds have...
Ergh... "Phoebe" bringing gender in again! - from someone who is a male hiding behind a female name and avatar...


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
I am more interested in finding out who is pulling her strings. She is very good at virtue signalling, indeed sees nothing wrong in doing it. Her "minders" are the problem and I worry that this child, who has a mental condition, is being used.

My oldest daughter when she was 16 year old had the same intense look and chucked identical tanties when I told her she could not go to parties btw.
Yes, I would like to know that too.
Let's not forget she is only 16.
Who is financing her?
Where are the parents in all that?
I am with you, sabredog, I think she is being used


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Let's not forget she is only 16.

And at 16 could you have gotten up at the UN and did what she did?
Everyone is being backed for a view point, who is backing ScoMo to put his head in the sand?
Her parents are at home, probably looking at their daughter with Pride thinking she is living her life her way
The message will fall on deaf ears and be drowned out by the noise, but she will still campaign none the less.

There has to be a happy balance between climate change , Mining, livability, Jobs etc etc, but no one has a solution yet.

John Smithl

Legend Member
At the end of the day it's about what we can do and our awareness.
Some change will involve pollies, and other changes not.

From the following article, Dr Denniss says: “Anyone interested in directing more resources to renewable energy can switch their super fund to 100 per cent fossil-fuel-free funds...”


Gold Member
Wow, do I really need a 16 year old to tell me that the planet is in a state of change. Was nobody listening when we learned of ice ages coming and going through the ages. Perhaps someone can tell me when exactly was our planet not in a state of change. Yes I think her puppeteers have a lot to answer for, as do other world puppeteers, but Nobody ever said the world was a fair and just place. It would be interesting to see her views in 40 or 50yrs time. As only time can tell.


Diamond Member
All these bush fires didn t start because it's dry climate, most are arson or accidental. It is interesting how it directly link to climate change. Fire cannot start out of no where. There was no thunder.

Initially the report on the news is deliberately lit but since then it's all link to climate change.

I am not saying the climate doesn't change, climate always change since millions of years. Nor am I saying if human contribute or not. But what I want is true reporting on the news, not simply use the word climate change every time there is busy fire.

Funny how you don't see bush fire is dry Africa.


When you were 16 could of you gotten up and did what she did in front of world leaders at The United Nations?
Before any of you think this girl is a messiah, I suggest you read Paul Murrays article in Saturdays West, he is right on the money

John Smithl

Legend Member
All these bush fires didn t start because it's dry climate, most are arson or accidental. It is interesting how it directly link to climate change. Fire cannot start out of no where. There was no thunder.

Initially the report on the news is deliberately lit but since then it's all link to climate change.

I am not saying the climate doesn't change, climate always change since millions of years. Nor am I saying if human contribute or not. But what I want is true reporting on the news, not simply use the word climate change every time there is busy fire.

Funny how you don't see bush fire is dry Africa.
From following article:

Mr Mullins said it had been fascinating to hear the language being used around the debate, with critics suggesting climate change didn’t cause bushfires.
“Of course climate change doesn’t cause bushfires. No one suggested it does,” he said.
But he said climate change did cause increased lightning in places like Tasmania, which never used to experience strikes.
Climate change also made fires more likely, made them burn at times of the year that they never did before and made them burn more intensely..."

Also it is challenging to compare fires in Africa to fires in Australia due to the different context.
Africa: multiple nations coming out of (or still in) third world conditions, scattered and poor resources, national jurisdiction issues, etc.
Australia: single nation, first world country, well resourced, single federal jurisdiction, etc.
I suggest we clean up our own figurative backyards, actions and ways of thinking.

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
When you were 16 could of you gotten up and did what she did in front of world leaders at The United Nations?

No I could not Phoebe because when I was 16yo the League of Nations was still 4 years into the future and the United Nations 29 years away.

John Smithl

Legend Member
When you were 16 could of you gotten up and did what she did in front of world leaders at The United Nations?
...and to continue the line of reasoning...

Nor as a 15yo could I fake my age and go into the slaughter house of WW1 to get shot at/shelled/maimed/killed.
Nor do I hide as a middle aged male behind a female name and avatar on an anonymous forum and throw around gender bombs...
The question is irrelevant because the courage of Greta is not even being currently followed by the questioner in a forum to be open about their own gender, and the questioner knows that no-one on the forum has been in a similar situation as Greta at the UN.

People show courage where they are at.

Elizabeth Ely

Gold Member
A 16 yo with Asperger vs 50+ leaders like Trump and Morrison, IDK but it worries me how these people have the time to get involved with a 16yo and criticized her instead of acting as they should: growing up people.

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
No I could not Phoebe because when I was 16yo the League of Nations was still 4 years into the future and the United Nations 29 years away.

Read my post again Phoebe pay attention to the first word its the purple one with two numerals