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Can Guys and Girls be friends only...?


Diamond Member
Can guys and girls be friends only (platonic) without sex getting in the way...? Especially if one or both parties are attracted to one another?

Personally, I think it's harder for a guy to be friends with a girl he is attracted to, whereas girls may find it easier to draw the line....

On the other hand, guys may find it easier to separate sex and love, whereas girls although they may initially agree to a fling/fuck buddy r/ship, may find it harder to not develop strong feelings for the guy she is having sex with.



Gold Member
sure can , I have heaps of females that I would love to have special cuddles with but they don't so we are just friends and I cool with that, I would prefer to have them as a friend as not at all


Bronze Member
I guess this is spot on. "even we find her unattrative, we still pretty much want to nail 'em too"
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Gold Member
It's not easy, especially when both parties know that they both want to jump each others bones but can't because they are work colleagues or friends in a group. But that sometimes can be half the fun, forbidden fruit.


Yes of course they can pretty much all of my friends are guys as i just find guys easy to hang with chat ect and iv hooked up with a few but are still close mates . Same goes for my female mates its all how you think really and if you have and cant be friends after then you werent really friends to start with .


Legend Member
Most of my close friends are female, I guess because I am not what I like to think is the typical sterotyped male.

I don`t like to use cursing words, not really much of a drinker, not a Holden or Ford fan and not really into Football or Rugby...

You just have to learn to put the feelings towards one side unless you feel the feeling may be mutual...

Nina C

well if im really close to male friend of mine n im kinda attracted to him i don't think id want to loose the friendship relationship, but on the other hand iv had sex with male friends of mine that was a one timer and now we still talk but we only had it that one time !
nina xox

T.J. McDon

I have a really good friend that I'd love to become a FB with, but it's never going to happen because she knows I'm married and I know I'm married, and I'm 20 years older than her, so she sees me much more as a father figure anyway. But the attraction I have for her does get in the way. We have some highly inappropriate chats, where we'll both say the most outrageously inappropriate things to each other in the most incredible teasing, but she sees it as teasing, I always hope it's more and get disappointed.
But it's a friendship that I really do value. I don't have many intellectual equal females in my life, and it's incredibly refreshing to sit down over a coffee and actually be able to talk about some slightly more advanced topics. I adore my wife, and love her deeply, and married her because I knew I'd still be able to be married to her when we're 85, but intellectual discussion is definitely NOT going to happen.
I doubt she ever has the same problem with keeping friendship separate from wanting sex. I seriously doubt she's ever considered me that way. But it gets in the way for me.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Honestly I think guys and girls can only be real friends (without second thoughts) if they have been going out broke up and managed to stay friends or if they had a fling and decided it is not what they want or if the guy is gay/ the girl is gay and they really get on on a friendly base.



I have a good friend who is a genuine 10'r. She's impossibly attractive with the most amazing personality and she's well and truly financially stable (140k a year for a big mining company). She ticks every box and would make an awesome partner and you know what, I have absolutely zero sexual feelings towards her. Never will and never have. We click so well but only on a friend level.

Her friends, mind you...

I have some great female friends and some are attractive but there's simply nothing romantic about it. The opposite sex can make good friends but neither side can want more


Diamond Member
I have a good friend who is a genuine 10'r. She's impossibly attractive with the most amazing personality and she's well and truly financially stable (140k a year for a big mining company). She ticks every box and would make an awesome partner and you know what, I have absolutely zero sexual feelings towards her. Never will and never have. We click so well but only on a friend level.

Her friends, mind you...

I have some great female friends and some are attractive but there's simply nothing romantic about it. The opposite sex can make good friends but neither side can want more

Well.... that's why you can be good friends, although as you claim she is attractive you are not attracted to her....


She's really attractive but so is hugh Jackman and I sure as hell don't want to fuck him :D

Perth boy

I have become good friends with my personal trainer. I have trained with her for about 4 years now. Out of training we will often catch up for a coffee or a drink at the pub. I now see her as a good friend and although I feel we do have a bit of chemistry I would never have sex with her.
When ever I see her out of training I always telly wife I'm meeting her and she is fine with that. She did become single about a year ago but that has not changed our friendship. Personly I would rather have female friends.


Foundation Member
I believe that friends come in all shapes, sizes and sexes withour discrimination. However, there are several degrees of friendship from nodding a hello to a familiar face on the bus right through to those you would hide from the law.

Just because your "mate" is female doesn't mean sex has to rear its head unless you are one of these guys who keeps his brains between his legs.


