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Fitness/exercise advice



I'm seeking advice on good exercises which target the waistline. I know there are hundreds of ab. products advertised on television, but I would prefer some practical advice.

Up until about 4 months ago I used to eat alot and consume moderate amounts of alcohol, but after a trip to the doctor and a prescription for anti-depressants I no longer eat or drink as a means of trying to combat depression.

I now eat smaller portions for my meals, I've added fruits and vegies( two food types that were rare in my diet) I have not had any alcohol for 4 months, have cut out my fortnightly bucket of KFC, instead of eating a packet of chocolate biscuits or Arnotts shapes I'll now have some fruit. So,generally I'm eating less and eating healthier.:)

My current exercise regime consists of not much:eek: ....at work I spend 4-5 hours of my shift walking around, the rest of the time driving a car.

In the three months of my new diet I've lost around 12 kg and my waistline has dropped 3 inches.:) I'm not too fussed about my actual body weight but I would like to lose a few more inches from my waist.

So, I'm looking for advice on exercises which target this area


Unfortunately there is NO excercise that will help you lose weight of any one specific area of your body. When you lose fat, it goes from all over your body at the same rate. The places where you store the most fat will take longer to go.

It's a saying in the health industry - First on - Last off. This means that the first place that you start storing fat (tummy for men) will be the last place you will lose it from.

Also, did you know that your abs are there always? They are just hidden by layers of fat for most men. Me included dammit!

My advice is a 1/2 hour walk every day. Doesn't have to be fast, just get out there. And eat well.

Also, take your time when eating. The tummy takes up to 20 minutes to realise it's full. This is why we can stuff ourselves and feel uncomfortably fat soon after. Eat half a meal and then put your knife and fork down for a few minutes and read the paper or talk to your partner. You'll find you don't eat as much because you don't need to.

And congrats on the weight loss. A kilo a week is excellent and about on target for someone with a lot of weight to lose. Others with just a little to lose won't lose as much as quickly.

Good luck.

Naughty Thoughts

Quick note about jogging (should you wish to do it):

When someone goes for a jog, they'll know they are at their optimum speed when they are starting to sweat but can still carry on a conversation.

If they're not sweating at least a little, they're too slow. If they need to breathe deeply and can't talk at a semi-normal rate, they're going too fast.

This guide seems to work on almost any body type. It also means that they'll be moving quite slowly to begin with, but will get better over the course of a few months.

And be consistent. If you're going to do 1/2 an hour a day, stick to that. If you skip a few days and then try to 'make it up' by doing three hours worth you'll just make yourself tired.


Foundation Member
watch out when jogging cavey.. your man boobs will give you a black eye if you arent careful :headbang: :headbang:


hi cavi,,have to say you have made a huge jump towards a better..you..thats great to see mate,,i can understand you have motivation now,,,i think generaly when you are doing your patrols ..lift your leg a bit heigher with every step you take do that for a week and see if you can feel that,,..and after that start to squat down as well ,,but lett your body addjust first mate,,,
i say good on you to make the change ,,,from viking
letts hear about your progress matey

Mary Anne PA

Jiggy jiggy makes you like Twiggy

Aro cousin...lots of disipline. The best natural exersize is Jiggy jiggy. Go for twenty minutes to half an hour evelly day.You waste she get smaller.Velly velly good for you.
Man cans plenty of swimming in dee river if you got no riva..find a pool.

Sqiggly physeudo Caveboy..don't let dee side down..become a real CAVEMAN ONEDAY..ug ug...... go end do it now..not tomaro


Quick note about jogging (should you wish to do it):

When someone goes for a jog, they'll know they are at their optimum speed when they are starting to sweat but can still carry on a conversation.

If they're not sweating at least a little, they're too slow. If they need to breathe deeply and can't talk at a semi-normal rate, they're going too fast.

This guide seems to work on almost any body type. It also means that they'll be moving quite slowly to begin with, but will get better over the course of a few months.

And be consistent. If you're going to do 1/2 an hour a day, stick to that. If you skip a few days and then try to 'make it up' by doing three hours worth you'll just make yourself tired.

This was very helpful advice:thumbsup:, it was a bit of trial and error getting my jogging pace right. At first I was too fast and became breathless after only 400 - 500m:(

I slowed down a bit and now I can easily cover 3km without stopping and not feel stuffed at the end. Speed is only about 8km/h but the exercise is certainly beneficial. :)


Foundation Member
Yep, some good advice there.

Too many middle aged men get fired up, hit the gym or the track too hard and set themselves up for injury or worse. Easing into it and doing a bit every day plus cleaning up your dietary act is the smart way to go and easier to maintain over the long haul.

Running or walking are both good and swimming is even better - it is more of a full-body workout and doesn't jar your undercarriage like running. Another good toner-upper is to buy a set of weights and have a qualified gym junkie design a programme for you. You don't have to try and beat Schwartzneggar (is that spelt right??)just tone up the upper body a bit. Most of the so-called "ab exercisers" advertised in the papers are crap and some are downright dangerous.


