• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Federal Election


Farm Boy

Well puddle I gave you 3 differences and you labeled them talking points, We both must believe there are fundamental differences or we would not post.


Gold Member

Did you know that Indonesia alone has over one million soldiers with rifles.
Now lets see 50,000 stop that lot if there wasn't a big stick there as a deterent.

Australia probably doesnt have 50,000 rifles anyway and gun phobia has disarmed the general public.

There is a lot of misdirected hype that we are well equipped.
We just do not have the trained personnel to use the equipment effectively.

The navy for instance has more ships than crews.
Easy to hide the fact. just put a ship into refit and reasign the crew to another vessel.


Gold Member

Did you know that Indonesia alone has over one million soldiers with rifles.
Now lets see 50,000 stop that lot if there wasn't a big stick there as a deterent.

Australia probably doesnt have 50,000 rifles anyway and gun phobia has disarmed the general public.

There is a lot of misdirected hype that we are well equipped.
We just do not have the trained personnel to use the equipment effectively.

The navy for instance has more ships than crews.
Easy to hide the fact. just put a ship into refit and reasign the crew to another vessel.


Gold Member
I wish the debate they had was this good. I really wanted to see a question time kind of thing with back and fourth not a tea party debate where everyone plays happy politics. More gritty.


Foundation Member
whilom sounds like the rhetoric from the 60's you've regurgitated. We are a more sophisticated society than back in the days of Bob Menzies and the yellow peril.

Farm Boy

O dear just a couple more things It is true that in 96 John Howard said never ever a G. S. T. THEN BEFORE the 98 election the libs said We are going to introduce a GST In short everyone, got fair warning . Now our father or grandfather generation fort a war very close to Aus, Menzies Australia ,had genuine fears and for the times legitimate ones. Next Prime Minster Julia Has been saying MOVING FORWARDS so if on this post if we can just fight election 2010 we will all move forward.
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Gold Member

I guess it does sound a bit like that but the truth is that from a force of nearly 150,000 successive governments have reduced our defence manpower by over 60% to a point where we are unable to defend ourselves.
It may never happen but if it did we will have to rely on help from the US. Just one US Carrier Group has more fire power and endurance than the entire Australian Armed Service.
We need to be in Afghanistan to support the US so they will be there for us if and I stress if we need them to support us.


Gold Member
Defend ourselves from what? There is no one to our North capable of invading us. The Kiwis have taken a long term approach to infiltrating us, the Somalis with their little boats seem to be content with hijacking ships rounding the Horn and so far the Penguins are not having much of an impact from the South.


Silver Member
Say what you like about the Howard government years, (I've no doubt you will), but the country was effectively run, the national budget was in surplus for the first time in decades, inflation was minimal, employment was up, illegal immigration was in the decline, money was being spent on defence not culled from it.
3 years of Labour has essentially screwed most of it away. An unpopular Rudd was pushed for Gillard to attract the populist and womans vote, and because she will be easy to topple in the next Labour leadership pogrom.
Will I be voting Liberal? possibly; but only because the Libs seem to be the lesser and more progressive of two evils.
You could look back to a former Labour government, when Keating instigated the recesssion we supposedly had to have and interest rates went through the roof. If you remember the interest rates for home loans went up to 18% & 19%, and you can see what they may have in our near future due to their financial mismanagement. I could be wrong, but...
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Mary Anne PA

Surplus into deficit- if providing economic stimulus during the GFE was such a dangerous move, why is that most economists agreed that labor's policies were the right thing to do?

Green light to people smuggling- where is the evidence that people smuggling increased because of the labor rolling back some of the Howard Government's policies? Are you aware that refugees fleeing their country increased worldwide during this period? The fact that was a surge in refugees after Howard bought in temporary protection visas should be enough to show you that the numbers are not affected by government policy.

Trying to kill the mining industry- this is obviously the most rediculous claim. An undertaxed industry was asked to pay more (but only on the upper end of it's obscene profits). The industry embarks on a fear campaign that miners will up and leave if they can no longer rape our mines at bargain basement prices and members of the public fall for it hook line and sinker. Do you honestly think if this mining tax would hurt investment in this area one of the richest men in the country (Gerry Harvery) would have supported it's introduction?