Legend Member
I don't see why not. I remained good friend with my ex- for a while, until we lost contact...lol...it wasn't easy at 1st, as there were still feelings there...it's not something you can switch on and off. But you have to have respect for each other.

Some people don't believe in just being friends, just because both parties are of opposite sex, doesn't necessarily mean "SEX SEX SEXual attraction"...keep the brain str8 and you be alright. What others may think or say, are purely their opinions. Hence, never judge a book by its cover.


Gold Member
I've been attracted to My best female friend since the day I met her 5 years ago. At that time she was on a long term relationship which stopped somewhere last year. How ever I did not make or move on her in fear of losing her as my best friend. she really tick all the boxes for me and I do everything I can to keep her happy. But unfortunately I know she only and always will consider me just as a friend and nothing else. She's got a new bf now , so I am again out of the picture anyway. But yeah I am glad I am her best friend which I feel is the next best thing I could hope for..


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Ok........has anybody be great friends with somebody he/she didn't find attractive at all? Even when it never materialises as a sexual experience I still believe friends of different gender have an attraction going.



Yes of course they can pretty much all of my friends are guys as i just find guys easy to hang with chat ect and iv hooked up with a few but are still close mates . Same goes for my female mates its all how you think really and if you have and cant be friends after then you werent really friends to start with .

well if im really close to male friend of mine n im kinda attracted to him i don't think id want to loose the friendship relationship, but on the other hand iv had sex with male friends of mine that was a one timer and now we still talk but we only had it that one time !
nina xox

I'm always up for making new friends:eek:ccasion14
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Rochelle, I have this awesome friend who's exactly like me (poor girl) but to be blunt, is pretty ugly! W And she likes small Asian guys so the complete opposite of me. No attraction on my end at all and I think she feels the same


I know many friends (male) who have multiple female friends and unfortunately it's something they say they regret having. They're self-confessed "nice guys" and are attracted to most of the girls they know, but have been conceded to the "friends" category.


I def think that guys and girls can be friends without letting sex get in the way. The friendship really needs to have a basis of open communication and all parties need to know the boundaries of the relationship. Therefore the friendship can be successful.


Full Member
Foundation Member
This topic reminds of those old tv shows where you see a bloke and on his right shoulder is superimposed a small angel extoling the virtues of a particular lady that the guy is keen on but on his left should is superimposed a small devil who just keeps whispering the same thing....."go on, shag her".......lol :)

So, I suppose the answer is......which of these little voices is loudest in your head????? :)

Fudd :)

Ghost Protocol

I've been attracted to My best female friend since the day I met her 5 years ago. At that time she was on a long term relationship which stopped somewhere last year. How ever I did not make or move on her in fear of losing her as my best friend. she really tick all the boxes for me and I do everything I can to keep her happy. But unfortunately I know she only and always will consider me just as a friend and nothing else. She's got a new bf now , so I am again out of the picture anyway. But yeah I am glad I am her best friend which I feel is the next best thing I could hope for..

man your breaking my heart ! , walk away dude , your wasting time better spent on finding your own stunner


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
I def think that guys and girls can be friends without letting sex get in the way. The friendship really needs to have a basis of open communication and all parties need to know the boundaries of the relationship. Therefore the friendship can be successful.

In that case they better don't get pissed together or it is very likely that sex might get in the way :evil4:



It requires that both parties do not even acknowledge the attraction. When you do, you are on the slippery slope. If you DO acknowledge the attraction you have to deal with that every time you see each other. If you both don't have the seldf discipline to keep your pants on, don't even mention it in the first place. Have your friendship then go home and have one off the wrist and get it out of your system.


Gold Member
I've got probably 10:1 female to male friends, most of the females are either single, just out of r/ships, bi, lesb, straight..and married, yet they feel they can come over anytime and sit and have chats from simple to very complex and even sexual in nature.. A very few I'm sometimes attracted to, whereas the rest I'm not, most either have or thinking of modelling for me as they want to be a part of the work I do.
However, they all know if I say we keep it at the f/ship level then they know that I like them as a friend but not a f/b or anything else.
I have some that are drop dead gorgeous and others that are not so gorgeous yet we still kick it like any of the others, they range from African, American, Czech, Aussie, French, Swiss, Italian... you name it. Some stay overnight and they feel safe other come from a week stay from the UK or US .. it's all cool.
My male friends on the other hand figure I should be fucking em all. Funny thing is when they found out that their lady is one of them they have a different thought process.. I reassure them nothing is happening, they all know I'm a good listener and talker and I do tend to understand women quite a bit.