• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Elephants never forget....


Legend Member
When you leave this life to start another what is it that you would like people to remember you by??

I`ll like to say that I used to remind people of the Energizer Bunny and that I kept going and going but I`lld rather be remembered as the person always willing to share a smile...


I would love to be remembered as a sweet girl who is always a pleasure to be with but i know its going to go more like Ditzy chickk who will always laugh at you when u fuck up and will always entertain you with pulling the piss out of myself !!!:la:


slight aside OP, but can't help but laugh at the joke about what happened when the Engergiser Bunny put the batteries in reverse on her vibrator? She kept on coming and coming and coming...


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
I would say it depends very much on the people you ask. Ask my parents they remember me as a teenage nightmare, ask my class mates they most likely remember me as the class clown, ask my university mates they probably remember me as the one who always had to swim up-stream.....etc.......ask my ex-boyfriends.......no way.....I am not going there ;)


Sandi Lang

Kindness ... cause that iswhat i look for in other people.. realistically though some will remember me for my straight to point the attitude..


What will people remember me by?

I'll die a famous writer or journalist.. Everyone will have read something of mine and the world will spends weeks mourning my passing.

In reality, I will most probably die and be forgotten after a generation or two.

If I were to die today, I'd more than likely be remembered for my outrageous and somewhat inappropriate personality xx


Full Member
Foundation Member
That is probably the best eulogy a fella could get
PS welcome back Chopped Liver oops sorry Fudd

....thanks H2.....it was a shocked to the system adjusting to the cooler weather.... :)

Farm Boy

when you leave this life to start another what is it that you would like people to remember you by??

I`ll like to say that i used to remind people of the energizer bunny and that i kept going and going but i`lld rather be remembered as the person always willing to share a smile...

dont do it bill monk-suit-gun.jpg