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Feelings towards virgins?


Bronze Member
Hey everyone, I'm new here (1st post), what drew me here was that I was wondering how people felt towards dealing with virgins?

I hear mixed feelings from people I talk to, some people say to avoid them like the plague, but occasionally I hear people say they really enjoy deflowering them. Thoughts?


Bronze Member
OK so I guess there's some hesitancy, I understand. I'll be more upfront about it then: I'm a 27 year old virgin and I'm considering working with an escort soon. I'm in Brisbane, I'm very healthy and fit and I'm not that shy.

Can anyone offer some advice regarding where to go, if a brothel or a private w/l would suit me better, etc...


I dont see any real enjoyment in "deflowering" virgin's as i sort of view that as guy's not being able to perform with someone who is more experienced.

I've only slept with two virgin's and thats because i loved them (and will always hold them close to my heart). Some things in life should be special and i'd hate to think the girls now wish they could take it back. I know they both have never felt that way and i can tell you right now they remember the dates / time / circumstances and so do I.

I doubt very much it will happen again but if it was to, i would certainly make sure it was going to be remember in 50 years time as special day rather than a drunken memory.

Edit, I actually misread what you wrote! Brain does not work all that well sometimes!

Any caring person will understand your concerns so you have nothing to fear! First few times may be very ackward but then it will be good fun and with a bit of confidence, will happen more often!
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kitty's desires

I don't think there is any issue if you are a virgin, just let the girl know before hand so she can help you make it memorable in a good way rather than it being clumsy or disappointing. As far as brothel or private, either way would be the same, though personally I think if you go private you have more chance of it being in a relaxed fashion and less intimidating way.

Miss Claire

Bronze Member
no problems with virgins as far as im concerned. i actually think it would be a good experience, teaching someone would be a entirely different and fun experience i think.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Hi Edwardo.....hope I understand your post the right way......you want to work as an escort ('working with an escort.....')?
If that is the case I think you should gather some experience first. As far as I can tell quite a few people who go for escorts like sexual guidance so you need to know what to do and how to do it.
If "working with an escort......" means that you like to get one for yourself to 'lose' your virginity.......good on you, go for it and don't worry about it. Introducing somebody to the pleasures of the sexual world is a great thing to do.
Whatever you do......good luck and enjoy.::)


Bronze Member
Thanks Rochelle, and yes it was the 2nd option. I'm a virgin and have been seriously considering using an escort service for a while now but I've never gone through with it. I'm starting to lean more towards the thought that I only have one life and I might as well spend it trying new things and enjoying myself. Why wait? :)


If it's been bothering you, i wouldn't hesitate. Find someone understanding (perhaps a more "mature" women who appreciates your concerns rather than a young girl who doesn't) and it'll be like learning to ride a bike!

Bit intimidating at first and you might fall off but soon enough you'll be riding no hands and it will come naturally and you will wonder what the fuss was about :D


Foundation Member
If it's been bothering you, i wouldn't hesitate. Find someone understanding (perhaps a more "mature" women who appreciates your concerns rather than a young girl who doesn't) and it'll be like learning to ride a bike!

Bit intimidating at first and you might fall off but soon enough you'll be riding no hands and it will come naturally and you will wonder what the fuss was about :D

I prefer to ride with my hands on the handle bars! :D


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
And just as an add on......Langtrees offers all sorts of bikes....kidding. No, serious now......and I am not only saying that because I am a W/L there......but for your first time you should really make it a special occasion. make sure you only 'do it' with a lady you feel comfortable with. The first time is probably a bit immitating and you might feel embarrassed.
And without blowing my own trumpet (because I am what you call a 'mature lady'.........lol.....I love this expression) I agree with WRXXR.....start off with a mature lady.
Again ........good luck.


Bronze Member
Thanks guys, I had no idea people would be this receptive towards the idea :)

Can anyone recommend a 'mature' (minded) W/L in Brisbane?


Thanks guys, I had no idea people would be this receptive towards the idea :)

Can anyone recommend a 'mature' (minded) W/L in Brisbane?

Such a pity you are in Brisbane, I could enjoy being your first and leaving you with a memorable time. :hello:


Personally I do not think that a virgin should be sought for as some type of prize. Besides sex with a virgin can often be awkward if if you are experienced

Alecia the Foxx

Personally I do not think that a virgin should be sought for as some type of prize. Besides sex with a virgin can often be awkward if if you are experienced

I agree. I prefer not to work with them.


Thanks Rochelle, and yes it was the 2nd option. I'm a virgin and have been seriously considering using an escort service for a while now but I've never gone through with it. I'm starting to lean more towards the thought that I only have one life and I might as well spend it trying new things and enjoying myself. Why wait? :)

That's the way it happened for me, 30 years later and still very memorable


you said it best, only got one life, might aswell live it to the maxx


I lost my virginity to a working lady, I talked to a few beforehand to see which one I felt most comfortable with and she was quite fine with me being a virgin. Just make sure to not jump into it with someone you aren't comfortable with or it won't be a fun experience like it should be.

Also I realise this thread is old but am posting this for any virgins who are thinking of going to a working lady and happen to find this on the forum search :)


my bad on double post, don't understand how it happened only clicked once lol
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Alecia the Foxx

I suppose I have turned off them because of all the idiotic texts I get saying, "Hi Foxxy, I am a virgin. Will you fuck me for free?" Then you find out they are still texting all your friends 2 months later saying the same crap.

Farm Boy

I suppose I have turned off them because of all the idiotic texts I get saying, "Hi Foxxy, I am a virgin. Will you fuck me for free?" Then you find out they are still texting all your friends 2 months later saying the same crap.

Please tell me you did not take someones virginity and not there money Alecia

Farm Boy

Wise choice I think a fair bit of bullshit go on with these mail virginity claims .

Alecia the Foxx

Wise choice I think a fair bit of bullshit go on with these mail virginity claims .

I would say so. Especially when they are texting the same message to working girls months later. Although if they are that much of a dork, it is easy to see why they have not lost their virginity yet. Don't get me wrong, I actually feel sorry for these guys, it must be terrible to be that lonely that you are texting someone you don't know begging for sex. But it is not my responsibility to relieve that problem for them, it goes deeper than just sex, and they have work to do on other fronts. I am happy to see them for my advertised prices, though. And I hope they find inner peace, I really do. :eek:ccasion14


Bronze Member
I suppose I have turned off them because of all the idiotic texts I get saying, "Hi Foxxy, I am a virgin. Will you fuck me for free?" Then you find out they are still texting all your friends 2 months later saying the same crap.

Thats pretty tasteless - No wonder they're not getting any sex (if they really are virgins).

Alecia the Foxx

Thats pretty tasteless - No wonder they're not getting any sex (if they really are virgins).

My thoughts exactly, Racer. But I would rather ignore those texts than actually text that back to them. My main philosophy in life is to do and say what I have to, but to be kind by default. I don't always live up to that, but, usually, if I can't say something nice, I don't say anything at all. O0


Bronze Member
Thats pretty tasteless - No wonder they're not getting any sex (if they really are virgins).

Well judging by what she said, I would safely assume these people are not virgins. (Going on to text her friends 2 months later.)