• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

But officer... That`s just silly...


Legend Member
"Copy and paste"
A mother who was talking on her mobile phone while pushing a pram was stopped by a policeman and given a $250 fine under laws to prevent drivers endangering lives.

The bizarre incident more than a year ago left a black mark next to the officer's name because senior police withdrew the infringement and apologised 24 hours after it was issued.

_The West Australian _ understands a senior constable with the Peel traffic office issued the penalty, which also carries three demerit points, after he spotted the woman talking on a mobile phone as she pushed her baby in a pram along a Mandurah footpath in April last year.

Police recognised problems with the infringement and the officer in charge of Peel traffic apologised to the woman.

Insp. Bill Munnee said yesterday the infringement was cancelled and the woman had accepted the supervising officer's apology.

"The officer concerned had misinterpreted the law involved regarding the definition of a vehicle," he said.

Kind of reminds me of the time my late father got a fine for urinating in a public place in Fremantle. Poor dad, was on his way back home after a few drinks and with nowhere to go decided to lean up against a tree. Still against the law I guess but with no toilets open was he meant to simply wet himself??

Ever had a brush with the law and thought to yourself that surely they have something better to do with their time??


I've had probably 6 yellow stickers on cars over the years, which i thought was a bit hard.. last speeding fine a few months ago was 65 in a 60 zone.

Quiet a few times but i guess theres idiots in every job

Farm Boy

This was on the ABC yesterday .

t's legal for a pregnant women to pee into a policeman's helmet!!!!

Old English law apparently.


Legend Member
That police officer tried to pull a "Homer" but was unsuccessful...lol *doh!*. So if the woman did not have a driver license, i wonder where the officer gonna pull that 3 demerit points from, out of a hat? *Some police dept do ave them* <= heres a new title for a new kinda show.


I drive on the Mitchell Freeway going towards Joondalup. I come out of the Graham Farmer freeway where it's 80km. A few metres away is the 100kph sign. As I approach the sign I speed up. I got a ticket last week (fine: $150!! and two demerit points) because I was doing 96kph JUST METRES before that sign that says 100kph. IT WAS 6.30A.M.!!

As far as I know, no fatal accidents have happened in that spot. The fact that a cop has to camp there knowing what people will do indicates surely that it's just revenue raising. Meanwhile, elderly people get bashed etc - where's the neighbourhood policing? Oh I forgot - there's no revenue in it.

Of course on Saturday night where there are heaps of foot patrols in Northbridge, you also get heaps of police cars there patrolling - maybe they hope to see more skirts raising.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
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Legend Member
11.30pm on a wintery European evening......it is pouring down with ice cold rain and I am on my push bike on my way home. No traffic at all and a red traffic light ahead which I ignore as I really want to get home and out of the rain asap. Out of nowhere comes along a police car stopping me, winding down the window and asking me if I didn't see the red traffic light? By then I am well over it......all wet and cold and now this.......my answer pretty much along the lines that if I would have my arse in a warm car on a night like this I would ask stupid questions as well.
Didn't make me any friends as you can imagine and I nearly ended up locked up for the night but got away with a hefty fine.
Moral of the story..........push bikes for the police especially on cold rainy nights.



Silver Member
...my late father got a fine for urinating in a public place in Fremantle..

Talking abt urinating in public place....I have a fren who got a fine even before he took a leak. All he did was, stand in a corner and unzipped and out of no where this cop came. Tried talking out of it...but still given a fine while he was still in high tide!!


Foundation Member
Yep, too many idiotic encounters with the law to count but two stick in my memory.

Late at night driving back to Perth after a weekend helping some friends on a farm down South with their appple picking. I noticed a car following me a mile or so back as I left Bridgetown and wondered....... I get to Donnybrook and the car pulls up bwehind and flashes his lights top ull me over. Seems I had hit 60mph in a 55 zone in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night and copped a fine. Must have been a quiet night.

Prior to that, driving my old car from Armadale to Perth and near Gosnells I notice a cop car behind me. No sweat, I am doing the speed limit. Watch the cop - no sign he is in any hurry, cars parked on the inside lane so I stay in the centre lane. Clear of town he pulls me over and roundly abuses me for "dawdling as if I own the @#$% road and holding him up". After letting him blow off steam I politely offered the defence that I wasn't breaking any laws that I knew of but I was new to the city and perhaps he could explain what I had done wrong. This earned me another stern lecture about "people with no road manners......" at which point he huffed back into his car. I thought seriously about lodging an official complaint but at 19 with the ink still wet on my license and an old car decided to suck it up.

Bloody bullies still get up my nose today but I am old enough and smart enough nowadays to deal with them.

Having said that, I don't envy the Police their job and it is hardly surprising some of them occasionally lose it.


