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Darwin Massage Parlors raided by 100 police


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Border force failed in Melbourne, so what next lets raid some parlors.... What a joke.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
This is an Australian wide raid on massage parlours by the federal police. It mostly involves the asian places as they are looking for illegal immigrants, The whisper is Adelaide and Perth are next.They have 100 police working on the raids collecting data etc and are approved for 4 months on this project.
PS out of the 11 parlours they visited in Darwin they closed down 7 straight away as they had no GST trading number. They did not arrest any one for Prostitution charges but they did issue 4 Tax Fraud investigations so far.
It is interesting to note only the state police can issue charges for prostitution so it will be interesting to see if they make any charges later.


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
This is an Australian wide raid on massage parlours by the federal police. It mostly involves the asian places as they are looking for illegal immigrants, The whisper is Adelaide and Perth are next.They have 100 police working on the raids collecting data etc and are approved for 4 months on this project.

They have raided Adelaide ones earlier this year and in 2014 too, on the same issue, Well if people can not work here legally then I am all for it, but not to raid for the sake of a raid also if women are working there under duress then get them out the place, and prosecute those that are controlling them by making them pay back debts that will never be re-paid.

A recent look on Backpage there has been an explosion of Asians (orientals) on that too, so maybe that has something to do with this, my comment was said tongue in cheek about border force's failure in Melbourne, that was all, This is a serious issue really.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
They may have started in Adelaide, do you know if it was Federal police or the State Police that did the raids.If you find a article on it can you post it on this thread please.


Diamond Member
Funny its taken Darwin police this long to raid those places knowing they have been operating as brothels for a long time.
The very next time I visit my favourite AMP I shall don a wig, nurses outfit and carry a stethoscope in readiness for a prospective raid and an 'emergency' mouth-to-mouth operation, should it be required. "Be prepared..." was our motto when I was a scout, long ago.


Gold Member
Frédéric Bastiat: in The Law (c.1850) said:
It is impossible to introduce into society a greater change and a greater evil than this: the conversion of the law into an instrument of plunder.

What are the consequences of such a perversion? It would require volumes to describe them all. Thus we must content ourselves with pointing out the most striking.

In the first place, it erases from everyone's conscience the distinction between justice and injustice.

No society can exist unless the laws are respected to a certain degree. The safest way to make laws respected is to make them respectable. When law and morality contradict each other, the citizen has the cruel alternative of either losing his moral sense or losing his respect for the law. These two evils are of equal consequence, and it would be difficult for a person to choose between them.

The nature of law is to maintain justice. This is so much the case that, in the minds of the people, law and justice are one and the same thing. There is in all of us a strong disposition to believe that anything lawful is also legitimate. This belief is so widespread that many persons have erroneously held that things are "just" because law makes them so. Thus, in order to make plunder appear just and sacred to many consciences, it is only necessary for the law to decree and sanction it. Slavery, restrictions, and monopoly find defenders not only among those who profit from them but also among those who suffer from them."

What justice is served by detaining a foreign national and sending them to a detention camp for giving an unauthorised massage? Or two consenting adults engaging in sex for the exchange of cash being prosecuted? Or fining people for riding a bicycle without a helmet? Or for smoking weed? Victimless crimes that effect the lives of those caught in the net of a police force intent on enforcing laws that do nothing to cause justice to reign.

Laws such as those drive a wedge between the good will of the people and those charged to protect them from crime. Which leads people to use the phrase "I hate cops." When in reality they're just people doing a job, a very important job. And if they restricted their actions to traditional crimes like theft, rape, murder, fraud, burglary, assault etc. we'd all be better off, and mostly wouldn't use such phrases.
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Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
I agree with you User 184 . I believe the world is one and all people have a right to water, air & land and that we are movers by nature.Immigration is a political thing and they have to get the busts to show that we are serious about who we allow in.They are just using the sex industry for headlines and justification.
What I don't agree with is business operating with out a GST number and not paying anything for the privilege of working in Australia.
At least 60% of AMP operate on a cash only basis and give nothing back for what they earn. I am talking about the business owners not the girls.

(Its not right but I believe as the oldest profession they have the right like the Gold prospectors used to have.)


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
No I disagree Phoebe you have to have a service before you can advertise, so advertising came after the trade. I put up this post to advise the AMP get registered for GST and if they do a raid you won't be forced to close down. I believe that only 3 out of 11 were allowed to stay open.This means 3 were registered for GST and 8 were not.

