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From a distance...


Legend Member
Not in the stalking kind of way but have you ever loved or lusted after someone from a distance??
Been listening to some old music tonight and I was listening to Bruce Springsteens song "Jessies Girl"

How do you cope seeing the person you think is your dream match but not have the courage to tell them. Is it because your too shy or are they already with your best mate or do you just think they are out of your league??


Full Member
Foundation Member
....pssssstttttt BB, it was written & performed by Rick Springfield not the Boss (unless the Boss did a cover, of course) :)


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
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Legend Member
A bit freaky......brrrrrrr.......I had one guy ages ago calling me at home (still don't know how he got my number) telling me what I did wear the day where I went and who I was talking to.....freaked me out......seriously.
It stopped after a few weeks but you can be sure it left a scar.........for weeks I felt like somebody is watching me and I never worked out who the caller was.
So "from a distance" as you call it can turn into a really f***ed up mind game.
So no thanks!!!!!!!!!!



Legend Member
....pssssstttttt BB, it was written & performed by Rick Springfield not the Boss (unless the Boss did a cover, of course) :)

OOPS... I feel so shy, had the song named as sung by Bruce on my hard drive.

Guess I`m getting an early dose of Alzheimer's...
Now where is the shy face or hide me icon??

Speaking of music and Bruce... Did you know that some say his song "Secret Garden" was writtern about a W/L???

Langtrees VIP Perth 2

I love that song! And i've had that experience! I used to lust after a guy called David S when I was very young (about 18) and I actually did date him on two separate occasions, but it just never worked out...(his dad passed away and he had to go overseas the first time, and the second time I had to leave to go overseas to study...maybe not meant to be?) but i've never forgotten about him and when i'm in those moods when i'm sitting around listening to the old time favorite music, that's exactly where my thoughts end up...
Maybe one day we'll cross roads again...hopefully!

Lisa xxx
P.s. Thanks! Now you've got me thinking! Lol!


Foundation Member
I guess we all have our fantasies and this one is harmless enough so long as it stays in the fantasy realm. We all have our "familiar strangers" who we encounter regularly without really "knowing" them. The guy/girl who catches the same bus, the jogger who pants past as you pick up the paper etc. I have a habit of giving them names like "hot blonde" (power walker),"little red" (jogger) ""wolf lady" who walks a couple of German Shepherds... etc.

We always exchange waves and say hello but that is it and, really, as far as it should go in that context.

Now if I followed one of the girls, found out where she lived, sussed out where she worked etc that would be very creepy and, if she found out, pretty scary for her. Legally, it is called stalking and could lead to stern-faced gentlemen in blue shirts knocking on my door.

Look all you want and enjoy whatever fantasies you like - it is one of life's free pleasures. If you want more approach her in a direct and friendly manner and see where it goes.
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Legend Member
Amazing what difference a few years make 15 and following the "love" of your life And every adult around smiles and says look at little johnny hes got a schoolyard crush. 18 and following a school girl Its keep an eye on that John I think he's stalking that girl
And BB Its allright to admit to being a Springsteen fan But Ricky "Make the little girls swoon" Springfield ??I thought you where betterhan that mate