Excellent summary :)

Farm Boy

When Gerry Harvey has to pay a super tax on all profits above 6.5 percent he will be singing from a different hymn sheet . as would any business. incidental I an not opposed to the mining paying higher royalties an entirety different thing.


Foundation Member
interesting thing about the previous mining tax was the claim that it woudl kill investment. what wasnt highlighted was teh fact there was a 40% write-off for exploration. the back end of that was a 40% tax on the profits.
what do we do for income when there no more mineral wealth to dig up?


Gold Member
When the Greens take control of the Senate courtesy of the Labor alliance it will never get to a point where there will not be anything more to dig up.

Them polluting and ecco destroying miners will be taxed into oblivion.
Forestry will be eliminated entirely.
Unemployment will be rife and those jobs that are available will go to our deserving and persecuted illegals.
Interest rates and inflation will increase to a point that home ownership will be a long lost dream.
Our wealthy northern neighbors will buy mortgages at ridiculous prices to offset our ever increasing bankruptcy rates.
Before long Friday will be prayer day and we will be forced to obey the local interpretation of the Koran as ordered by the states Islamic court.


Foundation Member
Funny thing no-one has mentioned the real kicker in the mining tax.

In terms of the constitution mining royalties belong to the States. Canberra's new tax was going to the commonwealth "to be distributed to the States" probably like the GST with W.A. only getting back around 68c of every dollar raised. In other words, they are taking over a State revenue source.

As to "obscene profits" don't forget that miners also take "obscene risks", often resulting in millions of dollars in exploration costs, drilling, assessments etc being spent for no return. They also employ thousands of workers (who pay tax) and pay the usual range of company and payroll taxes.


Full Member
Foundation Member
When the Greens take control of the Senate courtesy of the Labor alliance it will never get to a point where there will not be anything more to dig up.

I'm unsure what you mean by "Labour alliance"? Are you referring to the preference deals that all parties engage in before an election? If so, the way you demolish these "deals" is by NOT voting based on a patry's How To Vote card. You vote based on your own selections. All parties are aware of the public's apathy when it comes to voting so they encourage voters to follow their how to vote cards. This is a blatant manipulation of the electoral process.......and is condone. Bottom line....if you follow a How To Vote card, you will endorse these preferential deals.

Them polluting and ecco destroying miners will be taxed into oblivion.
Forestry will be eliminated entirely.
Unemployment will be rife and those jobs that are available will go to our deserving and persecuted illegals.
Interest rates and inflation will increase to a point that home ownership will be a long lost dream.
Our wealthy northern neighbors will buy mortgages at ridiculous prices to offset our ever increasing bankruptcy rates.
Before long Friday will be prayer day and we will be forced to obey the local interpretation of the Koran as ordered by the states Islamic court.

....a bit over the top here, whilom.....maybe your venting (and fair enuff) but, geez....the above...????

Farm Boy

Fudd voters can follow or chose not to follow, a to party how to vote card . I have only ever seen lower house candidates on these.Were it gets a bit murky is ticking above the line on the senate ticket .Unless a voter looks the web he will have no idea how a individual party has allocated Senate preferences,And when you look at the multitude of party's / individuals on a senate ticket it gets complicated.
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Gold Member
Actuall this Stabbed in the back RUDD/Backstabbing Julia Labor governement has not achieved the ususul Labor target to ensure re-election.
The so called Global recession threw a spanner in the works there.
If re-elected however they are in a perfect position to achoieve their objectives.

1 On election immediately make decisions that will ensure a majority welfare voter base for a second term.
2 Keep stuffing the economy to ensure a high unemployment level to add to the Welfare dependant voter base.
3 Increase the illegal migrant intake and offer them substantally higher welfare payments than given to our native australian Pensioners. This increases the welfare dependent voter base.
4 Redefine the electoral boundarys to confine Liberal voters to high density areas (do not contest these seats).
5 Split other Liberal voting areas and absorb sections in to High labour voting areas.

It has worked like this for every elected labour government.
Eventually of course even the die hard labour voters get some sanity and vote them out.

Wait and see or read back over our political history and watch it all happen again.


Gold Member
We have a leak.
Some funny bugger has leaked the shit I have been sprouting to the Sunday Times and they have run with most of it but added a few facts.

Not appreciated Jan.
Not funny at all.

