• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Father who offered daughter to paedophile ring jailed until 2036


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Elle Farcic - The West Australian on June 23, 2016, 12:58 pm

Ahoy;- I am posting this article up, to remind all of us "normal people men and women" that there are "savages" out there, everyday in every place off this earth. Let justice prevail and lock-up these monsters.

A Perth father who repeatedly sexually abused his young daughter and offered her up to a string of paeodphiles he met through on classified websites has been jailed for 22.5 years. The man, who can not be named to protect his daughter’s identity, facilitated a local paedophile ring that had at its centre his now 14-year-old daughter. He subjected the child to years of abuse at his own hands and organised for other men to assault her after putting advertisements on websites such as Craigslist.

District Court Judge Philip Eaton today jailed the man for 22.5 years over the depraved and degrading crimes, which he said probably had "irreparable consequences" for the girl. "You completely disregarded her welfare," he said.

"I have no doubt that you derived perverse sexual enjoyment while doing so. "You in fact allowed complete strangers to treat your daughter as a sexual object and treated her like that yourself." The man turned away from the public gallery and covered his face with his hand as details of the horrific breach of trust that rocked senior police and sent shockwaves through WA were revealed in court. Over two years, starting from when the girl was aged 11, the father allegedly introduced her to at six other paeodphiles and allowed them to rape, molest and drug her. The girl was also forced to pose for pornographic photographs and videos. The court was told the father watched on a number of occasions as the strangers he met online assaulted his child. He joined in the abuse at times, provided condoms for some of the men and encouraged his daughter when she did not want to take part in the sexual activity. On one occasion, when the father and another man were filming the girl, she was shackled to a bed, her face was covered and she was forced to wear a dog collar with the word b*tch on it. In the footage, the girl could be seen struggling against the restraints and is heard saying "stop, please dad". Police swooped on the girl’s father and removed her from his home as part of Operation Ripstop after a tip-off in April last year. Her father and seven other men were then arrested and charged with a combined total of 503 offences. A number of the men later offered to give evidence against the father. Before the sentencing, the man told a psychologist he regarded himself as a caring and thoughtful father. He provided a letter to the court in which he expressed his "remorse, regret and utter shame".
In a police interview, he said he had regrets about what he was done and described his behaviour as "fun while it lasted". "I have regrets about things that I have done wrong," he said. "I really want to get out of this scene because it was, I am going to be honest, fun while it lasted but it went over the line." The girl's parents are separated and she lived alone with her biological father at the time of the offences. Prosecutor Justin Whalley said the girl was entitled to look to her father for protection but instead he had subjected her to abuse and degradation. "We say this case represents one of the most serious examples of sexual offending against a child ever to appear before a criminal court in this State," he said. "In terms of his remorse we say, if it exists, it is certainly belated." Former Christian pastor and married father Dawid Volmer - the first of the paedophiles to be sentenced - was sent to prison for at least eight years and six months last year.

During Volmer’s sentencing hearing, the court was told the girl’s father sat blindfolded in the corner of his bedroom while the sexually addicted preacher fed her drugs and raped her. Benjamin Simon Clarke was jailed for three years in June for taking sexually explicit photos of the victim. Mark Wesley Liggins, who was arrested as part of the investigation into the paedophile ring but was not accused of abusing the girl at the centre of it, was jailed for more than two years in May. After he was caught up in Operation Ripstop, Liggings admitted using a chat site to sexually converse with and exchange indecent pictures with other girls as young as 11. Nicholas Adam Beer has pleaded guilty to 163 charges, including sexually penetrating a child and indecently recording a child, and is expected to be sentenced in September. Another three men who were arrested as part of the investigation are still before the courts. After the girl’s plight was made public, Police Commissioner Karl O’Callaghan described the allegations as the most disturbing he had ever encountered. The man will be eligible for parole in December 2036.
The West Australian


Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
Not a long enough jail term IMO
I remember when I had the encounter with a child sex offender during an escort job a few years ago he openly talked about paying mothers for photo shoots of their children. This guy only got a suspended sentence


Another World Member
Legend Member
Cant they get a preventative sentence?
wat kinda sentence is that ??He should be castrated n tied face down in some dingy lit brothel in gay town where no english is spoken so no one can understand him .....just like girls are treated when trafficked


21 yo Sultry Vixen
Gold Member
Elle Farcic - The West Australian on June 23, 2016, 12:58 pm

Ahoy;- I am posting this article up, to remind all of us "normal people men and women" that there are "savages" out there, everyday in every place off this earth. Let justice prevail and lock-up these monsters.

A Perth father who repeatedly sexually abused his young daughter and offered her up to a string of paeodphiles he met through on classified websites has been jailed for 22.5 years. The man, who can not be named to protect his daughter’s identity, facilitated a local paedophile ring that had at its centre his now 14-year-old daughter. He subjected the child to years of abuse at his own hands and organised for other men to assault her after putting advertisements on websites such as Craigslist.

District Court Judge Philip Eaton today jailed the man for 22.5 years over the depraved and degrading crimes, which he said probably had "irreparable consequences" for the girl. "You completely disregarded her welfare," he said.

