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Circumcised or Uncircumcised: Does It Matter in Sex?


Bronze Member
Hi guys and girls, just wondering what girls, and guys to, think is better, I had a girl run out on me not long ago because i was not circumsized, is there a preference, does it feel better for girls.
Just after some opinions.


5 Star General
Foundation Member
Re: cut or uncut?

since we had 3 threads pertaining to circumcised men , i thought it best to merge them together'



Re: cut or uncut?

I have a real problem with people who prefer cut, it's a barbaric, outdated practice. If one wants to get circumcised as an adult, that's fine... But I believe there's an issue of consent when it's done as a baby - what right do we have to remove a part of an individuals body that cannot grow back.

Personally, I think uncut men have stronger orgasms and don't need as much vigorous stimulation as a cut man does. The sliding motion of the foreskin helps when giving a blowjob or handjob, you just can't get that motion with a cut man without lubricant.

And as for hygeine, we don't live in a third world country... Wash your penis!


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Generally I would say it depends on the penis........(believe it or not guys but there is something like an ugly penis out there). A good looking penis 'cut' or 'uncut' it does not matter. But stating the average.......I prefer 'cut'.

MissLolita....I agree nowadays hygiene shouldn't be an issue especially in the so called first world countries but that's why I was really speechless when scientists discovered the reason for the high number of cervical cancer in young women in Germany (Germany has a 90% 'uncut' culture). Apparently it is a virus living under the forsekin. It does no harm to the carrier (male) but can have life threatening consequences for the female when passed on via unprotected sex. The virus loves the moist warm climate under the foreskin, can't be seen or smelled....doesn't itch and most of the males have no idea that they actually carry it around.
The female does not develop cervical cancer straight away. It can take years. The virus is sitting there waiting for a stressed or inefficient immunesystem to make it's move (a bit like herpes).
Hygiene alone is not a protection as such. If a male gets it, it will keep him company for the rest of his life (again a bit like herpes).
The virus was not detected in circumsized males.
So here we go.....even in the 21st century circumsition might not just be an outdated pracice.


Hey, some of us had no say in it at all!

Being circumsized used to be part of anglo christian culture. Still is for Jews and Moslems.

Cleanliness may be an issue for some men (and presumable all women). My uncircumsized son is very lazy about washing at all, so God help the poor girl who is lucky enough to get him!

Ladies, what is your preference? After all, you get to deal with it on a regular basis!


Farm Boy

In classical Greek times the exposure of the glans of the penis was considered offensive and men with short foreskin would wear the kynodesme to prevent its accidental exposure.

A form of foreskin restoration, historically known as epispasm, was practiced among some Jews in Hellenistic and Roman societies.[1]

Some European Jews sought out underground foreskin restoration operations during World War II as a method to escape Nazi
Amazing what you can find on Wikipedia


Silver Member
Well being cut I still have strong orgasms so the old fable about uncut being better for orgasms doesn't hold with me.. I have no problems at all with parents wanting to circumcise their sons..


Silver Member
No and I don't need to as I'm extremely happy with my penis the way it is and the orgasms that come from it.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Hi Maxxy,
good to hear that you are happy with your orgasms. Most of the 'uncut' guys I had a chat with about 'cut' or 'uncut' think that a cicumsised penis is far less sensitive and therefore the orgaam less exciting. Guess it could makes kind of sense......the foreskin protecting the tip of the penis......but at the end.....as long as you enjoy mindblowing sex......foreskin or not......GREAT.

Hi Farm Boy.....that is really interesting.....emazing how political a foreskin can be.