I agree Svengali about the police in general. If you notice, most of the beefs here are with the Traffic-related police incidents.

On another note, there was a reporter in Darwin years ago, one David Nason (now RIP). He'd been arrested in the early hours of the morning by two cops after a night of drinking. They'd found him urinating on a fence in a deserted street in front of a property. In the charges, it said he was creating an embarrasment to the public. Nason decided to defend himself in court. And the rest is the stuff of legends.

The court was told that the house fence he was pissing on was his own property. He couldn't hold it any longer. Secondly apart from the cops, there was no one else around so the public wasn't embarrased. And finally, the judge ruled that policemen, given the nature of their work, should be used to aspects of embarrasing behaviour and so the case was dismissed!


Silver Member
I drive on the Mitchell Freeway going towards Joondalup. I come out of the Graham Farmer freeway where it's 80km. A few metres away is the 100kph sign. As I approach the sign I speed up. I got a ticket last week (fine: $150!! and two demerit points) because I was doing 96kph JUST METRES before that sign that says 100kph. IT WAS 6.30A.M.!!

As far as I know, no fatal accidents have happened in that spot. The fact that a cop has to camp there knowing what people will do indicates surely that it's just revenue raising. Meanwhile, elderly people get bashed etc - where's the neighbourhood policing? Oh I forgot - there's no revenue in it.

Of course on Saturday night where there are heaps of foot patrols in Northbridge, you also get heaps of police cars there patrolling - maybe they hope to see more skirts raising.

YEP, all part of the new SPEED ENFORCEMENT campaign, inititive of the road safety council.

Interesting to note that since the start of this speed enforcement in 2010 ( doubling of speed cameras and reduction of speed limits by 10 to 30kph) the road toll has actually INCREASED!!
Minor traffic collisions are also higher than most previous years..
2005 road toll was 164 deaths, and with extra speed cameras and lower speed limits introduced in 2010, road toll was 193!!
2012 is at a record road death high YTD.

There are MORE speed cameras to come too, there aim is to have enough speed cameras to produce "9000 hrs" of coverage per month, up from the 3000 hrs per month they currently have..
Speed cameras saving lives :laughing4 , BIGGEST load of crap ever! the statistics will tell you otherwise people
.. Its the BIGGEST ripoff ever and now its at the expense of more drivers dying on our W.A roads !!!


Legend Member
Hey contrarian the exact same thing happened to me!! You are technically on a freeway so I couldn't understand why you would drive at 80kms when every other lane is travelling at 100kms. It's not like that lane merges into other traffic-it continues all the way down the freeway.
Doesn't make any sense except like you say, to make some easy money!!Things that make you go grrrrr.....


I'm not sure Sherry I think every lane at the particular stretch is 80kph because it's a busier part of the freeway just after the CBD. I just don't understand however why especially at 6.30a.m. they can't make allowance that as someone sees/knows a 100kph is coming up only metres away that the motorist can't pick up speed to get to that speed limit.

Okay, let's say I grant that technically I shouldn't have been speeding - BUT $150!!! Troy Buswell wouldn't have a problem paying even 10 times that but the average Ocker bloke or sheila will!


Foundation Member
Actually, to uinderstand the emphasis (obsession?) with speed you have to understand the bureaucratic mind.

Successful beaurocracy is all about building your empire and demanding more resources and a higher salary as a result. To do this you have to look as if you are tackling major problems and achieving worthwhile results. Speed cameras tick all the boxes because they provide impressive statistics - look at all these criminals we have punished- and are probably self-funding with a nice fat surplus on the side. Much better bang for you buck than having cops patrolling the roads and getting down on the real menaces like the "3D drivers" (Drunk, distracted or just plain dumb)

My pet comparison is that speed cameras are like having the Police concentrate on jaywalkers when there is a serial killer out there shooting people.


Foundation Member
Actually, to uinderstand the emphasis (obsession?) with speed you have to understand the bureaucratic mind.

Successful beaurocracy is all about building your empire and demanding more resources and a higher salary as a result. To do this you have to look as if you are tackling major problems and achieving worthwhile results. Speed cameras tick all the boxes because they provide impressive statistics - look at all these criminals we have punished- and are probably self-funding with a nice fat surplus on the side. Much better bang for you buck than having cops patrolling the roads and getting down on the real menaces like the "3D drivers" (Drunk, distracted or just plain dumb)

My pet comparison is that speed cameras are like having the Police concentrate on jaywalkers when there is a serial killer out there shooting people.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Started to appreciate the "Autobahn" again.........parts of it no speed limit at all :headbang: and the speed cameras on country roads and in cities are far less than over here. WA is a bit of a nanny state........and not only when it comes to traffic.



Best news is that the new NT government have promised to bring back the derestricted speed zones!!

TEG coppers are by far the worst coppers going around