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Exclusive Brethren - query....

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Hi everyone....

I have tried googling the exclusive brethren but every article that comes up is about there political "issues" which isn't what i am interested in. I am considering taking a teaching job with them and am wondering if any of you know anything about them?

I am aware they are a bit......ermmmm......crackpot-ish......and that doesn't bother me, i am just looking for general info. I have an interview this week so any background would help!

Hopefully someone can help!

Cheers :)


Well they're cashed up in an education sense, so you're every chance to get paid on time ;)(and well paid too probably), you're also every chance to have a private eye looking over your shoulder like they did to NZ PM Helen Clarke.
They've also got a thing against sexual immorality and their view on it is probably a bit more conservative than the rest of the wider population, if you thought you had to behave yourself up North, it might be even worse with them.
Also they have this cast someone out and treat them as a leper thing going for them, which is pretty handy in the breaking up a family stakes.
Pretty nasty mob really, you could have a fairly benign experience with them, or it could all turn pear shaped and won't be much fun at all.


Foundation Member
That is where the "exclusive" part of the name comes from: Brethren keep very much to themselves, marry among their own kind and bring their kids up to do the same. Anyone getting too friendly with the non-brethren community is "shunned" that is cut off from all contact with the community, even their immediate family. Yep! that means if you are shunned even your own parents or children should refuse to have anything to do with you. Pretty tough.

Mind you, as regards the school curriculum brainwashing kids is not confined to the Brethren. Catholic and other church-run schools have done it for years only they call it "religious instruction".

Personally I have little time for mainstream religions and even less for crack-brained sects like the Brethren, Scientologists, Christadelphians etc. etc....


If you're comfortable being a party to brainwashing innocent and helpless children, I say go right ahead. Personally, I think every human being should have the right to worship whatever crackpot god they wish, but only when they are old enough to make their own decisions about who or what that might be.
"Teaching" children to follow the ways of any religion is simply brainwashing, regardless of how mainstream or not that religion is.
(not suggesting for a minute that you will be ladling out the religious instruction though, Spunky..!)


Well i am off to a teeny weeny country town for my interview tomorrow. My understanding is that the Church wants NOTHING to do with me....i teach them but thats it. Dont even have to supervise the kids at Church or anything because they dont want you to do anything Churchy.

Whilst i dont approve of the religion, i dont really approve of any religion. And i currently teach at a Catholic school. School curriculum is still the same as they have to meet state standards....the difference with these kids is the atrocious behaviour.....as they have no respect for teachers as we arent brethren. Should be an interesting challenge if i get it.

Thanks for the article Bobbi. And Corneus - i dont do the brainwashing - i take the money to make sure they can read and write before they go off and make millions in their family businesses (or get knocked up if they are girls!).


If it's the place I am thinking of, it's not that small, unless it's the other place I am thinking of, then it is...


It confirms some stuff i have heard.....the difference now is that for the last few years they have struggled to get teachers so they will do pretty much anything to get and keep them. The behaviour issue is spot on as is the way they raise there kids. They pay just above state school wages in WA as they are classed as independant.

So yes, it helped quite a bit. Thanks!


population 1463 people........about 800 of which are exclusive brethren.......i would be teahcing year 6 and 7 and i'd have 9 students. Nine!!!!


Senior Member
Foundation Member
I was a brethren when i was a child and our family got out.They dont have radios or tv.It might have changed since i have left in 1976.Just be yourself and like any interview dont mention what you do in your private life.Treat them how your want to be treated and you should be fine.


No tv, no radio, no computer, no internet, no digital cameras etc.....i can use a laptop in class but they cant touch it EVER. Im trying to pysch myself up but mostly i am just freaking out! I hate interviews


Foundation Member
If the kids are as bad as you seem to think maybe you should pack your leather catsuit and whip when you go.

Mary Anne PA

No tv, no radio, no computer, no internet, no digital cameras etc.....i can use a laptop in class but they cant touch it EVER. Im trying to pysch myself up but mostly i am just freaking out! I hate interviews

Just take the control and be in charge, ask the questions of all you want to know, don tlet them do all the talking, shows your interested and you feel in charge more so and more confident.

write down your thoughts and what you want to know up front and thinkt hat they need you, not you need them


Why not

Sounds like you have done your homework! Seems to me most kids treat their teachers with contempt these days anyway, so shouldn't be too much different.
Other than the freakiness, sounds like a pretty good gig! Good luck.

PS. if you get the job, try to get caught a few times calling your laptop "Lucifer" - they'll definitely never go near it then. hehe..::)


It's amazing how they've overtaken one town but we could say that about drunks taking over Freo.