Thats not good, I am behind you here if you operate a business then do what everyone else has to do, and pay what you need to and operate that way its fair, as thats the only way a country can operate. I was just making light of your comment, so please accept my apologies, but I am all for this industry to be open fair more over "legal". but 3 out of 11 is not right.


Diamond Member
What justice is served by detaining a foreign national and sending them to a detention camp for giving an unauthorised massage? Or two consenting adults engaging in sex for the exchange of cash being prosecuted? Or fining people for riding a bicycle without a helmet? Or for smoking weed? Victimless crimes that effect the lives of those caught in the net of a police force intent on enforcing laws that do nothing to cause justice to reign.

Laws such as those drive a wedge between the good will of the people and those charged to protect them from crime. Which leads people to use the phrase "I hate cops." When in reality they're just people doing a job, a very important job. And if they restricted their actions to traditional crimes like theft, rape, murder, fraud, burglary, assault etc. we'd all be better off, and mostly wouldn't use such phrases.
While I agree with the point that most of these are unnecessary laws, the problem lies not with Police enforcing them but their existence in the first place.

If you leave it to the police to determine which laws are enforced and which are not, then you have an unaccountable group of people determining the law and that is basically a police state.


Gold Member
Enforcement implies existence. It was actually my intention to mean that the legislative branch eliminate the existence of those laws so that the police no longer had to enforce them. I worded it terribly.

You are very correct axeman.


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Enforcement implies existence. It was actually my intention to mean that the legislative branch eliminate the existence of those laws so that the police no longer had to enforce them. I worded it terribly.

You are very correct axeman.

well said +1 but that would mean our law makers would have to agree..

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Phoebe you are allowed to disagree me anytime, on the forum I am only a member with my views.I believe a mans dick lead him to giving a woman his favorite chicken for sex, because she was so desirable.
This was in cave mans day, before we could even speak properly, most communication was hands and grunts. The chicken laid 10 eggs and all of a sudden she had 11 chickens, she learnt to swish her hips at the next man and the industry was born. It wasn't until she had competition that she needed to learn to advertise so our industry invented that as well. I learnt all this by reading the "clan of the cave man series" best books I have ever read to understand human nature.


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Phoebe you are allowed to disagree me anytime, on the forum I am only a member with my views.I believe a mans dick lead him to giving a woman his favorite chicken for sex, because she was so desirable.
This was in cave mans day, before we could even speak properly, most communication was hands and grunts. The chicken laid 10 eggs and all of a sudden she had 11 chickens, she learnt to swish her hips at the next man and the industry was born. It wasn't until she had competition that she needed to learn to advertise so our industry invented that as well. I learnt all this by reading the "clan of the cave man series" best books I have ever read to understand human nature.

Very well said, and very funny indeed, thanks for a laugh :) is that what the books are called? 10/10.

Alot of folks still communicate with those same grunts and hands, so some have not came too far from that cave. Loved the read very funny.

I think your industry you get to see the best/worst and the in-between of human nature.

Driver Harry

When it comes down to it sounds like a tax raid disguised plus border protection. Govt is going after every $$$ seeing the country is so far in debt. It's a good thing to shut these unregistered businesses down. They will just pop up somewhere else just like the computer industry back in the 90's.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
It will be more difficult in Darwin as the law states they can charge the landlord as well as the owner, it will be interesting to see next week when i do the research of who is open and where and how many adds are now in the Darwin Newspaper.
I now like your avatar Mr Transporter.

Driver Harry

They may have started in Adelaide, do you know if it was Federal police or the State Police that did the raids.If you find a article on it can you post it on this thread please.
Here is a link to the Operation and officers involved.
In saying that if there is any Commonwealth breaches then the AFP would become involved.
Manpower is why they brought officers in from other states.
184 each states Police force is broken up into divisions so this is one of their raids "good press" and the majority of officers would be either recruits from other states or jnr officers, I wish they would go alot harder on violent crimes myself... miss the Brazil police death squads :oops::oops::oops:

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
19 Establishments are published I thought it was 11 they must have done some home operations as well.

It will make my job in Darwin much easier now that their are only two legal operations and a couple of genuine rug n tug places left.
If it had happened a week earlier, I would never have been able to afford to buy Darwin Escorts.


Mouse chasing Pussy
Diamond Member
19 Establishments are published I thought it was 11 they must have done some home operations as well.

It will make my job in Darwin much easier now that their are only two legal operations and a couple of genuine rug n tug places left.
If it had happened a week earlier, I would never have been able to afford to buy Darwin Escorts.
Always pays to make the tip off after the deal is sealed. (just kidding) Sorry I couldn't resist.