Farm Boy

No doubt every Poly in Perth will have there staff on the job this morning joining up and contributing. .................. yep 3 new members while I typed this
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Farm Boy

Happytimes If you have pay TV go to channel 648 its free most people probable would not watch for long but i find it interesting. When federal Parliament sits you see the lot not just question time.

Farm Boy

Julia has been around Perth schools today drumming up support amongst teachers nothing wrong with that. But I would like to see our P.M. in the Goldfields and Port Headland in short go to were the record trade surplus have been generated.
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Silver Member
She's much safer hanging with the kiddies. I grew up in various mining towns across the NW, 15-50 years ago she would have been treated by trade union controlled minesites like a demi-goddess with flags, families, and school kids lining the main drag from the airport to wave at her...
These days she'd be lucky only to have an egg thrown at her, and unlikely to get out of Hedland or the Goldfields unscathed.
Labours mining tax has a lot of families scared of losing their livelyhoods, as the quickest way to cut costs and therefore assure profit margins remain close to the pretax level is to shave staffing levels.
Why have an 80k a year cleaner plus an 80k a year bus driver/gopher plus a 65-70k a year general hand when you can have an 80k a year cleaner/bus driver/gopher/general hand. Then how many 100-160k a year plant equipment operators can they drop per shift and still maintain production levels...


i don't even bother to vote.... tried it once, too confusing and my vote went to someone else anyway.


Silver Member
I would really like to know how many people that were not on the electoral roll had enough time to actually get on it if they wanted to.
I think the election was called on Friday and i think you had to Monday night to get on it.
I went to vote years back and i didn't exist anymore. Then one night i went out in freo to a well known club where you had to produce some photo I.D.
Then 2 weeks later i received a letter from the electoral office saying why wasn't i on the electoral roll. 2 guesses where they found out from but they said we don't sell your personal details, what aload of shit.

I have no faith in our democratic society if you can call it that.
If MR Abbot says he is going to stop the boats and the mining taxes and all the other bullshit he has said why doesn't he tell us how he intends on doing that. It's easy to say he is going to do this and that but why doesn't he tell us how he intends on doing that. Same goes for Miss Gillard.

I am sure most people would like to hear a proper debate about how they are going to fix these things instead of just saying there going to.
It's the same when MR Barnett got in, they said it come down to one vote from the greens. The other day i heard Liberal now hold 15seats to labor's 4.
How does that work? Excuse me i am not into politics so i don't know the ins and outs of this crap.

Al i do know Labor got us through a hard time financially where we fall somewhere around the 5% mark , compared to most other countries which most were over 50%. What that means entirely i am not sure, I guess i am one of the 16% who don't have a clue who to vote for.
As to me none of them are worth running our country.

The only time i get something out of politics is around 2am in the morning when you tune into the A.B.C and watch them fight like school kids in the parliament sittings. Which if anything gives me a good laugh. Yes Mr speaker, Mr speaker says sit down. so on and so on.

WHY don't they get into parliament with the cameras on and show us all what there polices really stand for.Then we might get some honesty and fighting and bickering like they always do. What is so different now??
At least we might get an insight into whats really going on.
As i said i don't know much about politics, so i could be wrong on some issues but i know many people in the same boat as me.
One last thing why do we need a compulsory election when 100 or so people can change who the people of Australia voted in. That goes to both parties..:notworthy

It was actually the Liberal controlled government... I agree with you, and you get to change things by applying your vote at the next election if you so desire.
If you don't feel your vote is worth your time, don't, and just pay the fine. But frankly I won't give them anymore of my post tax wage and go forth and vote down at the local school...


Foundation Member
Living in QLD i think our main need is to get Liberals in to power at least on a State level before Anna Bligh sells everything she can - she is setting up the worlds biggest yard sale and everything is for sale -- airports, rain ports just to name a few --- and i believe that we can't let this happen -- quick fixes for Labor overspending will ruin the future of our state..


Foundation Member
oh and let us not forget -- Labor wouldnt have had all this money for stimulus packages etc if the economy hadnt been so well run by the Liberals who got us out of the last huge hole of debt from the previous Labor government..


Foundation Member
Its really amusing reading all the posts about the mining tax. Doenst look like too many people really understand the total concept. Might pay to do some research instead of echoing the sounds of the media and Abbot