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Disguises That Make You Unreconizable

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
I've had a lot of people contact me and say they would love to come to the club but a scared of running into someone they know or because of their work they need to be unreckonizable.
Finally come up with the perfect solution.
Dark Love one of our forum members is a very artistic lady and does face painting and body painting that is very sexy and outstaning work.
I have spoken with Dark Love and she is prepared to paint your face in a sexy outgoing design for $60 for singles and $100 for couples.Each piece of art takes up to one hour.After you are made up and dressed we can also organise a very private discreet driver to deliver you to and from the club.
If you are interested in this service please PM myself or Dark Love only so that total discreetion can be maintained.
Serena will shortly post some samples of Darlk Loves work below.


hi MA

whilst i understand that certain members/people may have high profile jobs etc, wouldnt face painting be a little extreme? i would personally be put off by having painted faces at the club........you are not seeing the real person and while i totally agree that darklove is very talented, i also think it would be a little daunting to have members disguised in paint.

we are all there for the same purpose and it is nothing to be ashamed of. Tom is a professional who works only 10 mins away, he has more chance of running into people in the shops etc but he feels no shame.

if members really are concerned....perhaps little eye masks ala the tom cruise movie? cant think of the name.......everyone wore face/eye masks which actually disguises a lot.

just a thought...im happy to go au naturale! but i do think some would find it a little off putting. :dontknow:


Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
I had a face painter around for australia day for the kids and all the adults got into it and found they were more thenselves with a little protection to cover the shyness.I think it could help some people and that after the first time they would have more confidence being themselves.


I agree with you Deb, and anyway if you saw someone you knew they are in the same boat as you so what are they going to say?

sandy O0


I personally think it's a fun idea even if not used in the context above....like in the old French masquerade balls & such things as that, there is always an element of seductivity in the air you feel. Also some may be able to relax more in another persona so to say, even if others do know them. IMHO ;)


The movie was "Eyes Wide Shut" and I think they call those masks 'domino' masks, but I'm not entirely sure.

Did anyone see that Kath n Kim episode where Sharon dressed up in the cloak and the mask? What a hoot!

I think a masquerade night would be a hoot, some of the masks I have seen just up at Red Dot etc are quite elaborate, or you could make your own!


Gender Dyslexic
Foundation Member
Masks, thin veil of anonymity

I use to be a Clown for kids parties, etc and i can tell you that wearing the costume and having my face painted not only created a character but allowed me to overcome a degree of shyness and i was able to do things i normally wouldn't do. People still knew it was me minus the makeup, but i could joke an say "it wasn't me, i'm the innocent one"
why do you think the band KISS painted their faces ?
Publicity shy .. i think not :p


NortiGal said:
The movie was "Eyes Wide Shut" and I think they call those masks 'domino' masks, but I'm not entirely sure.

Did anyone see that Kath n Kim episode where Sharon dressed up in the cloak and the mask? What a hoot!

I think a masquerade night would be a hoot, some of the masks I have seen just up at Red Dot etc are quite elaborate, or you could make your own!
thats the one...thanx norti.

i agree with the "masquerade night" idea rather than the full on "lets disguise ourselves so nobody notices us".
we are all in this together......nobody is going to judge anyone.

perhaps if a particular night was organised, those people who are a little shy/concerned could use that as their stepping stone?

i also feel that if you have to create another "persona" as such...maybe this is not the place for you?
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A masked ball, would get my vote, but then all have to wear masks and costumes or cloaks....:D

This sounds reallllyyy Wikkkkked


Dark Love

Not just because I am the painter, but I like the fact some people would want to disguise themselves. Some people are actually into it as a fetisch like B & D or wearing all leather/bondage gear. It can also be a great way to express an inner part of yourself, which is very attractive. Some people need a few drinks to relax, while other like to do things different I guess. It also would be pretty damn erotic to dress up and go to LP's. I would love to do it with my partner and then arrive seperately and find each other and do the whole role play thing.

And hopefully because everyone should be open and excepting of others, they will embrace the difference and possibly might be encouraged to get involved.

Apart from the way it looks, it feels amazing when applied, last week one guy got an erection while I was painting him, another said it was very sensual. It feels like feathers adorning your body!

I do agree with MovesInSilence, I used to dress up and paint in David Jones. Once in character you could shed your inhabitions and role play, which is fun and very theraputic. Actually there are whole degrees at Uni which specialize in this area.

When it all comes down to it, it is each for his own, lets just except everyone for what they find fun, sexy and comfortable.

c ya's there with my brushes.


cutensexy said:
I also feel that if you have to create another "persona" as such...maybe this is not the place for you?

