• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Do Members want editing rights on their posts

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Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Been on a few golf forums lately which made me remember when we started we stopped self editing.I believe we have been around long enough to allow members self editing and deleting of their posts.
Let me know by posting below if you would like these features added for all users.

Ian IT

Gold Member
I believe its only fair to allow members to edit there posts Maryanne, especially.. members should have the right to delete any of there personal photos to retain there privacy. Some members may have moved on with there lives, relationships, etc...

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Why I posted is I also agree, when we first started the forum we had a few making waves and that was why it was decided to disallow this service.We have gone a long way from there and I am sure Serena will view this in a few days and as long as 10 members have taken the time to post I will do it myself as soon as I see the interest.
I do think it is set for members that have a certain number of posts so some members will be able to access this already.

Mary Anne PA

am on to it, currently most people email me when they want something removed and I remove it, so will take a bit of workload off me so I'm all for it.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Serena you are to quick, I wanted to get the members posting a bit more as well, thats why I said you will do it when we have 10 posts from different members.I checked the stats today and while new membership is still strong we have only 30% of the posts and new threads we used to....maybe every one was missing me.
Members reading this are encouraged to get on board and find a area they can contribute to.It makes it more fun for all.
Thanks to the many new members that have been keeping the forum alive, just getting to know you a little, should be able to keep up with the thought process in a week or so.
Off to try Sue Ling's suggestion from an earlier post.


I agree

Hi Maryanne,
Yes, Please. Would like to have editing access!
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Mary Anne PA

no, it's all good, wont do it straight away, needto be convinced a little bit more first.. LOL
Good to see you back on the forum...
send a message to sue-ling also, she knows a lot in Thailand

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Now that we have a few more talking about editing how do we change the theme and get them talking about sex....sex LOL


Foundation Member
Yep, I believe editing would be a good thing as I am not the world's greatest typist. On some forums there is a time limit which is long enough for members to correct spelling and grammar but won't allow changing things around a few days later.


Would be very handy to edit and or delete- I agree with the opportunity to maintain ones privacy. Life is always on the move and sometimes the idea to post (especially pics) seems all grand at the time but not so after the event.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
I will see that Serena does it tomorrow if Langtrees dosen't send her crazy first.
In return I want a little bit more respose to posts, it takes a few minutes to say hello and keep in touch.
I know a lot of members are shy and use the forum to get idea's and more confidence but we need all members loining in more.
It dosen't have to be all the time, I have just had 4 months off.I remember when I first started posting how hard it was, but it also helped me to get my point across quickly so I have learnt heaps from the forum.
Does any one wonder why Serena and I started the forum?
It was to have a good information base back together for when i could get Talkin Sex up as a national and overseas TV show.Made some good progress on this trip so might happen next year.
Talkin about sex helps us broaden our education and stimulates the brain to go out and find theight partners.
Keep up the posting,
Thanks to all that have and if you want other features please start a post, we try to do our best.

Naughty Thoughts

I'd like to chip in in support of editing / deleting also.

I didn't realize that this option was turned off (since I just started), but unless there is a specific reason for it, then I'm not sure why it would be this way. I am sure that there was a very good reason for doing so.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Just a reminder Serena, you are going to have to rest the front page as well, might need Tina.A lot of members use the newer format like myself, suggest you put the board where we used to have James Street.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Hi serena
when I had a look at administration I found that we need to update our version, it says pretty important and more new features.
Does any one out their want to become an administrator and help Serena keep this forum on track, have to be a love job and can only give the responsibilty to someone that has participated and been a member for a while...let serena know via message if interested, I forget to check mine for months on end.


Yes please teacher :hello:

I , unlike Maryanne have a bit of time and like to edit my posts for grammaticul ( see, there's one )errors which once I have pushed the submit button it is all too late.
And I hate being too late...


Mary Anne PA

Just a reminder Serena, you are going to have to rest the front page as well, might need Tina.A lot of members use the newer format like myself, suggest you put the board where we used to have James Street.

No problems on this, just not sure what you mean by 'rest the front page' ? which newer format. I use Original.

Mary Anne PA

Hi serena
when I had a look at administration I found that we need to update our version, it says pretty important and more new features.
Does any one out their want to become an administrator and help Serena keep this forum on track, have to be a love job and can only give the responsibilty to someone that has participated and been a member for a while...let serena know via message if interested, I forget to check mine for months on end.

Chris the IT guy is the only one I let update to newer versions as very tricky and even I don't attempt it, am checking in with him now to organise.

Mary Anne PA

editing rights done, please test and let me know how you go with yours, edit one of your previous messages

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
I have always been able to edit as an administator you need a member to test this one.
Other problem with front pages is you have illustrous hard copy and orginal.I work in illustrous and I think all new members get that version when they first join.


it works!

Well, the editing by members seems to work ok. Just changed one of mine ok. :)
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