Sheldon Thervasa

If you've already got a circumcised penis, no doubt by adulthood you will have figured out what kinds of things really stimulate your glans and such. If you're one of the lucky guys who are UNcircumcised, know that your penis is statistically four times more sensitive than circumcised penises, ie the sex is potentially 'better' as the region is more sensitive. Granted, humans are highly adaptable and we never miss something we've never HAD (for any great length of time that is) so guys who ARE circumcised needn't fret but perhaps for those new mums and dads discussing the issue, it's a point to keep in mind. Parents considering whether or not to circumcise their male child/ren, please note that medical risks include (at worst) haemorrhage, incomplete removal of the foreskin leading to further surgery and/or other complications and, in some schools of thought, potential psychological trauma on the baby as generally at the time of circumcision the baby is too young to receive the regular amount of anaesthetic that adults would have for such a procedure. That is, the baby is subjected to what is, no matter which way people may justify it, a physically and mentally traumatic experience, which is about as painful as having a fingernail ripped out with no anaesthetic. Still keen? If your religious/cultural/personal persuasions deem it necessary or appropriate for your child to undergo circumcision, at least hunt around for an extremely experienced doctor who is GENUINELY a fan of the procedure and everything it stands for. May I cite as an example a relative of mine whose doctor was feeling very much in two-minds about performing a circumcision on my friend's child, and to wit, ended up mistakenly only taking off a portion of the foreskin, so the procedure needed to be re-done later in the child's life, leading to added trauma and inconvenience. Basically, the doctor's heart wasn't really in it, and he messed up the procedure as a result. It was extremely upsetting for the parents and of course physically agonising for the child. As far as the 'cleanliness' matter, sure, before most homes had running water, (and perhaps in sexually-squeamish Judaeo-Christian societies where the genital area was a traditionally 'taboo' area making addressing the point of how to effectively clean the foreskin region difficult) 'cleanliness' was often (and still - bizarrely - is) brought in to people's 'justification' for preferring circumcision. These days, we are all upfront (hopefully!) about instructing our children about how to clean their teeth, how to floss, how to clean and dry the delicate ear-area and of course reminding them to clean and dry their navels, and between their toes with daily aptitude as part of a normal hygiene practice. These days we more or less have ready access to running hot water, soap and so on. So, do we cut off children's EARS because it takes time to instruct them on exactly how to CLEAN them safely? Do we remove children's teeth at birth because "it's just cleaner" or because "they may have to have some removed later in life so why not just do it at birth?" Let's challenge the concept that an extra piece of skin on any part of the body is a 'hassle.' Let's also confront the idea that a boy should "look like his father." This was a point that my friend raised as part of her 'rationale' in wanting to have her son circumcised. "Surely," I asked her, "if your son and his dad have the kind of relationship in which they will readily see each other naked, for example, in the gym change-rooms and such, then surely they will have the kind of maturity WITHIN their relationship to be able to discuss and explain that the difference between them as far having a foreskin or not, is largely down to cultural and generational trends?" My friend's response was that she didn't want to "pressure" her husband into having to have such a discussion with their son in the future, to which I replied, "ok, so you're happier for your son to risk - at worst - bleeding to death during a botched circumcision procedure because YOU assume your husband is not capable of having a father-son chat sometime in the years ahead? Is that right?" As it was, their choice of doctor was very unfortunate, (being the one I mentioned whom provided an unsatisfactory service) and the whole scenario turned out to be quite disappointing. On the other hand, friends whom, as part of their Jewish faith, chose to have their son circumcised, selected an extremely experienced, proficient and well-known doctor whose service was swift, efficient and as painless as possible for their baby. It's a contentious issue and it's one worth discussing openly and at length. As far as whether or not it feels different for female sexual partners of cut or uncut guys in adulthood, I would personally have to say it's fine either way and is basically extremely similar and more or less undetectable (especially when erect.) Either way guys, be proud of your cock and be informed of the choices for the next generation of boys-to-men. Love, Sheldon Thervasa. x

Farm Boy

You must feel strongly about Male circumcision Sheldon, and thank you for commenting on my post Rochelle .
I happen to be circumcised Sheldon and I find it very hard to believe I only have one fourth sensitivity of a entire male, Any way moving forward my son is untouched by the shears, and no woman has said were is your foreskin Farm Boy?


Silver Member
Circumcision is a barbaric relic when performed on an individual who has no choice in the matters. Like all things, societies evolve and thankfully this practice is in strong decline.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Sorry chook I think there is still a feasible argument for circumcision. And I wouldn't call it barbaric.......because nowadays there are anaesthetics and no barbaric slaughtering of a foreskin. And there still is a feasible argument regarding the hygiene even in the 21st century. The circumcised guys I have met so far don't carry around a deep physcological 'problem' because of it. Most of them are actually quite relaxed and content with their circumcised penis. It is up to your parents to decide and you have no veto but so has no child when it comes to certain childhood immunisations. (apparently i was sick as a dog after the pox vaccination.....but some things you are better off doing early then late......the older you are the worse it is!!!!!!!)
So to cut a long story short.......don't blame parents if they decide to cicumcise their little boy. Each to their own.


