• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Cold showers! Do they really fix the issue?



Re: Dirty talk

I'm a big fan of dirty talk but it's not for everyone. If it's natural for the girl (it's generally obvious) then its awesome but if it's put on I find it a massive turn off.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Re: Dirty talk

Not a big fan of dirty talk to start with but if it should develop out of an intimate situation..........why not. I find that dirty talk is a good relief for sexual tension even when the boundries between dirty talk as sexual turn-on and discriminating remarks are hart to define.


Tania Admin

Exciting places to have sex

I once had sex in a limo on Hollywood Boulevard, that was a fun experience, and on the roof top of an office building during the day, that was very exciting with the whole of Perth active and busy below us.
What exciting place have you had a sexual encounter?


Re: Exciting places to have sex

I had sex in a cave a long time ago, it was awesome


Re: Exciting places to have sex

I had sex in a cave a long time ago, it was awesome

o9mg...did you have a long beard, fur coat and did you beat the woman into submission...................I THINK THAT WAS ME!!!:laughing4


Full Member
Foundation Member
Re: Exciting places to have sex

Exciting places to have sex????.........has been in my mind....ah yes, the thrill of it all....lol... :)


Re: Exciting places to have sex

Exciting places to have sex????.........has been in my mind....ah yes, the thrill of it all....lol... :)

IS that a case of mind over matter???:laughing4


what you see is wat you get and alot more
Diamond Member
Re: Exciting places to have sex

Yeah theres a few that come to mind over the yrs, a couple of B/J's on a bus with 2 different women, somehow ended up with this hot blonde on the Indian pacific, all i remember about that was when she got on somewhere in S.A and i thought wow she looks nice, next thing i remember it was around 4am and we were actually having greek, Helga was her name and she was from Germany and she nearly convinced me to get off with her in Adelaide. (i wonder where that would have led me, or if she ever went back to Sydney.)
My 2 favorites are a cave on the top off Schnapper and a rock up off the telebudgerra walk way around to Burleigh, both were with my last girl and one across from the Casino up against the building wall, as well with my last girl which lasted for hours.
That's a few that come to mind, most of the earlier ones was when i was in my mid to late 20's.
Memories that were all good ones but that is a few stand outs. Do it all again in a heartbeat.


Re: Exciting places to have sex

but seriously...

in corner booth in nightclub...on my knees giving my new boyfriend at the time a blow job... while a bouncer stood near by watching... obviously we where not kicked out!!!!


In the back of the limo after my highschool ball and in the also at the back of garden city.... Good times good times. Oh and lets not forget in the disabled toilets at the riverton leisureplex.

Always wanted to get a room at the holiday inn at burswood and do it so everyone in line for the nightclub can two silhouettes getting busy through the window... Thats on my bucket list. Maybe with a sexy raven haired girl. I could kill two birds with one stone :)
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what you see is wat you get and alot more
Diamond Member
Re: Exciting places to have sex

but seriously...

in corner booth in nightclub...on my knees giving my new boyfriend at the time a blow job... while a bouncer stood near by watching... obviously we where not kicked out!!!!
Have done a similar thing as well as far as the nightclub thing goes, but was at Broadbeach with a couple whose wife was extremely hot,
dressed in a tiny leather skirt and sort of see thru top with no knickers on.
We had met up at the new Broady pub and we all got along well and she wanted to have sex in a nightclub.
So just to get to the story when we met at the Broady nightclub and seeing what she was wearing was enough to make any guy look twice, as the night club got fuller we had a table up the back where she just moved herself backwards on the chair so i could slide into her why her husband was sitting beside her with fingers going everywhere on her clit.
It was sort of pretty discreet and after about half an hour she suggested we go back too there motel where we all had a great night.
Though i wandered what the next person who sat on her seat thought as it was soaked and she just had to walk about 5 meters in front of us leaving as while she was walking up the stairs me and her guy and another couple of guys had a great view of one set of hot legs leading all the way to her sweet wet pussy and butt. Another one of those great nights that started out just by answering an ad they had in Australian Rosie..


Re: Exciting places to have sex

Of Course!, I have had many an exciting time in the bedroom too :)

Harvest time, 10 or so years ago on a crystal clear still night. It was a good year for farmers in the area and the good yield was making the header work (yellow one FB & H2). Anyway it was slow going, but consistent and I settled in to a groove after 5 or six hours.
Keeping me company was the familiar drone of the working machine, the occasional f......ing 'beeeeeeeeeeeeeep' from the sensor (ie slow down a bit Col you slave driver.....remember I'm a yellow one) and lastly, ah the wandering naughty thoughts which I'm sure were enhanced by the vibration from this poor yellow header working at full capacity.

Essentially alone, bored and with vibrations galore, the little friend in the pants inevitably began to demand that I at least acknowledge his humble existence.....In hindsight the logical course of action, to me, would be to stop, take care of business and resume. However it's too late for hindsight now and anyway - it's a header not a Tardis. Instead, I kept driving, looking for an opportunity to turn a two handed affair (steering 1, comb up & down/speed 2) in to a one hand job (tee hee). While the opportunities arose frequently they were frustratingly short lived......arrrgggggg!!!!!

A shot of adrenaline then surged through me as I saw a pair of headlights approaching me. Pants up and on full alert in a nano second as I prepared a mental update for who I thought was the boss. I'm sure you all know that generally the most sensitive part of a man's body when he's doing 'that' is.......his ears.......well in this case it was the eyes, and for that I will be forever grateful.

