Do you prefer shaved vagina's or al la natural?



well I like them shaved as that way they dont have a bad smell and they are easy to keep clean but for the guys some of us shaved like me and I have not had any rash or jock itch sience I have done so!! and it is easier to show that you are clean and healthy


just because you shave your bean-bag does not mean you are clean and healthy... and girls that still have a certain to full amount of pubic hair can still be "clean". it all comes down to personal hygiene


[quote author=minimel link=topic=442.msg3262#msg3262 date=1103615970]
just because you shave your bean-bag does not mean you are clean and healthy... and girls that still have a certain to full amount of pubic hair can still be "clean". it all comes down to personal hygiene

I have to agree with you there minimel....I do like the feel of a brazillian, however doesn't necessarily mean that the person is healthier or cleaner than someone who chooses to be natural. In fact pubic hair is there for a reason and is probably a more healthier choice to retain it than to remove it. As long as ppl maintain their personal hygiene then there really shouldn't be a problem with smell etc :thumbsup:


Definately bald or a small landing strip. Looks better, feels better, more sensitive. But it has to be waxed so it is smooth. Much better when he is waxed too.


Queen of the Underworld
Foundation Member
I prefer it to either be trimmed, clean or neat n tidy down there. But heck, sometimes, a roots a root.

hehe and I don't agree with the waxing hurts, coz I had no pain at all when I got waxed. But that's just me.


Well, when I was in my twenties I prefered a healthy bush but now DEFINITELY fully shaven. :icon_thumleft:


Men are supposed to be responsive to visual stimulation. I must be a man. I like to see what I'm eating. Otherwise it's like dining with the lights off?!! It has nothing to do with 8 year old girls.


Re: cut or uncut?

As a guy who is "un-cut", I believe we have n=much more sensation and control, than the cut-ones, JMO. but for me it is the same as shaven vs un-shaven.... it's all about presentation and personal hygene. I like both the shaven and out-back bush experience, but if she does not keep her self clean, then I'm gone!!!! Same I think goes for the men, you had it between ya legs for at least 18yrs ++++ by now you should know how to keep it clean.

ps exG/F of mine once toolk out a pack of baby wet-wipes and cleaned a chap and said" there mummies done it for you, need ya bum wiped too???" she said he disapeared faster than free-macDonalds out the door.. :toothy12: :laughing4: :angry4: :angel12:

Spice-Me :icon_santa:


Re: cut or uncut?


hey there senile... how goes?? still got the lads and lasses flocking to you as always?? :love8:


shaven is better

prefer shaven love the smoothnes of it but i'm fine with the landing zone too


personally I prefer the shaved option, but a landing strip never hurt anyone (that I know of ayways). :rolleyes:


Senior Member
Foundation Member

saucyanne said:
I was asked recently on talking sex what Australian Men and Bi Sexual Woman prefer.Would like some feedback from members so I can reply to the letter.
Fully Shaved
A La Natural
Partially Shaved

Hello im workenboy im new.I like a women without a great deal of hair so you can bury your face right into her opening and bury your tongue in thier asswell without getting gravel rash.Im fully waxed being a male it feels great.


Prefer full shaved or partially shaved far nicer to look at and play with. Though if you expect it u should do the same!!!


All too easy of course .... shaved or waxed! Never polite to kiss someone with a mouthful of hair it?



I have not yet come across a woman who is totally shaven. But I'll tell ya, the day I do, is the day you'll here a womans' cries carrying across the warm summer winds. I can imagine myself drooling helplessly over a shaven pussy and I could spend much of our time together just enjoying the taste, the warmth, the swelling and the taste of her pussy and juices. I love to go down on a woman like I like to kiss her mouth; starting slow and tender, carefully and feeling her responses to my heat and movements.
But hey! An unshaven pussy can be friggin hot too. I've no complaints to make yet! And no complaints.


Is there any other way?

Waxed or shaven of course. Far more visually appealing, no more discretely removing unwanted pubes from your teeth or worse still breaking out into a coughing fit during moments of extreme passion due to a hair down the throat!

elldee99 :love76:


Foundation Member
A little bit of this a little bit of that....

Saometimes shaved sometimes trimmed

but never to hairy!!!!




Well I have to say with the current water shortage and being the season of lust....I'd have to say brazillian or landing strip would have to be the go...anything to reduce the onset of bushfire has gotta be good....[/
COLOR] :happy6:


at worst trimmed....

having spent the morning munching on a fully smooth puss there can be nothing better.
If it cant be smooth just let it be trimmed then otherwise it makes me gag.



one thing i gotta ask is the guys (and gals) that preferred the shaved/waxed persions.... are they shaved, trimmed or waxed too? just out of interest


my experience has been with shaved as many ladies are too shy to undergo waxing (also I can imagine that for many it may be too painful - although if that is your kink it might be a bonus).


Call me niaive (I don't care) but I don't understand; if you're not into the pain of waxing, then why not shave instead?
I have a couple of times and it's one of the sexiest things I've done (by myself) LOL.

Phil the Stripper

I love going down on girls so it has to be either shaven or neatly trimed.


Well personally I am natural up top.. and shaved underneath.. There is a reason why this is so, but unfortunately too many insensitive people who dislike body hair fail to ask why.. And in turn have had some quite nasty remarks made about my personal hygiene (in fact I am a clean freak).. Just bear that in mind if you decide that it is not your preference.. Say that rather than get nasty...

This post is not directed at anyone, just reading some posts reminded me of things that have been said to me in the past.


hell yeah minimel...Cleanliness down below is about the "shower" hair has nothing to do with it otherwise we would all be skinheads...If that would be the case what would happen to the hair extension businesses and hairdressers...oh no cant have any hair appantly its dirty!!!
wot alot of rot!!!

i personally do the brazillian but it has nothing to do with hygene in fact the smell factor you mentioned exudes more so when theres nothing keeping all your moisture in, its yummy...that is the whole point of it....but from what ive gathered men dont care which way he sure a man wouldnt say sorry but heres a razor!!! some love a face full of muff but others don't. Men are much more delightful with no hair, anywere,,,, but if the sex appeal is there and the man is oozing " come jump my bones" you ain't going to stop and pull out the "nair" are you!!!!

cat in the hat

Foundation Member
Here's an experiment....

"Hey guys, just a question I was discussing with my mates the other nite but do most men have a pref for uncircumcised or circumcised women? OR doesn’t it matter to most as long as they are good at what they do with it..."

I'm sure most people would be horrified at the thought of considering circumcising an infant girl (without entering into a cultural/religious debate as that is a powder keg), why should it be different for boys. Let alone for musing over whether you prefer it for aesthetic reasons.

ps try using a spell checker kids if you aren't sure


spice-me said:
you had it between ya legs for at least 18yrs ++++ by now you should know how to keep it clean.
Spice-Me :icon_santa:
for me, i heard a pretty sad story.. a good friend of mine has had their relationship break down.. they have a young boy... the male partner (my mate) is trying to teach the little tacker the correct way to clean his penis by retracting the foreskin... but because mummy isnt showing him.. he isnt doing it... thus he is getting infections. she wont show him because she is too embaressed to teach him how to be clean.

whats going on with todays society? this is your children you are teaching? their is nothing wrong with teaching them how to be clean.. the way the human body works etc, children learn from their parents.. when i was a little tacker.. my parents were very open with all questions that we asked, and even told us "if there is something you are unsure of.. just come and ask. dont be afraid"

i think that circumcision is a brutal, medival practice that is no longer needed.. be it for religious purposes, or for the sake of being 'clean' there is no use to do it now in this day and age.