Silver Member
This took all of about two minutes to find on the net so I still refute the sensitivity issue where people say cut is less sensitive.

Circumcision has socio-sexual benefits and reduces sexual problems with age and diabetes. It has no adverse effect on penile sensitivity, erectile function, or sensation during sexual arousal and is reported to enhance the sexual experience for men. Most women prefer the circumcised penis for appearance, hygiene, lower infection risk and sexual activity. At least half of all uncircumcised males will develop one or more problems over their lifetime caused by their foreskin, and many will suffer and die as a result. The benefits exceed the risks by over 100 to 1, and if fatalities are taken into account in men and their sexual partners the benefit is orders of magnitude higher than this. Given the convincing epidemiological evidence and biological support, routine circumcision should be highly recommended by all health professionals.


Gold Member
I'm 'going under the knife' next month. Had problems when I was younger than only got worse as I got older. Has come to a point where there is no forseeable benefit in keeping my foreskin so I'm getting 'cut'.


what you mean deal with it on a regula basis heheh not if we get a choice lol, if i had a boy i would for sure get him uncircumsized and send him out for lots of headjobs;) when he got older.( girls on the other hand are harder to deal with, u keep a good eye on them and make sure no guy gets to close)
But back to the subject! each to their own, some like it with some without. I like it without the extra bit!!! personaly, i think its neater and cleaner and looks better. But i do have to wonder ,boys with the extra bit, do you guys get sand in it when u go to the beach???????

Lady Anne Beaulieu

Firstly all the best on your up and coming procedure David, I do hope it all goes well for you.
As for my preference on whether "Cut or Uncut" is better, it isn't really an issue that has ever concerned me, as long as they are learnered in the day to day health and hygiene practices that accompany being uncircumcised...then its all good :ky:


I'm Circumcised, but my Grandfather wasn't. . . . . until he was 80 when his foreskin grew over the his penis and got infected, so to all those who are uncut, good luck with that one!!! HAHAHHAHAHAhahahHHA


Most girls have a preferance but i have to say I love both; the matt finish or the gloss finish. As long as they know what to do with it, thats all I need :)


Silver Member
There's probably no credible evidence whether being cut reduces sensitivity as you would need to compare like per like with each individual. I know that I get a nice sensation when the foreskin moves up and down during during intercourse.

The argument about hygiene and disease is laughable, its a bit like saying your should remove your fingernails for the 1 in 1000 chance you might get infections on the skin under the nails.

I still reckon that the practice of circumcision will die a natural death (like female circumscision, though that is by far more barbaric - probably more like tonsils not being routinely removed every time a child developed tonsilitis as recently as a few decades ago). The proportion of males getting the cut is less than 20% now, compared to over 70% just over a generation ago and many doctors refuse to perform the procedure.


Gold Member
Thanks for the well wishes. I went under the knife the last week everything went well. I'm still recovering and it will be a while before I can 'test drive' my new look haha.. but even with all the soreness and stiches swelling etc I'm definitely glad I went through with it.

I reckon I might pay a visit to a WL as my first time being cut, and treat myself!


Legend Member
For god sake dont pop those stitches.But Congratulations on having the balls
to have the procedure in the first place. All the best to you.
And you are now the only bloke who can now tell us if the orgasm theories are right .


Silver Member
I think it is a matter of prefferance. I am cut my self and have had no problems with sensitivity or orgasms. I remember a conversation with the wife on this subject and she said that she has never had a uncut person before but she doesn't like the look of it. We have 2 daughters so we never had to make a discision as parents.I have no memery of my proscedure and i believe modern methods on infants doesn;t involve cuting but placing a ring of some discription in place and the foreskin falling of after a period of time, so if we had to of made a choice we would have circumsized. Also i heard a story from a friend where someone they new tore the forskin during intercourse. I find this a little hard to believe but am curious if there is any truth to the matter.


Hi Aarsam,I have been in the sex industry for the past 10 years ( on and off) I have seen and spoken to a few man that tore their for skin during intercourse.( not with me lol) don't find this a little hard to believe, there is truth behind it! I sounds really painful!
I still don't think that i have seen or heard it all and not much shocks me any more ;)


Gold Member
I can definitely understand the tore forskin. My understanding is that this arises due to a severely tight forskin, push a bit too hard or if there is a slight lack of lubrication then it can cause tearing. One of my reasons for getting cut was a tight forskin but I never tore anything while having sex.