It wasn't the boss, not even the pervert patrol, but my girlfriend at the time who had driven up to visit me. Well after 10 minutes of trudging around we looked at each other and an unspoken mutual decision was made (thank you vibrating yellow header!).
We parked the header on the hill, turned all the lights off and immediately locked in to a passionate embrace....had to wait for the turbo to cool before I could shut it off. This would have to be the only time being with a gorgeous woman where the clock seemed to go backwards! Ok so I shut it off a bit early.

The sex was ...interesting, not a lot of room in the cab but great fun trying all sorts of new positions. Not the safest place....probably added to the excitement though, as did the thought that had a neighbouring farmer turned and shone his header's headlights our way he would have had a very clear view of us in some pretty obscure positions.....yep, lots of big clear windows on headers.

After wards, she sat on my lap (kinda had to, only one seat) and as we caught our breath we had a nice cuddle and enjoyed the complete silence, sitting in a yellow header, lights off, on top of a hill looking out the huge windows at the silhouette of the rolling landscape and star filled sky.

''um ..thank you class for listening to my news''

''It was our pleasure treasure''


what you see is wat you get and alot more
Diamond Member
Re: Exciting places to have sex

Yeah nice memory Colb123, it's good to think of some good memories instead of all the negative ones once in awhile.. As i have had far more negative ones then good ones.


Re: Exciting places to have sex

Yeah nice memory Colb123, it's good to think of some good memories instead of all the negative ones once in awhile.. As i have had far more negative ones then good ones.

That's a good point HT - I need to work a bit harder generally on remembering and focusing on the good. I can't say I've had any bad sexual experiences yet but certainly the circumstances surrounding sex and relationships that I have encountered are often drawn upon unnecessarily.

..... perhaps one day you'll have the opportunity to have some exciting, awkward yet fulfilling Header sex:)


what you see is wat you get and alot more
Diamond Member
Re: Exciting places to have sex

Yeah i was more referring to the first part of your comment, sexuall side has never really been an issue,most have been great, but have had the odd bad experience. More so the relatinship side of things, the ups and downs that can occur, amongst other issues in ones life.Though i appriciate your comments.


Re: Exciting places to have sex

Yeah i was more referring to the first part of your comment, sexuall side has never really been an issue,most have been great, but have had the odd bad experience. More so the relatinship side of things, the ups and downs that can occur, amongst other issues in ones life.Though i appriciate your comments.

Ah gotchya now:) Relationships.................they remind me of that restaurant (i think it's a restaurant...) ''The good the bad and the ugly'' . Hey and that's just the one I have with myself! Ah I am but a mere work in progress:)


Legend Member
Re: Exciting places to have sex

Of Course!, I have had many an exciting time in the bedroom too :)

lol...not just any bedroom, how bout in her bedroom where the parents are just 2 doors down. Oh...how bout someone else's bedroom? For example, in her auntie's bedroom.

Akira Hunter

Re: Exciting places to have sex

I once had sex in a limo on Hollywood Boulevard, that was a fun experience, and on the roof top of an office building during the day, that was very exciting with the whole of Perth active and busy below us.
What exciting place have you had a sexual encounter?
It was my first visit to Melb, I was a lot younger and saw a flyer advertising a Papi Party so decided to chance it. 'No Facebook Then'
The Pub was small a few people milling around, good music from what I can remember, after a while the music changed 'Pull up to my Bumper' came on and a real cutey walked on stage and proceeded to do a little strip. He then moved into the crowd and for some reason picked me out kissed me rather aggressively and grabbed my hand. I didn't know what was happening but was given a push from behind, I can remember the cheers from the punters. Once on stage my jeans came off and he proceeded to do what obviously he knew so well, It was over quickly and there was rousing applause from the crowd and I ran out embarrassed. Looking back a few years later though, I find It quite funny and innocent In a off-beat way, considering everything else. P.S Pull-Up to my Bumper, has been my Fav song ever since.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Re: Exciting places to have sex

In the middle of the packed dance floor of a busy night club. Gave my then partner a hand job........lol......nobody around us realised what was going on. Not easy.....hardly had space to get his cock out of his pants.


Tania Admin

Re: Exciting places to have sex

So good to know just how many people have experienced public sex, or sex in places where they could be caught,,,Good to know I'm not the only one who finds it/has found it exciting


Re: Exciting places to have sex

this reminds me of a quickie in an elevator of a building where my ex's had her condo unit...lols...pretty exciting and memorable...lol

Tania Admin

Favourite time of day for sex

Some like myself, don't have a favourite time, any time is a good time for sex,,,but on that note I have some friends who prefer sex at night,,others just love morning sex. When is your favourite time of day for sex?


Gold Member
Re: Favourite time of day for sex

Not being a morning person, I'd usually be rather grumpy first thing. But a few years ago, I loved waking up a couple of times before my partner, and gently waking her up in a most sensuous way, sadly it very rarely led anywhere as the kids were usually home, she was the one feeling tired/grumpy, etc.

By now it's been over five years since any sex between us, she just doesn't ever seem in the mood any more. I recently tried to initiate an afternoon encounter, but again, it fizzled when my attentions were just... I think, ignored is the best way to describe it. I've pretty much given up.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Re: Favourite time of day for sex

Seldom is there a time when this profound act is not welcomed. A pet habit of mine is to indulge in fellatio as I drift into slumber, and also as I wake into conciousness.

So morning and night as I fall asleep and wake up is the best time for a head job ;)

Tania Admin

Re: Favourite time of day for sex

Seldom is there a time when this profound act is not welcomed. A pet habit of mine is to indulge in fellatio as I drift into slumber, and also as I wake into conciousness.

So morning and night as I fall asleep and wake up is the best time for a head job ;)

I must admit to the fact I really enjoy waking a partner in this manner,,mmmmmmm ;)


Re: Favourite time of day for sex

Yep.. Any time is a good time but sex before breakfast for me is the perfect way to start my day. :)