• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Game Over


Farm Boy

A Port Adelaide player has died while holidaying in Las Vegas. It is believed the player - who is yet to be publicly named - fell from a balcony.

It is understood seven Port players left on Saturday after Friday night's best-and-fairest dinner to holiday together in the US resort town and that the accident happened at the Flamingo complex, part of the Caesars chains and the oldest resort on the Las Vegas strip.

The club is in contact with members of the travelling group and is working with US authorities while investigations continue.

The player's name has not yet been released as his friends and family are still being informed about the death. Fairfax Media has chosen not to name him.

A hotel spokeswoman said in a statement that the man was found at 5.40am (10.40pm AEST) on the hotel's south driveway. He was unresponsive, she said.

"He was transported to the University Medical Center of Las Vegas, where he was pronounced deceased," said the spokeswoman, Debbie Munch.

"Nevada's Clark County Coroner’s Office is investigating and is the point of contact for further details.’’


Its John McCarthy.

Involved either jumping or falling from a balcony.

too high, push in the back


Gold Member
Who is the culprit of his fall from the balcony?
(Yeah, I know the wording of my question is awkward, but I simply can not use "Who pushed him?" or "Who is the culprit?" because neither of these two questions is over 20 characters.)
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Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Shit.........that's sad. Worked last night and didn't have a news up-date so far. Did he jump or was pushed or does it look like an accident?


I disagree... somethings not right. I don't think foul play but it'll be interesting to see the toxicology results.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
He was on the phone to his girl friend before it happened. And apparently they had a fight.
I agree, WRXXXR, something is not right.



He was trying to jump onto a near by palm according to news today. So sad :(


Legend Member
I believe he was on drugs. Could be wrong. Otherwise he went to the roof to get a vantage point to see where he needed to go but couldnt open the door as it locekd behind him. So he tried to jump onto a tree and scale down. Or it was drugs.


I'm hardly a saint but this is just my $0.02c worth. Guys, this chap has died. His parents, friends, girlfriend could well be scouring the net, papers etc for answers. Perhaps out of respect, we should leave all this alone and not speculate or comment or repeat rumours and hearsay stuff.

Let him die in dignity.


Live and work in the spotlight, die in the spotlight.

Its the nature of the beast. Dont like it, dont go party in vegas with your footy mates.

Sensual ~ Vanessa

Gold Member
It is sad and those personally affected...it is a heartwrenching tragedy.

In relation to footy culture in Australia...there is alot to be said for how we idolise
footballers and what this leads to....
Its awesome how any sportsman in any sport can be successful in what they do but
they are just people.


Well, I suspect many people didn't know his name except for ardent footy fans. Secondly, he didn't live in the spotlight really - he just worked in it. Seriously, not quibbling here. Few people knew his girlfriend's name etc.

Now everyone's got a theory. He didn't die in the spotlight - he died alone without being himself it appears but under the influence of something else.

Finally, who are we to discuss this? That being said, it's the last I'll say on the subject. Think of the family - who didn't live in any spotlight - and let them and him rest in peace.

Sensual ~ Vanessa

Gold Member
I totally understand what your saying Contrarian...I'm totally guilty of jumping bandwagons...
mostly cause I find sadness in seeing so many go down in the name of sport
but yes!!

condolences to the family xx