• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Does anyone agree with me?

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Want to get the ball rolling and everyone out their to post some interesting subjects and topics.
Have you noticed that the percentage of clients is reducing by the year.I estimate that 30 years ago 33% of men used sex services and sex workers, today I think that number is well below 10% of men.Why????
The only reason I can think of and remember this is a world wide trend is that we are better educated today and the fascination with the industry has dwindled.Also younger people are much more adventurous in there private sex life's so don't need to visit the bordello's to experience a head job like the past generation.


I think its more to the fact that the cost of going has increased far faster than inflation.. And these days, people have less money in their wallets to spend on anything..



I Think that women are alot more educated and in control of their sexuality and are more dominating than they used to be.

the prices is a good point but quality service has alot to do with it also. Women have goals now and won't sell themselves short either.

but its just an opinion..

i think what you said about the intrigue of the sex industry has died off as it is widely acknowledged and accepted now. Its all about the thrill.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Hi ladies
This comment was more to do with the sex industry rather than the swingers industry.In real terms the xost of a sex worker is less today than it was 20 years ago.In those days the price was $120 per hour(girls getting $70) but you could rely on 25 bookings a week and buy a new small car with two to three weeks earnings.To-day the average price is only $200 per hour and you can only rely on about 15 bookings per girl per week thats nearly 10 weeks to buy a small car.


And the cost of living has tripled. speaking of swinger's clubs is there only a door fee? or do you pay after you get in there also..

Mary Anne PA

I think there is a lot more working girls out there then what there was before, a lot more private one's as well, and more professional, so more to go around.

I also believe that woman in general are more sexual active so it's easire for the guys (some that is) to find free sex then what it was before, especially as the sexual age for losing virginity has decreased as well.

I also believe that the quality of service isn't as great as what it used to be a few years ago also (not from all though)


I do believe that over the last three to four years, in the sex industry, a lot of girls have decided to take up the profession as a career choice and so the market is full of working girls (whether they are private or working for an agency).... and that is why there may seem to be less money to go around.
There is a new working girl out there these days. She is not just the struggling young single mother with the unpaid bills mounting high,not just the university student who makes more money one night on the job then a week cleaning/waitressing, not just the recently divorced wife who finds herself with no real skills, not the rebellious girl with the drug problem.......
The new "working girl" is smart, savy, sets her goals and gives herself a short but profitable 5 - 10 year plan - then gets out of the industry or diversifies. She may be private or work for agencies. She has counted the costs and will pay the price to have herself a nest egg.

With the introduction of the internet, she has not just limited to Perth but has the whole of Australia and the world at her feet.

But now there are fewer men that need to pay for the privilege of seeing a working girls - they have more adventurous girlfriends , they don't have Stepford wives anymore but wives who are bi curious or want to swing..... and women like me who want to enjoy the casual sex and not the committed relationship.

So these are probably contributing to our loss in the industry -------

comments from DDxxx :love7:



exactly right my dear..

It's not all about the men anymore!!


Full Member
Foundation Member
Could some of it be that there is more competition since the govt dumped the containment policy (well sort of dumped). There use to be a lot of massage parlours where you could only get a massage and hand relief and now most of these are sex on site venues.


i recently use a bordello in Kalgoorlie, spent over $1500.00 and didnt even cum. tell u now i will not bother again. I was totally disappointented

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
$1500 and didn't even cum.Is that is 7 hours with one lady or 7 different ladies for the hour.If it was the same lady why did you keep extending.The Langtrees motto is "we do not guarantee satisfaction but we promise to try really hard" Lets be fair cumming is a private thing and if for argument you had taken spped where you can bonk all night but still not cum is this the lady fault?
If you have a cumming problem is this the ladies fault if she has put the effort in.And last but not least Is it neccessary to cum to enjoy the pleasure of sex?


Your last line is very true. Although I was dissappionted afterwards but I must also admit it was good at the time. I give credit to the lady she did try acceptionally.


I think it's awesome tha women are discovering their inherent empowerment. Believe it or no, I'm a strong ally for women. I get excited when I see (not necessarliy sexually) any female friend of mine do things that she previously believed to be the domain of men. For example wood chopping or rough housing with children or fixing the car etc. I often get accused of being "lazy" etc. when I subtly stand back and watch a good friend shine.
Anyway, it's not about me.