"I have no doubt that you derived perverse sexual enjoyment while doing so. "You in fact allowed complete strangers to treat your daughter as a sexual object and treated her like that yourself." The man turned away from the public gallery and covered his face with his hand as details of the horrific breach of trust that rocked senior police and sent shockwaves through WA were revealed in court. Over two years, starting from when the girl was aged 11, the father allegedly introduced her to at six other paeodphiles and allowed them to rape, molest and drug her. The girl was also forced to pose for pornographic photographs and videos. The court was told the father watched on a number of occasions as the strangers he met online assaulted his child. He joined in the abuse at times, provided condoms for some of the men and encouraged his daughter when she did not want to take part in the sexual activity. On one occasion, when the father and another man were filming the girl, she was shackled to a bed, her face was covered and she was forced to wear a dog collar with the word b*tch on it. In the footage, the girl could be seen struggling against the restraints and is heard saying "stop, please dad". Police swooped on the girl’s father and removed her from his home as part of Operation Ripstop after a tip-off in April last year. Her father and seven other men were then arrested and charged with a combined total of 503 offences. A number of the men later offered to give evidence against the father. Before the sentencing, the man told a psychologist he regarded himself as a caring and thoughtful father. He provided a letter to the court in which he expressed his "remorse, regret and utter shame".
In a police interview, he said he had regrets about what he was done and described his behaviour as "fun while it lasted". "I have regrets about things that I have done wrong," he said. "I really want to get out of this scene because it was, I am going to be honest, fun while it lasted but it went over the line." The girl's parents are separated and she lived alone with her biological father at the time of the offences. Prosecutor Justin Whalley said the girl was entitled to look to her father for protection but instead he had subjected her to abuse and degradation. "We say this case represents one of the most serious examples of sexual offending against a child ever to appear before a criminal court in this State," he said. "In terms of his remorse we say, if it exists, it is certainly belated." Former Christian pastor and married father Dawid Volmer - the first of the paedophiles to be sentenced - was sent to prison for at least eight years and six months last year.

During Volmer’s sentencing hearing, the court was told the girl’s father sat blindfolded in the corner of his bedroom while the sexually addicted preacher fed her drugs and raped her. Benjamin Simon Clarke was jailed for three years in June for taking sexually explicit photos of the victim. Mark Wesley Liggins, who was arrested as part of the investigation into the paedophile ring but was not accused of abusing the girl at the centre of it, was jailed for more than two years in May. After he was caught up in Operation Ripstop, Liggings admitted using a chat site to sexually converse with and exchange indecent pictures with other girls as young as 11. Nicholas Adam Beer has pleaded guilty to 163 charges, including sexually penetrating a child and indecently recording a child, and is expected to be sentenced in September. Another three men who were arrested as part of the investigation are still before the courts. After the girl’s plight was made public, Police Commissioner Karl O’Callaghan described the allegations as the most disturbing he had ever encountered. The man will be eligible for parole in December 2036.
The West Australian
Oh my goodness this makes me so sick


Legend Member
His sentence can be extended cant it?
I was just thinking of McGinty when he was Attorney General Didnt he prevent a prisoners release several times
Grounds of public safety or somesuch?


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
The bugger should be gang buggered daily for the rest of his life.

The issue there is these guys are that sick that the above is actually a reward to them, if he was getting rogered daily by other inmates he will be enjoying it, but his daughter actually gets the "true" life sentence, he will be enjoying perusing his own sexual fantasies in prison with the whole cell block, the best thing to do here is not letting him get sexually buggered but to hand cuff him or put him in clothing that will not allow for any sexual pleasure at all, and no contact with other inmates to enjoy prison sex, so an ADX style prison cell is what he needs and never to be allowed to touch himself so Chasity, if his hands need to be free, sexual frustration where he can not get off for his whole sentence would be justice served as his daughter got the reverse of that, I hope she can recover and goes on a leads a normal life if possible poor child. This father after his sentence should be castrated...... He should never be allowed to have another orgasm ever .

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
His sentence can be extended cant it?
I was just thinking of McGinty when he was Attorney General Didnt he prevent a prisoners release several times
Grounds of public safety or somesuch?

Depends on the states laws
In SA in the past all lifers eg 15 years or more sentence such as murders, sex offenders had to go through a government committee before there release most had to go through the possess a couple times before the release then a few years ago it was handed back to the parole board as when the reached their bottom sentence they could apply for release only a few high profile cases the government has made never to be released and DPP can apply to courts Von Einem is one for example. There was a case recently where a sex offender Gavin Schuster with very long history of repeat sex offences was to be released only a few streets from me massive community outcry he was to be released next to a playground lucky this are is the electorate of the Attorney general he stepped in changing the laws to stop the release.

And the sad reality these offenders will be housed with their own kind not let out into mainstream prison

Morgan Sapphire

Diamond Member
People like this make me sick. I had to endure sexual abuse growing up, but nothing like this poor girl. I pray that she will be strong enough in the future to recover and not let it affect her life. It took me a while to do this.