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Ever been scammed online??


Legend Member
I read my internet news tonight and there was an article about a 31 and 18 year old that had been bluffed into sending nude photo`s of themselves in order to try and get some type of modeling contract.
Am I being unfair in calling these 2 people gullible fools??

In the past couple years I`ve received about 3 - 4 sms messages telling me I have won the english lottery and as much as I wish it were true, I smell a scam.

Has anyone here ever been scammed online before??

Perth boy


Was chatting with a W/L for a while, went and paid her a visit turned out she should have paid me.


My housekeeper was scammed online through Gumtree whilst trying to sell a lounge suite, she was taken for $1300, al these people do is prey on peoples greed.

Naughty Thoughts

I got my first directed scam email this week trying to sell the spa. I got an email from an "oceanist" who was "overseas" and wanted to pay via paypal and send someone else to pick up the spa. A quick search found that same email being sent to other people word for word.

Aspiring models are always getting picked on. I hear so many stories of them getting taken advantage of. The most common cause seems to be a lack of research. Even a quick browse around some modelling websites will give good advice on what to look for - such as what billybones mentioned.

My friend got scammed good and proper. When he was doing his apprenticeship, the place was paying him less than what they should have and after two years he found out they hadn't done any paperwork - so he had to start again from scratch. Those two years didn't count towards his apprenticeship.


Diamond Member
Watch out for the Nigerian scams. Basically if you answer YES to either or both of these two questions, the alarm bells should start ringing:

Does it sound too good to be true? :violent5:
Did you enter the competition? You can't win, if you never entered. ::)

Never, been scammed, although I have heard from a colleague where their parents were scammed, and have been givin out heaps of money to these scumbags, and still refuse to believe it's a scam, and worried if they stop now they will never get the money? ::)

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
On iPhone dating chat apps there's a lot of profiles with hot chicks that exchange some pretty full on emails. Oh and they are all unfortunate daughters of late multillionare fathers from some politically iron caged countries. They are all looking for someone to marry and share their fortunes and their booty.

Then comes the part where they deposit their dads fortune into the prospective victims bank account. But in order to do that money in the amount of thousands is needed to pay a stamp duty or to pay off lawyers or government officials.

So if the victim sends the money, the fat guy posing as the hot rich chick cashes in and never responds again, and destroys that profile.


But if anyone comes across it. Just play along as long as you can. Just for the fun of it. And then report the it. Won't stop them, but stalls them a little bit.


I was almost get scammed, was selling my mobile phone online and soon after I posted the pictures and advertise it for sale, this girl named Sara from Nigeria was really interested to buy it and very willing to pay for the shipping costs. I was really hesitant to sell it to her, and then a long time friend came to my house just in time when we (with Sara from Nigeria) were emailing about the phone, he asked me if where's the location of the buyer, I told him that its in Nigeria. He said "hell no, that place had lots of issues about internet scams". Good thing I wasn't able to send the phone. 'coz if I did I would become one of the many victims. So beware of this place, Nigeria! Don't get into any transactions with the people from that place. They will get your paypal account, and pay using other person's credit card that they've hacked and when paypal will be able to notice it your account will be in trouble. So guys before going into any exchange of emails and stuffs online be sure that you know which place is he/she from.
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Legend Member
They try to make there e-mail to you look so genuine
I just received a congratulatory e-mail from google
Looks the part if nothing else
Good to know I have 1 1/2 mill just sitting there for a rainy day

Ghost Protocol

a few scams on ebay lately ,, where you pay for an item , at a reasonable price ..

and they send you a hardcopy picture of the item .but not the item . its only when u read the super fine print that you realise your bidding on a 6X4 HARDCOPY picture of a camera ..

no claim to paypal , as you actually received what u bid on !!

lol.. didnt catch me ! , but some people are suckers for a 50$ digital SLR!


Legend Member
a few scams on ebay lately ,, where you pay for an item , at a reasonable price ..

and they send you a hardcopy picture of the item .but not the item . its only when u read the super fine print that you realise your bidding on a 6X4 HARDCOPY picture of a camera ..

no claim to paypal , as you actually received what u bid on !!

lol.. didnt catch me ! , but some people are suckers for a 50$ digital SLR!
That really is quite clever , though I guess I can say that as i haven't been conned


Legend Member
Friend of mine got himself a penis enlarger off Ebay for the bargain price of $50.00...
They sent him a magnifying glass...


Naughty Thoughts

There was a "beware of scammers" tv spot I saw a while back where they said that some scammers would put up a product for sale with a carefully worded description and cheap but not "too good to be true" prices.

People would buy the product and when they receive it, they received a miniature. So if the product was an office chair, they got that model office chair but as doll furniture, not something you could sit on.


Legend Member
An ex-colleague was gullible enough to buy digital SLR, I think it was a Nikon for AUD$200. This is a $800-900 bucks camera from retail. The seller asked if he wanted to buy 5 and get 1 free? So he gathered around his mates at work, and also asked if i wanted one, I told him straight up No! Warned him, it could be a scam. If it is too good to be true, it normally is. He said this is a company based in China *Rings alarm bell*, they buy in bulk *which is BS*, their website seems genuine *LOL*...I told him to do his research properly.