Um. It's awesome that women are demanding their "share". Tis a shame though (or is it; you tell me) that they feel they have to have sex with strangers in order to "get their share though".
I agree with others that we are generally becoming a liberated society. We're starting to experiment more. And there's a theory going around that "we" as a species are becoming more balanced (gender wise). I mean we're getting away from the stereotype of the mans' man and the very feminine woman. I believe it's these extremes that create a desire for the "other", in order to create a sense of balance, within ourselves and in our lives. Most of us don't realise the reasons we're attracted to a particular type but I see this often. If this theory is in fact true (to some extent), then we're manifesting more of each gender within ourselves, negating the need for "the other" so much.
I can only speak for myself when I say that as I have come to allow or acknowledge and set free my own (inherent) feminine qualities, I feel less the utter struggle to maintain balance in my life by needing a "partner". I become (in a sense) asexual. Well sometimes but not often. Anyway this is the extreme and may go some way towards explaining (also) why working gals are not required so much.


Foundation Member

Jerome its not always because we want to "fix the car, mow the lawn, paint the gutters, fix the roof etc" as a sign of a womans empowerment. I HAVE to do these things i have no choice! I would gladly give over these jobs to a man as i hate having to do them. But if i dont do em no one will.

As to the topic at hand most of the men i know and are friends with use brothels regularly> they are quite open about it and arent ashamed of doing so. They all make good money, are single and work away at the rigs/mining sites etc and find it easier to go to c a working girl than go out pubbing/niteclubbing to try to find sex. I am taking a guess here that a large percentage of the clientele working girls c in perth would be employed in the mining industry? Are they the bread and butter so to speak? or am i way off target?

Mary Anne PA

Sioxie, in Kalgoorlie I would say that staement is true. In Perth being more people it is probably more spread out between miners, tourists, business people and perthites themselves..lol

come for a tour and I'll show you around.

miss ella xo

i definately agree..

I too think that the percentage of men using sex services has dropped significantly..why? Sex in itself has become much more of an open topic for conversation & experimentation...
I remember when that song first came out, "Lets talk about sex.." I was about 12 or 13 & just thought of it was shocking & exciting at the same time!
Times have changed so much, men as well as women can now much more freely express their wants, needs & desires & sexually i think (though relationships are not valued as much as they may previously have been) sex has become a need as much as want in today's society..women are understanding the male genetic make up in terms of pleasing their men rather than them straying...to see us gorgeous working girls!! though a lot of my clients are looking for the whole, 'strings attached' encounter rather than before when it may have been more of a case of men going behind their partners backs to satisfy their urges!!


To the contrary, I reckon there are more men using the service just that there are more service providers in the marketplace. With more choices and options, punters are perhaps demanding more and expecting more.

miss ella xo said:
though a lot of my clients are looking for the whole, 'strings attached' encounter rather than...

Can you please elaborate on that?


Supply and demand

Sex for sale goes up and down depending on market conditions. In the 1920s and then again in the 1940 sex for sale had a lot to do with depression and war and the social reforms of the day. There have been some great programs of late on sbs about this. If you think LPs is wild you should have seen Paris in the 1920 and Berlin in the 40s.

The Internet has made sex and the availability of it like a Mac Donnald's of pussy land.

Men don’t have to pay, the girls out there are putting up profiles to get laid and its all free. Married men can go get some as well they just don’t say they are married and some women don’t care if they are as some women don’t want a relationship.

My x lover was a pilot and he used to have callgirls to his hotel all the time,some pilots still do but when he found the net there was no need. he had woman in every city to come fly to and fuck and it cost nothing the company paid for his room and the women came by the truckload to fuck him with pleasure. there own and his.

As for women doing manly things I agree I don’t want to fix the fucking gutter or mow the lawn or put the bins out. I don’t want to have balls though women on there own have to grow a set if they are to survive.( on ya soixie)

I also think guys are just plain cheap if they can get it free why pay. Hey I am cheap as well if I had to pay for a guy to pin my ears back I would be a nun.

The other thing is a woman of the net are enthusiastic armatures and they are in it for themselves. How many guys when fucking a working girl get her off for real? I think they like to feel they did that, they made a woman have an orgasm so it’s a power thing as well as a I need to get my rocks off thing.

