• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

(Debate 2 ) Men are Superior to Woman "As If"

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Greeting and Salutations,

It is time for the second Great debate to commence. For the sake of fairness I have modified the topic ever so slightly. The debate topic is :

“That Men are Naturally Superior to Women”

The affirmative team is:


The negative Team is:


The speaking order is to be determined by the individual teams Amanda can you co ordinate your team DangerMouse can you look after your team. In the event that one of your team members is unable to post another person is allowed to make a post for them.

I will allow 72 hours for each team to make a post. The reason for the time frame is that I am conscious of the fact that we all have family and business commitments.

The scoring for the debate and the post limits are as previously posted.

Note this is a three member format not 4 as shown in the above post.

I will adjudicate the debate.

Good Luck
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hey spice and knight my yahoo id is shayoden so if you guys have it add me too your list and we can coordinate our posts, i should be around most of the evening, if ya dont have it, just pm me and we can meet int he chat room


i have messaged the affirmative team requesting their opening salvo.



Dangermouse has a puter problem, so I'll fire the first salvo away at 3:30pm today...:evil4:



round 1

Man the leader of a species…

When creation moved forth and produced from primeval sludge and slime, LIFE. It decided which of the two subspecies would lead the challenge of life across the planet.

Every civilisation, be it intellectual or barbaric, has been lead by the heads and shoulders of the masculine side of our race. At war, we lead out men into battle, with fear suppressed and chest bare to protect the young and weak. Just look at the sacrifices many a man has made for his country, land and family, the superior being, prepared to lay down and die for his kinfolk.

But I hear you gasp and stare, what arrogance you say. And yes it maybe. For the man is like many of the solid trees of life, growing stronger with age and more desired for shelter the older, stronger and sturdier he gets. Just look about you as waifs of the supermodel world, blossom and die in eye blinks of time, past their best and fading by the time they stumble over 21!!! And then you have the masculine side of the species, we mature and become better looking with age, even the sexiest three men alive voted last month where all over 40years of age, the 1st was 40 ( a mortal Mr B Pitt), the suave Mr Connery well into his 60+s and the Dashing Pirate of the Caribbean who too is 40…. My how we are the red wines of the world…

But lets move away from the mere skin tones and looks of men, beneath our skins is a body made to create the burst of life, We the carriers of marathon swimmer of life, they have no fear of the journey up dangerous canals, though perils, devices of copper and silicone to ensure the lazy ovum that has cruised down on her sea-biscuit is not lost to the rapids of the moon. And how we sweat for the creation of life…working hard to ensure the race will survive.

The mind of the man can be lost in love in Venus or hard and strong battling forth for Mars. Man has the mind to be the ultimate lover, fighter, creature of science, mystical mind of the soul when venturing forth into religion….

How the superior one leads forth everyday. Man the superior of the sexes.

your reply we await.


Hi Everone,

Vyxxn has had to withdraw from the Ladies team can some one step up for her please let me know urgently.

Amanda and Lisa you can post up still while find the extra person... Amanda do you want to go first or will you let lisa do it.



Lisa do you need a mans help to recover it....??? :D :evil4:



BigMike said:
Hi Everone,

Vyxxn has had to withdraw from the Ladies team can some one step up for her please let me know urgently.


Ty Big M for your understanding in regards to this ;)

Sorry ladies to let down the team, but sometimes RL must take priority :)



If Vyxxn is out.. I will join her. seems that noting is happening.. sorry




Well lisa I guess that is your choice.

We Urgently need two new members for the debate if any one is interested plase send me a private message.



Lisa said:
If Vyxxn is out.. I will join her. seems that noting is happening.. sorry


I'm sorry to hear that Lisa, I left as I am in the middle of moving house & have alot on my plate atm, that & the fact that after requesting help from one of our team members I recieved no reply....guess the men ARE better than woman eh BigM ;)


Hey Vyxxen, buy me a sixpack of Crownies and I'll move the house and help you write the reply.... :D

See us men are very weak and easily tempted when a cute blonde is in trouble,,,

We'll hold out till you moved, looved and groved into the new place

No worries sunshine



spice-me said:
Hey Vyxxen, buy me a sixpack of Crownies and I'll move the house and help you write the reply.... :D

See us men are very weak and easily tempted when a cute blonde is in trouble,,,

We'll hold out till you moved, looved and groved into the new place

No worries sunshine


Awwww man u guys are just so kool eh *smile*

MMMMMMMMwah@U Spice :)


Males are better than us

Males are better than us, just thout that nothing really happening here. Also had to go into hospital for the day to have heaps of test. so I was not really up to it. Males are pains in the rear end...and we are the best because we are the best....


Ladies debating team


I'm new at this Forum thingy, would like to join the ladies debating team. What do I do now.


Mary Anne PA

umm I think it's fallen by the wayside.. haven't seen Mike around for a bit, he gets busy sometimes.... lol

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Freshened this old post when putting things in order because I don't think a conclusive win to either side and I think we should get the subject going again.
Do you like the slight title change?
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