Few months passed, I happened to see him and asked how did he go with buying the cheap digital SLR, he told me, he sent the money for 5 units and the cameras never arrived. I was sorry to hear that. He told me, he is trying to get his money back and I thought to myself good luck.



Anyone under the age of 40 who gets scammed, 110% deserves it IMHO. The Internet isn't new, scammers have been around for years now trying all sorts of shit (try selling stuff on Gumtree!) so unless your completely computer illiterate you only have yourself to blame.


Silver Member

Anyone under the age of 40 who gets scammed, 110% deserves it IMHO. The Internet isn't new, scammers have been around for years now trying all sorts of shit (try selling stuff on Gumtree!) so unless your completely computer illiterate you only have yourself to blame.

i couldn't agree more. there is absolutely no excuse for being scammed any more. in fact take away the 'under 40' bit as well, this is all old news and if you are dumb enough to fall for this sort of crap then stiff shit. call it an educational experience if it makes you feel better.
it is the financial equivalent of a Darwin award.


Legend Member
Like the WIN2012 security There virus blocks you from everything Then their
pop-up appears you have a virus blah blah Send us $69.95 and we will fix it for you

I know a chap in Northampton got the bug called in a tech And he could keep doing was compliment the virus programmers Had to take the tower back to his workshop to get the bugger out

Cost him a couple of hundred because of the travel factor. Wonder if he should have sent the 69.95 would have been cheaper lol

Naughty Thoughts

Last time I picked up a hard-to-remove virus I simply pulled the hard drive and swapped in a new one. I keep all my important data backed up outside the computer.


Legend Member
Last time I picked up a hard-to-remove virus I simply pulled the hard drive and swapped in a new one. I keep all my important data backed up outside the computer.

I cant even pull my floppy let alone a hard drive

Sorry to say, but until recently commonsense actions like outside backing up
have not been my or my friends forte
I guess we learn better the hard way. For, what happens in manuals/books etc will never happen to me

Ghost Protocol

Last time I picked up a hard-to-remove virus I simply pulled the hard drive and swapped in a new one. I keep all my important data backed up outside the computer.

system 'restore' to an earlier date , and stop surfing dodg'y websites ,,,

or better still dump microsoft , install ubuntu (lynix windows, free!), and forget about ever getting a virus again !!

Naughty Thoughts

I guess we learn better the hard way...

Yup! The reason for the off-computer backup is due to major data loss when I was younger. You'll probably find that the people who most strongly advocate a good backup system are those who've already gone through the pain of losing data.

...or better still dump microsoft , install ubuntu ...

Waaay ahead of you. :D

I run Linux at home on my internet computer (though I do have an off-line computer with Windows for other things that Linux isn't as good at like editing and games). At work my computer runs Linux as well, especially since I have to have sensitive files on there (such as database backups).

Though I still maintain off-computer backups in case of hardware failures (or me typing the wrong thing in and breaking Linux, which can happen).


Legend Member
system 'restore' to an earlier date , and stop surfing dodg'y websites ,,,

or better still dump microsoft , install ubuntu (lynix windows, free!), and forget about ever getting a virus again !!

When one caught a virus, it's hard to eradicate it totally. Best to delete the partition entirely and start again. This is the downside of Microshaft Windoze. Vulnerability metropolis. Front door, back door, take your pick. Virus is guaranteed. LoL...

Totally agreed Linux is fantastic, harder to hack and less viruses. I must say linux such as the ubuntu distro is getting pretty user friendly like a Mac (Apple). Linux open source (fwee fwee for all), Apple you pay through your nose for quality products. In the end of the day, I still choose Linux over the overpriced fruit company. LoL...

Ghost Protocol

while i must add , ubuntu being free ware , isnt 100% amazing .. like the video codecs are lacking in some video formats , etc ..

but for a websurfing hack , and downloading , ubuntu , cant be beaten ...

does anyone know what torrent site got shut down today ? the media say that a major one got pulled .. and the 4 guys that own it , are about to get hammered ?
they ARE getting serious about vids and music ... if aus bring in the big brother they are planning in full effect , the internet will usless and a total waste of money paying for it .imoo
they will have to drop access to like 5$ a month , or ill just get full cable and be done .

our generation will lament the loss of freedom , the future generations wont know what the internet was !!
this government really likes to control everything , dont it


Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Someone I'm seeing just sold 2 pedigree puppies to a guy in the UK. He chose a transport vet here in Perth and made it seem genuine. He freely transferred neary $4000 via PayPal without any resistance. That's for the price of 2 pups and air fares.

Upon checking with PayPal there needs to be a fee of about $1500 sent through western union before the money can be released.



Yes i have also been scammed and it happened only once. After that i've been more careful about my action specially when buying online. I would suggest to check the testimonials and credibility of the site i've been checking.

Naughty Thoughts

Personally, I never pay attention to testimonials on the site trying to sell me something. Reviews about said product on another site used to be a better indicator but there are so many fake reviews out there put up by the seller that it's getting harder to find reliable ones.