In the olden days orgasms for women were like rocking horse shit. The wife lay back and thought of England and never gave head let alone swallow, ohm my gosh.
Out there in cyber land there are women for every taste and it’s all free.


Wives control the finances

I think that men now just bring home their wage and hand it over. Todays wife knows exactly where every cent goes. Theres not a chance in hell that a married man can take $300 out of the familys account without the wife knowing. Years gone by when the business gents would all visit the industry on their expense accounts no longer exists. Even the general manager of a company would find it hard to hide $300 from the company accountant, without producing receipts and excuses. The industry is more regularly visited by single men now, however with women being more open now to one night stands, most single men would probably get lucky each week with one of these girls so dont need to pay for it.


I think we will actually see an increase again within years as the industry and peoples minds are relaxing and becoming more acceptable. More young guys are visiting the industry too, so its a turn in generation. We are also girls who take care of ourselves very well too, within this industry are some of the most beautiful women I have ever seen in my life. Men love and admire beauty.

We also take extreme caution with STD's, this is something very important to a lot of men, especially those with partners. Its wonderful that men and women are becoming more adventurous, but the majority unfortunately take drunken risks. 99% of sex workers, however, will not take any risk with their health and so for men that do have too much to drink on a Friday night, at least they have the sense to visit us knowing the next day when they wake up they didnt need to be worried about any sexual risks they took, because they know and entrust in us that we took care of all that for them.
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I agree with M.A.

Going off some articles I have read and from what I have seen, Sex is more freely available. I have notice wemen now take a more agressive role in the partner selection. It used to be that the guys allways asked the girl, now it seems to be the other way around. I have never used the services of a "working girl" however, there is no need anymore with the openness of the subject.
I would however like to see what a professional girl is like..

I have seen figures quoted on here of thousands of dollars per night... top class girls don't cost that much. I worked in the industry as a specialist for 5 years, and never saw anyone get that sort of charge unless they didnt know any better :)
Shop arround...

Mary Anne PA


Very intresting and I think some very valid points made.Thankyou.


missed my chance as a working girl

I have been offered a thousand dollars a night three times in my life and said no to every one( what was I tiniking!!!!!)

once was in the parmelia hiltion I was sitting in the reception area waiting for a friend. A arab prince with all his followers came in and were booking in to the hotel.

there I was in mahh prime with blonde hair down my back and heels and sitting minding my own business and one of the princes lackies came over and said, the prince wants you up in his room and will pay you a thousand dollars.

I though yep this is a joke but he was serious and I said thank you but no.

next time was the Kalgoorlie rounds, yep I was a stewardess on the Prospector I was at the Palace hotel the rounds were on and a guy pulls out a bankroll the size of texas and says girlie come fuck me and this is yours and waved the thousand bucks under my nose
I said
no thank you

third time was in the usa was in hollywood and a guy offered me a thousand to go home with him to his hotel, this was so funny as I was dead broke due to fly home in a few days and my friends and I were pooling our money till we flew home. I had just been joking about how i would have to sell my pussy and my mates said well that will get us another twenty bucks for the night. ars holes !!!!! i askthe man to go over and tell my mates what he wanted to offer and they were gob smacked the two guys said shit yeah go for it fuck her mate lol
I said noooooooooooo
but i did go out in the car park and blew him for free.

to tell the truth i did not think I could give em their moneys worth working girls are profesionals i am just an enthusiastic amateur

I have seen some of the nice clients and Langtrees there were some hunky guys there when i took the tour
and I would have to pay them lol
ahhhh missed my chance should have done it when I was in mahhhhhhhh prime lol


Honeyblonde, I'm sure your sexy, sweet and just reaching your prime..



I thought about this for at least 2 minutes........which for some of you who know me, that's a hell of a long time........you know what I reckon has happened?????? The net.......how many lonely people run around on here offering their bodies to total strangers for nothing??????

I also know the industry and when it came to the girls/guys working in it, I found the only ones who were good at what they did had a goal....... and didnt do drugs etc to keep them going...... and they knew what good communication was........ it also helped to have strength and compassion when dealing with the workers and that didnt seem too common among some of the smaller agencies.

IMOO of course


Girls with goals.

emotivg said:
I thought about this for at least 2 minutes........which for some of you who know me, that's a hell of a long time........you know what I reckon has happened?????? The net.......how many lonely people run around on here offering their bodies to total strangers for nothing??????