Full Member
Foundation Member
....I'm no fitness guru but just 1 tip if I may......make sure you warm up before your workout and then cool down after. As Sven posted, you may have all the right intentions, but you need to take a couple of precautions.

For example, I was in europe recently finishing up what was an enjoyable 2 month trip. A few days before I was due to fly home, I went to the beach. A simple & pleasant enough outing but after a couple of minutes swimming around I felt a sharp pain in my ankle. Outcome, a strained my achilles tendon....thank goodness I didn't snap it. Who would have thought that 5 weeks later I'd still be limping around & experiencing pain.

Good luck with your fitness regime.

Last edited:


congrats on the weight loss :) swimming is a great way to lose some weight off ur stomach that and jogging naturally will slim u down,sit ups are good but make sure u do side sit ups as well so that u stretch the side of ur abs as well as the front, if u join the gym theres plenty more ab exercises u can do on machines as well.


Yep, some good advice there.

Too many middle aged men get fired up, hit the gym or the track too hard and set themselves up for injury or worse. Easing into it and doing a bit every day plus cleaning up your dietary act is the smart way to go and easier to maintain over the long haul.

Other good advice is to set realistic goals. I dont expect to go from 20+ years of being a couch potato:eek: to competing in a triathalon:rolleyes:

I just want to lose the beergut,love-handles and man-boobs:eek:


I did it

I actually managed to reach one of my exercise goals....

My target distance for my regular jogging was 5km. After 4 weeks of 3km jogs( with times slowly decreasing from 22+ minutes down to 15 minutes) I decided to try dropping the pace a little and increasing the distance. For the first time in my life I am now able to jog 5km in a bit over 30 minutes:happy8::happy7:


Congratulations mate.

It's probably been said before, but good fitness is a marathon, not a sprint. Keep it up and keep the goals in mind.


great news cavi............it is a feel good thing ..and some changes will come along with it..i am sure...
potatoe couches want hot girlfriend,,,hot girlfriend wants hot man..lol.
so keep it up and we will waite for the good news that you have run into a nice girl..lol..all the best matey..from viking


Keep hoping that on one of my evening runs a young lady will appear from the shadows and join me:D, but the closest I've got to that dream is passing a couple of ladies jogging the opposite direction:(( might have looked a bit dodgy if I suddenly turned around and made it a threesome):eek:

farmer bob

i did a personal trainer course which can be summed up like this -

try to always keep good posture, suck the stomach in, shoulders locked down and back - like a solider stance - do this as much as possible during the day it burns extra energy, makes you look better and reduces risks of injury

its good to do exercise that gets you sweating and comfortably puffing ie not so hard you feel like dying- constant movement during the day can achieve the same results - even if you sit in a chair all day it's still possible to move ie lift your feet off the ground for as long as you can, do air punches, stretch

sometimes, a week to many weeks, of rest is required for the body to completely heal and get stronger it all depends on how hard you've gone -

listen to the little aches and pains in your body they can become major injuries

our bodies are designed to do 3 things the arms push and pull, the legs get us up and down and forearms, stomach/back/neck muscles keep us stable and upright - so do some squats, pushups and pullups not chin-ups to many people poke their neck out like a turtle and end up with bad necks keep your neck and spine straight and just raise/pull yourself up - when you can do like a 100 of each - do 1000 - these three exercises work every muscle in the body more muscle equals more body fat burnt during the day even while asleep

plan to do more over time - keep it to one target ie longer time of exercise or same time length just go further/harder - to try to do both at once can cause overtraining injuries

generally dietary intake compared to movement determines weight
specifically its to much saturated fat that makes our bodies fat and fat burns off the whole body not individual parts - take a look for example and no-offence an overweight typist their fingers move all day yet they still have fat on their hands, check-out operators move and lift weight with their arms all day yet they don't have big fat legs and absolutely arnie style ripped muscly arms-

make it fun, make it something you enjoy, something you really look forward to doing - like the jiggy jiggy get her to hold on and do some squats etc - and it will never be a pain or a chore


very good addvice ..farmer bob...i have just gotten back in training again ..walking .and talking..lol..and i have 2 home gyms sat up for different moves,,its healty it gives energy ..funny that is,,cut back on my food and lost about 6.7 kg in 8 weeks so not too bad now i am just shaping up..a littel...hope cavi is doing okay ..have not heard from him in some time,,,ps did he meet a lady on his walk..smile well lett us know ..from viking

farmer bob

walking and talking, singing and dancing learn how to love moving and if a muscles sore learn how to massage it,

that's something else i learned they included massage therapy

muscles have a starting point called the origin and an ending point called the insertion

learn some anatomy and start from the end of the muscle and work back to its start and :headbang: it is all good BABY

Learn how the body works and you'll learn how to make someone's else's body work


yes no it very well...lol..listen to your body at all times,,,
and massage is a very nice way to gett to know anothere person ..smile,,my friend has just left now,,anothere good littel work out,,the had to jump on the push bike as i had no milk ..up to the deli and back so a bit off extra work out was very good...thanks farmer bob,,liked your reply


haahahahahahahaha sorry have to laugh at these types of posts. Look, without going into hour long detail if you want to gain muscle or loose fat do a DIET!!!!!
As an ex bodybuilder i met alot of "personal trinaers" and i can tel you they dont know JACK SQUAT!!

