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Do you believe in karma


Gold Member
I believe in karma, I feel like I've been delt a lot of my karma in the last 2 years.
One example out of countless similar, the last rental I was in, both my housemate and I got locked out of the house so I broke in through the roof and never paid for the repairs. Last year on Christmas eve I locked myself out and had to break a window to get in, and this time I got it repaired ^-^
The lessons repeat until you learn forreal.
I love Hindu and Buddhist theories about the universe and reincarnation, samsara ect
Love this , I agree , thanks for sharing

Xavier Jung

There is always consequences to our actions here in the relative Universe.

Keep in mind though, it may take more then one lifetime for all of it to come back to you.

Ciao Baby

Sometimes Miss Karma shows up late but she always shows up eventually & often when u least expect her


Gold Member
Yes. When you're scrolling Facebook and you see all the assholes from school turned out to be losers, while yourself is thriving. 💁🏼‍♂️


Silver Member
I would hope it does...but then again when I've fucked up, well it came back to bite me. So you'd think karma does it's thing...as John Wick says....actions and consequences.