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Do you take notice of your gut instinct?



Do you ever have a feeling that is not quite right about a person?And do you go by your gut feeling about it!I have and I have always usually gone by it,if something inside you tell's you there's something not quite right about this person,or I do not have a good feeling with being around that certain someone I will back of,and not proceed any further!A few year's back I was hitchhiking and there wasn't a lot of traffic on the road,it was cold and it was raining,genuinely I would not get in a car with a man,but I just wanted to get out of the cold.but I also senced there was a wreid feeling about him,but driving a commadore and a buisness man I chose to icnore my gut feeling and got in!we were driving towards Auckland and I had been to Auckland several times before so I knew in which direction we should be going,well he didn't talk to me and I tryed to say little conversation,he had a drawn in tight lipped mouth, and did not talk,then when he was driving towards Hamilton he took the wrong rd,I said what are you doing?your driving onthe wrong rd,he woulden't stop,then he mentioned to me you know that swedish couple that went missing,I said yes by then completley ****ting myself but trying not to show it,he went quite then said I took them back to my house for a couple of day's!then he went silent again.all I was thinking ive got to do something fast and quick or I'm going to be in trouble,I remembered I had a bottleopener in my bag grabbed it said to him if you don't stop the car I'm going to stab this between your legs,holding it there,luckly he stopped the car and I jumped out and just ran not knowing where I was going just looking for light's.I finally came across a police station I was a bit raggy looking as I looked like a street kid only 15 and had a bushshirton,jean's and a pair of gumboot's,I told the police officer what happened and I remember the plate no and still do this day it was Ram1 and informed him,well he just looked at me,judged me and thought I was making up story's and that was the end of that!Mind you it was a good wake up call,for I stopped hitchhiking after that!then another time I had a gut feeling about my brother,so I rang up mum 10.30pm at night,not knowing his work no?she rang him and found out he just about had a head on collision with a truck driver that night.but don't you ever wonder,and excample even your pet's some people they will be there happyself,but other's they will not go near and distant themselve's!They say "try not to judge abook by it's cover and I believe that two because you can be very wrong!"but on the same token if I have a bad gut feeling,personally I have to say I follow it,now!"Summer
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Foundation Member
I luv reading ur posts summer they are always so interesting.

I used to foolishly travel around hitchhiking when i was 18 from nsw to perth with truckers and used to rely alot on my gut feelings abt a person to c whether i would go with them. Now looking back i must have been naive and completely insane to hop into someones truck that i didnt know esp being like yourself a young girl travelling alone. I reallly didnt have enough life experience at that time to really judge ( although u can never really b sure abt a person look at some people who dont know their partners are serial killers even though they have been together for years or is that just turning a blind eye?).

My daughter has the uncanny ability to b able to pick if a person is good or bad even when i am convinced she is wrong. Many a times when i have been "dating" a new person and she meets them she will tell me straight out that person is A) good and will treat me well or
B) a liar and cheat even if they come across as charming and nice at the time

Even when i tell her that the ones that she is saying are wrong for me are not the way she pictures them she so far has been 100 percent accurate in the long run. So now i use her as a radar detector lol .

Mary Anne PA

gut feeling

Always trust that feeling it is like a six sence . We all have it, it is up to us to use it . It is there for our protection.No matter how silly or even in a so called safe situation always trust it.

Spice Me

I run most of my mind by gut feeling and that knowing you right or wrong or should fight or flight...

It saved me many times in the South African bush war... the more intuned you become, better you can listen to it...

It can become freeky and scarry, took my wife five years to accept that I can often sense things and react without logic or fact to things.... but hindsight many times shows why.


Summer, never hike alone, and just call some one, it better to be bollocked out verbally by a mate than picked up at the emergancy ward or worse

Spice Me



Hey Spice tell us more about the South African bush war . Did you see action? Hey did you kill anyone?....................And comeone please don't say " I dont talk about the war'

I have this mate that came from Rhodesia i think it is called Zimbabwe now, mad mad but very intresting he had some good yarns to tell.Its good for us Ossies to be enlightened from time to time.

Spice Me

scarface said:
Hey Spice tell us more about the South African bush war . Did you see action? Hey did you kill anyone?....................And comeone please don't say " I dont talk about the war'

I have this mate that came from Rhodesia i think it is called Zimbabwe now, mad mad but very intresting he had some good yarns to tell.Its good for us Ossies to be enlightened from time to time.

i don't tend to talk too much,,, unless well oiled by the brown bottles. War is not a glamourous thing... it's ugly, it's cruel and reduces us all to animals, that fight to survive or conquer or just kill for the blood-thirst that some develop.

Spice Me


gut feel

Hey Summer,

I'm big on gut feel, hunches, women's intuition, instinct - whatever one wants to call it.

I don't think it's magic or supernatural. I believe it's the subconcious telling us something after it has processed the immediate circumstancial or environmental information.

We absorb far more information from our surroundings and store far more in our memories than we realise or are aware of. I think this data is retrieved automatically when a given situation occurs.

Obey your instincts I say!


Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
I missed this post and have just moved it to the general board because hidden in the fun board.


Hi Summer,

I agree with everybody else'S comments and believe that we don't get to where we are in life without relying on our gut instinct.
I know that there have been many times that I have been unsure or not sure what to do.
But I have relied on the theory that if you don't feel comfortable about it then don't do it. If you were meant to do it the circumstance or situation will come up again and then you can go for it, if your decision was wrong the first time.


Thumbs up for the gut feelings...

Yep! I am one that goes with gut instincts....

There were a couple of times I had that gut feeling and didn't go with it and it turned out my gut feeling was correct...

So now I go by it all the time...And it is always the right choice...:headbang:

Xavier Jung


Be it the subconscious or intuition. Also intuition works outside of linear time, which is very helpful.