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First love ,do you ever get over your feelings for them, let’s open the discussion


Gold Member
First love, some people say you never fully get over them, do you think this is true , perhaps you still hold a flame for them, do a social media stalk, or even are secretly sleeping with them. Interested to know your thoughts


Feelix Fingers
Bronze Member
She was an ocean I wanted to drown in, but her tide wen't out and I had to learn how to breath air again.. :(
Did get over her her and am left with the most amazing memories.


Foundation Member
I've never gotten over my first love. She was an amazing lover and a great friend. I was a young prick so I deserved being dumped. For some emotional reason I have never let anyone else kiss my ears. No stalking although I did ring her up after 30 years hoping maybe something would happen but she wasn't interested and was still very much the same opinionated self.


Illegitimi non carborundum
Legend Member
Me neither in some ways. We’re friends on FB (Our thing is now 35 years ago) but I believe that we’re not together for a reason. Much as she still tugs at my heartstrings a little.
We talk on live chat sometimes and we’ve both been through other relationships and we both have children.
It’s nice to reminisce on simpler times but the reality is that the memory is best left untarnished and perfected by the ravages of time and several thousand glasses of wine,

My first and last natural blonde ‍♀️ !