I also know the industry and when it came to the girls/guys working in it, I found the only ones who were good at what they did had a goal....... and didnt do drugs etc to keep them going...... and they knew what good communication was........ it also helped to have strength and compassion when dealing with the workers and that didnt seem too common among some of the smaller agencies.

IMOO of course
I totally agree. I am a university student with a five year plan. I have a brain and a personality that has intrigued alot of my clients who sometimes expect me to be a bimbo??? Goals are always good to have. I use this industry to help me finance university and meet alot of interesting people along the way.


Certainly to get anywhere in any aspect of anyones life you need to have a goal...and in an industry where you can see more money than you ever thought you could earn in a week for some people...but followed by that a physical and emotional roller coaster. Keep a strong head about you, think of what you would like to achieve and work at it. If this means dedicating a set time and then getting back to life as it was before for a while, then do what is necessary to obtain this goal.

I'm not in the sex industry myself but have seen people who have and its amazing what determination, great personality and a good attitude can do to improve your chances of reaching goals. And it works for everyones work life. Since i was 16 I've had a minimum of 2 year plans, and so far have achieved everything I have set out to.

Good work to all those who set goals and reach them...it's hard work and it takes a lot of discipline (.....not to go shopping every week!)



DD that is so true...we are smart now. we have the guts and determination to set a goal and stick to it without the need of a man. and with a goal more than supporting your families current situation...there is more emphasis on saving and setting up for life.

It's certainly not a price issue....but masculine and feminine roles have been changing and will continue to change... us girls are more willing to work independantly to get what we want. Women can be the main bread winners of the family. It's not just the sex industry that has seen this change.

Certainly couples are more open with each other and are not afraid of asking for what they want in bed. So experimentation with partners is the go rather than being shown by the professional how to have a good time at a cost. Then they will not be able to give you that again at a later date unless payment is made.

I believe its a number of factors, but that the changing masculine and feminine roles have played a large part in the subsequent changes in the industry.


The Ruler

Does anyone agree with me

I am so sorry I missed this thread over the past couple of weeks.

Maryanne started this thread off with a comment about declining volumes of clients and suggesting that the fasination with the industry has dwindled...

Majick then went on to talk about increasing prices and inflation whilst Jennifer said that many women control the finances and it is harder to get money out of businesses past the accountant...

A whole rafter of different soles then went on to discuss changes in womens attitudes, less prepared to sell themselves, better educated and clients seeking more complex relationships with workers...

Wow...a tall order to produce an inspirational reply to this one but here goes...

I am a financial adviser to fourteen owners of bordellos in Australia and New Zealand. A quick telephone call to my oldest owner client revealed that one hours sex at 868 Beaufort Street (no longer operating as a bordello) in 1978 cost $ 50. A flight from Sydney to London return by Qantas via Singapore (Std Y Class - non discounted) cost $ 978 and a brand new Holden Kingswood cost $ 2,997 in the State of Victoria.

Today a standard non discounted flight from Sydney to London on Qantas via Singapore is about $ 4,628. So in 27 years the price has gone up about 4.5 times. Holden do not make Kingswoods any more but a Commodore would be a good modern comparison. A basic Commodore depending on state stamp duties, rego and delivery charges would come in at an average of about $ 33,000 which means in 27 years the price of a car has gone up over 11 times !!! And finally, an hour at Langtrees now costs $ 300 but the average price in Perth is actually about $ 220 per hour. This is only just 4 times as much over 27 years.

It seems to me that sex is the best value out of any of the above and that inflation is not an issue !!....

Over the past thirty (30) years women have become more career minded, better educated and more liberal and adventurous in their thinking. In New Zealand, unlike Australia, over the past 5 years there has been a hugh trend towards uni students doing sex work and using the money to pay for education and deposits on homes, particularily in Auckland. The price for an hours sex at Femme Fatale in Auckland is only $ 180 per hour. On a Friday night this establishment with over 20 rooms has up to 50 women working of which probably 30 would be under 30 and would be students, young professionals, etc. This cleaning up of the industry has made sex work much more accepted by the general population, it is relatively cheap and more clients are using the service. The drug problems are much less obvious and prevelant than in Australia. The clients are all having a ball. The sex workers all provide an awesome service, And my two clients over in New Zealand have had their most profitable years ever...

The Ruler