A little insight on the EB

Hi Spunky,

I am not a regular with posts but don't hold that against me. I have a small business and many of my clients belong to the Exclusive Bretheren. They are excellent customers for the following reasons.

1. no mobile phones - they are patient to wait for calls
2. thier family and church comes first - thus do not expect service after hours.
3. once you have a repall with them they recommend you to others and a recommendation is enough to win the work.
4. Pay well.
5. Pay on time.
6. Don't want to become your friend and only expect proffessional curtious service.

Serve them well and I suspect you will be well looked after. The problem you may have though is being an outsider in a Bretheren town maybe an issue since they seem to own the towns where they reside. Wheatbelt towns usualy with regards to WA, I would suggest looking for accomodation in the town where the school isn't your social life maybe better that way.

Best of Luck


PS: I am not nor have ever been a Bretheren, I am actualy supposed to be catholic, whatever that may be.


I went for the interview today and they were lovely people....it was all men who interviewed me (obviously) and probably the biggest concern they had was me being single. Apparently single teachers have a habot of stealing the spunky young brethren men! So i made it clear i am not after a relationship with anyone, especially not someone of there denomination and hopefully that was enough.

Everything else went well.....they loved some of my ideas and approaches and the things im not qualified to teach (art, sewing, physed etc) they are prepared to train me on. I got an awesome recommendation from my friend who told them to ring me and ask if i wanted an interview in the first place.....shes teaching there and is loving it.

The biggest problems they have are respect for teachers and academic accountability which are problems in EVERY school so it doesnt seem that different.

*fingers crossed*

P.S. Oh and Serena, i wrote a list of stuff to ask. They liked that :)

Mary Anne PA

The realm of light and darkness


Some things do not seem to be...... what they seem.

Some thing's that appear to be normal can be Abnormal

Two bob's worth.




Heading to my newfound country home on Monday :)


congrats spunky, pity we wont get to meet up in the Tambrey for beers though!

so does your newfound job mean you will be frequenting perth clubs more often?


It does indeed i am much, much closer to Perth now! Having some serious clothing problems though cos all my stuffs in Karratha and i dont have any work skirts or tops (gotta wear skirts). So today i am running around stealing clothes off people hehe.

Ahhhn the exciting life of a teacher......


New school is paying to move it.....means im effectively living out of a suitcase full of innapropriate brethren clothes for two more weeks.


I have been at the school for just over a week now and have yet to run into any serious problems. They (the Church) have gone above and beyond to get me settled in my new place and sort out pay problems with my last employer refusing to pay out my notice. The kids are just normal kids.....aside from the lack of popular culture. Can't make a simpsons joke cos they don't know what it is!

They do watch some tv (supervised) like footy games. They also obviously sneak out and listen to music because on our choir request list i had nickelback, bon jovi, robbie williams and shannon noll. Cheeky buggers!

The biggest problem i have encountered so far is their attitude towards domestic pets which almost made me lose my temper. They mistreat them, kill them etc as they dont believe in their right to live. They only believe in animals being a source of food which dogs, cats etc aren't. So upon moving into my Brethren owned house (lovely house) a cat has adopted me. He is beautiful but very thin and was STARVING when he came in. He knows the house inside out so my guess is the previous owners just moved and ditched him. Poor little thing.

So i have a pet cat to keep me company now :) and all the teaching stuff is going fairly smoothly.....aside from getting the music list approved. Apparently Robbie Wiliiams song "sexed up" isn't appropriate....who would have though it......


I have been at the school for just over a week now and have yet to run into any serious problems. They (the Church) have gone above and beyond to get me settled in my new place and sort out pay problems with my last employer refusing to pay out my notice. The kids are just normal kids.....aside from the lack of popular culture. Can't make a simpsons joke cos they don't know what it is!

They do watch some tv (supervised) like footy games. They also obviously sneak out and listen to music because on our choir request list i had nickelback, bon jovi, robbie williams and shannon noll. Cheeky buggers!

The biggest problem i have encountered so far is their attitude towards domestic pets which almost made me lose my temper. They mistreat them, kill them etc as they dont believe in their right to live. They only believe in animals being a source of food which dogs, cats etc aren't. So upon moving into my Brethren owned house (lovely house) a cat has adopted me. He is beautiful but very thin and was STARVING when he came in. He knows the house inside out so my guess is the previous owners just moved and ditched him. Poor little thing.

So i have a pet cat to keep me company now :) and all the teaching stuff is going fairly smoothly.....aside from getting the music list approved. Apparently Robbie Wiliiams song "sexed up" isn't appropriate....who would have though it......


Oh i almost forgot....there are some extremely perve worthy men in this town! Particuarly some young mechanics who work with a mate of mine......almost enough to reboot the sex drive

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