I cannot understand why you would feel this way Cute...each of us has different "faces" we show different people....it's not like we are hiding...it is all part of our own personal makeup. Below is how I understand things to be. :)

The four important archetypes that play very significant roles in everyone's personality are Persona, Anima(us), Shadow, and the Self. Here is a brief explanation of each. Persona - from Latin word meaning "mask."Something actors wore to portray a certain personality. In Jungian psychology, the persona archetype serves a similar purpose; it enables one to
portray a character that is not necessarily his own. The persona is the mask or facade one exhibits publicly, with the intention of presenting a favourable impression so that society will accept him.This is necessary for survival, for the reason that it enables us to get along with people, even those we diskike,
in an amicable manner. Say, you have to get a job, and what is expected
of you is such personal characteristics such as grooming, clothing, and manners, so even if you don't exhibit those at home, you have to demonstrate them at work, in order to get this job. A person may also have more than one persona. Anima, Animus - Jung called the persona the "outward face" of the psyche.Carl Gustav Jung


i understand that vyx and DL i am not putting a negative feel to it in general it is just my personal preference and opinion.

as has been mentioned before, these "persons" are specifically looking to be disguised so as to not be noticed/recognised for whatever reason, be it embarrasment, shame, etc.... that is a big difference to masking oneself as a part of play, fetish, or fantasy. these people are afraid of being caught out and i just believe that if that is the case, this may not be for them.

i respect those who have their body painted, body pierced etc etc, that is done as a "want" not a "need". we are all different and have different tastes, i just would not feel comfortable with painted faces all around me in what is considered a sexy, sensual setting, simply because those persons are ashamed of being there............sorry


Foundation Member
I agree with u cute 100 percent. We have all had to walk thru the doors and face up to the fact that we might run into our boss, neighbour, butcher etc and the sooner u deal with the fact that we are all there for the same reason the easier it is> it all basically comes down to trust..........

I think the mask idea is better at least u can still get a general idea of face shape etc......

the idea of bodypainting at the club for fun is great and i wish i had been there that nite to partipate i would have been first in line but the idea of having to paint urself up to go in the first place well..........
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thanx sioxie, i was beginning to think i was the only one!

as you said it all comes down to trust.........u may bump into your GP..so what..your there for the same reason are you not.

Sir Stefan

Agent Provocateur
Foundation Member
Masks get Sir 'S' vote....

I recognise the individuals right to remaining anonymous, that's why some of us use our forum names.... and why Sir 'S' wears hat and mask. masks are easy to obtain, easy to use , can be put on or taken off at will and are re-useable.... Sir'S' vote goes to masks, for those who seek to conceal their identity.... Sir'S'


anyway... I got a much better chance of scoring...with a beautttyyyy if my ugly mug is covered...:D...lol


Sir Stefan

Agent Provocateur
Foundation Member
cutensexy said:
i understand that vyx and DL i am not putting a negative feel to it in general it is just my personal preference and opinion.

as has been mentioned before, these "persons" are specifically looking to be disguised so as to not be noticed/recognised for whatever reason, be it embarrasment, shame, etc.... that is a big difference to masking oneself as a part of play, fetish, or fantasy. these people are afraid of being caught out and i just believe that if that is the case, this may not be for them.

i respect those who have their body painted, body pierced etc etc, that is done as a "want" not a "need". we are all different and have different tastes, i just would not feel comfortable with painted faces all around me in what is considered a sexy, sensual setting, simply because those persons are ashamed of being there............sorry

But please understand, they may not wish to be disguised for reasons of embarrasment or shame... but may be of such public profile that they could be blackmailed with threat of exposure... it happens, I know only too well ... Sir 'S'


Foundation Member
Sir "S" we can all be subject to blackmail and exposure not only those in high public profile. ...........many of us have parents, other family members, employers, ex husbands/ wives who we dont wish to find out that we are frequenting swingers clubs......

........and spice dont u know its ur charm that will get u the beauty u desire in the end doesnt matter what u look like......... :alien: ( ps the the green alien is for u as i know u have a liking for little green creatures lol).......
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Sioxie,, a wench after My Own Heart...lol

Yes I now it's the charm, because I'm no RobnMisty...lol

But yes, we all want a little security in knowing we are safe in this other world of ours. It's not a shame thing, but a protect those that we love thing


ps,,, take me to your leader Sioxie..:D


It's not only the embarrasment or shame issues they may disguise themselves for...many people are incredibly shy, I am speaking on a personal level here also....I have always said that I would like everything that I feel to be ME on the inside, that I want it on the outside...be true to me...but for some this is not an easy road to travel and by masking/painting oneself they may be able to hide behind that persona in order to be able to express their inner selves more so...this is what I meant...not being ashamed of ones self, I most certainly am not ashamed of me, but sometimes issues from the past can make it crippling for some to reveal all parts of themselves....

Mask wearing - This is a pattern of behaviors to hide from others your true feelings. This helps you to keep others in the dark as to how you are actually reacting to people, places, or things. By masking feelings you prevent real or imagined abuse, rejection, non-approval, or condemnation from those who would be offended by your honest assessment, reaction, or judgment.