Muscle gain and fat loss comes like this :
80% Diet
20% Weights (yes no frecken cardio)

You dont need to run a marrathon everyday to loose weight! Just lift some bloody weights and diet !!!

If you really want to train properly start with this site

Mary Anne PA

haahahahahahahaha sorry have to laugh at these types of posts. Look, without going into hour long detail if you want to gain muscle or loose fat do a DIET!!!!!
As an ex bodybuilder i met alot of "personal trinaers" and i can tel you they dont know JACK SQUAT!!

Muscle gain and fat loss comes like this :
80% Diet
20% Weights (yes no frecken cardio)

You dont need to run a marrathon everyday to loose weight! Just lift some bloody weights and diet !!!

If you really want to train properly start with this site

Thanks for the advice L&L. I personally love my weights, but do some yoga/pilates to help keep flexible.

farmer bob

there's a lot of bodybuilders out there whose diet consists of chemicals and die at age 40 because their heart died - it's only able to be exercised thru cardio- the fact that their diet consisted of mainly meat added a huge factor into this -
add in the number of bodybuilders that never become one because of the freaky weight lifting they do which results in shoulder, knee, back, neck etc injury, i was one and when you get to know them the only way they can train everyday the way they do is the chemicals they take in so if you want to be dependant on horse semen the rest of your days then keep listening to them


we all know how to get fit - eat right and move more


Queen of the Underworld
Foundation Member
I concur, don't do A diet...don't try all those diets out there...the real diet is your daily routine. Sure, we all stray, but the general idea is there. Watch what and how much you intake and try to cover all essential nutrients and vitamins [without the need for replacement pills].

If you eat more calories than you lose [by way of exercise or other forms], you will gain weight / fat as it stores for future use...

And as farmer bob has said, you need to do a regular exercise routine also that covers the whole body, not just one area. You want to build your fitness.

Work on your core strength [suck in your tummy - there are 3 layers of abdominal muscles and it's the inner abs that need the strengthening] as with that, your posture and other strengths will improve over time. Also, if you have a fitness ball, lay flat on your back and bring yourself out so your shoulders and neck are flat, suck in your tummy and bring yourself up level with your neck. There are many other exercises, but this seems to be easier. Also, lay flat on the floor, bring your feet up on to the ball and rest the back of your heels on it, then suck in your tummy and bring your butt up in to the air and hold it. This is also good.

You cannot hope to lose or gain from one specific area, everyone is built differently and will fall off and pile on however the body deems worthy [or not].


haahahahahahahaha sorry have to laugh at these types of posts. Look, without going into hour long detail if you want to gain muscle or loose fat do a DIET!!!!!
As an ex bodybuilder i met alot of "personal trinaers" and i can tel you they dont know JACK SQUAT!!

Muscle gain and fat loss comes like this :
80% Diet
20% Weights (yes no frecken cardio)

You dont need to run a marrathon everyday to loose weight! Just lift some bloody weights and diet !!!

If you really want to train properly start with this site

I've met a lot of body builders and they don't know jack squat ;)

farmer bob

yep its all genetic generally men keep fat on their love handles women keep it on their thighs - the only way to lose specific fat is to get liposuction, please don't.
try instead to think positive, look in the mirror and see a sexy human, congratulate yourself for doing something so many do nothing and laugh lots and lots its an awesome exercise and a medicine to


Fitness for Cavesquig

You have your brain thinking slim. That's good, if you have access to a pool do a few laps but don't overdo it. Next get on a pushbike and that will lift the heart rate as well as the sweat. Drink one and half to two litres of water a day rainwater is preferable. Keep to low impact exercise as most people have back problem. Eat lots of fresh fruit and vegies. I only eat chicken and fish and I'm still alive. See how that suits your body. Hope there is some good tips for your body.


Ahh awesome, glad i found this post, ive been wondering about my diet and what sort of exercise to, i have found a exercise ball and was wondering what to do with that.

Plus a guy i knew made a boxing routine to do, that consists of sit ups, push ups and arm exercises and my favourite skipping.

I also now walk far more than usual.

Hmm it might just be my diet i need to get into line as I still cannot lose these last 5 kgs that im wanting to lol.



Ahh i should perhaps fix my bike as well - that might help.


Ahh i didnt mean to put a stop to this thread - has anyone had any good results as of late for their diet???

Or can suggest some good cooking meals.


Silver Member
A friends Dad has never put on any weight, and one day we asked how he managed it? (We've all porked up by the way) And he smiled at us and said "I just eat less when I feel a few extra pounds." The problem for me is I haven't managed to eat less, and can't seem to exercise more (too busy eating!). You never know, I might manage it soon...