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Cracker adverts hourly rates bigger than the mining boom


Mary Anne PA

I just had a look at Cracker and was amazed that just about every ad on the first page had hourly rates starting at $500 plus. I admit the girls look fantastic although I’m not 100% if they are real pictures.

Is the demand that great in WA that they can all get business?


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
LOL;- You should check out the Adelaide Adds;- all the touring girls mostly advertise above $500+ while the local girls are far more conservative in price. I find the touring girl adds on Cracker a continues source of entertainment and amusement, the pictures, the descriptions;- LOL


Aah but you see - as Gina Rinehart says - if in Africa they pay miners $2 an hour to work in appalling conditions, her customers might switch to South Africa for their resources.

It never struck these dumb customers to do it before of course when the bargain already existed. And she's given the South African mines their best free advertising.

In the same way, there are escorts who advertise and work for peanuts almost - and yet the expensive ladies still advertise their higher rates. I don't necessarily agree or disagree with the "you get what you pay for" theory but looks like the demand's willing to meet the supply.
On a strict geological basis however, all the suppliers seem to have a goldmine between their legs if they still are pulling in (pun UNintended) the customers.

Farm Boy

The girls are creating a bit of wiggle room before Wriggling in a room.


Well...at Langtrees all our girls are actually better than in their pictures. And YES they are REAL Pictures. ..You get what you pay for..and an honest man doesn't expect something for nothing !!