• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Booze and the effects........


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
I admit I do like a glass of wine or two but I hate to be drunk. So over the years living with different people I experienced a few effects that too much booze can cause.......lol and some of them are rather funny.........well, in hindsight......
........there was my friend S staying at my place and it was already a struggle to get her home and into bed (sharing my bed) and then I woke up during the night because I felt damp.........oh dear......she released herself..........yuckkkkkkkkk,

........or my mate T who decided that my chair in the lounge was the toilet......pulled down his pants and pissed all over the floor (carpet),

........I am sure you guys have a few stories to share.

What is the most embarrassing thing you have done when drunk?


Ms Sue

Legend Member
I must say the other night I went home from a few quiet drinks and thought I was a gymnastic not only did my hubby's eyes light up I was sore for 4 days....lol.....
That's all the stories I am prepared to tell.......


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Gather around my little ones, time for a story. Once upon a time there was a very good looking strapping lad. He had a head full of black shiny hair, pearly white teeth, a chiselled jaw and a very tall muscular young body, his friends would tease this young lad and call him names, they would called him “Richard”;---- due to a actor at the time called Richard Gere.
One day after footy training all the young lads decided to go to town and have a fun night in the bright lights, off course our good looking hero, “Richard” was first to say, “what a great idea!”
Dressed in his finest cloths Richard meant this friends in one of the city finest water holes, whenever he walked in the city he looked the part, doing his best John Travolta “Staying Alive hip and shake “and all the young girls would Purrrrrrrr.
This particular warm Saturday night in the big city was a very different night indeed, there our Hero standing at the bar surrounded by his friends and they are all in good cheer, after a couple of cold Beers Richard turns and look towards the bar. Arrrrrrrrrr there she was, Richard`s eye where instantly drawn to the lovely sweet curves of her body, the lights danced upon her figure and she was just inches away from our Hero Richard. He stared and look upon her, his throat tighten and his mouth instantly become very, very dry. He stared at the sweet little droplet of water that was racing down her sensuous curves. The bartender came towards Richard and asked; - ‘What do you wish” with a trembling hand Richard pointed towards those sweet curves and said; - “One of those”, with a swift reply shouted; - “A Rum” and finally his desires were fulfilled as he grabbed the cold glass and poured those sweet spicy curves down his throat, his nostrils filled with a lovely scent of a fragrance that will never be forgotten, as he wiped his mouth and he turn around, and said ”I have another”
Our hero Richard was floating in ecstasy and joy, glass after glass, until finally all went blank and our hero hit the deck with such a thud.
It may of seemed days, but, it was years, finally Richard open his eyes, he sees the blue skies above him, he hears waves crashing upon a wooden haul, he hears seagull laughter upon the distance, he sniffs the smell of salt in the air and the only thought he has in his skull, was a young lad walking the city nights doing his best hip and shake and a song in his head; - “Staying Alive” he lifts his head from the deck and looks upon a hideous beast, all covered in feathers with a very large beak. With a loud squawk, he hears; - “Get the fuck-up the ships about to ram the Rocks” like a lion he jumps to his feet, but slips and falls to deck with a thud. He shakes his head looks and sees he has a wooden peg for one leg, then he looks upon his hands, one has three fingers and a thumb the other a shiny hook, with another shake of his head he realises he wears a patch over one eye and his hair is long, thin and grey;- then the evil beast squawks again and says;- “Yeee Old Silly Pirate, time to save the Ship” he jumps up again, this time his balance he has regained and races towards the wheel, where he grabs on tightly and turns the wheel hard, around and around, he turns and looks upon the horizons, where he sees the sails before him. With the wind in his hair, and waves crashing over the sides he realises he has no memories, it is all just a blank, but for one;- of a young lad walking the city nights doing his best “hip and shake “ He knows his mistress is a Bottle called;- RUM and his only friend is a evil squawking beast. How the years have gone past, but he stands tall; - with a smile upon his face he knows “an old Pirate he has become”;
Ohhh Eye my sweet little ones this tale has come to an end and the moral of this story is “never get between a Pirate and his Mistress”; - Cheers and pass the Rum


Legend Member
A good story HP But I do think Ms Sue's has me a little more intrigued.....

A story that could put Fifty Shades of Grey into the shadows I am thinking

Perth boy

One time in KL I got back to my hotel late. Got up to take a pee. I was still pissed and half asleep wasn't warring any cloths opens the door to what I thought was the bathroom and closed the door behind me. As the door closed I relised I was in the hall outside of my room. No cloths and no key. I had to walk down to reception of this rather fancy hotel.

Another time in Bangkok after a late night full of booze I road my motor bike back to my hotel. When I got up in the morning my bike was gone. What happened was the bike parking was full so I left my bike at the hotel next door. It took a few days until I remembers ware I parked it.

In Phuket late one night after spending some time at Suzy wongs ass smacking bar I was walking back to my hotel. I fell asleep on a pool bed in some resort. I woke up to everyone in the pool and looking at me. I relised that I had no shirt on and had a girls bra on my head. I also had body paint all over me. I don't remember too much about that night but the following night back at the same bar the girls laught at me.


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy;- H2, I agree:---- Hmmmmm Ms Sue, please tell us more;- PS;- do not forget to post some pics, we are hear and waiting Mz Sue,
WE promise not to tell anyone!!!!!!!!!!!


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Ahoy;- H2, I agree:---- Hmmmmm Ms Sue, please tell us more;- PS;- do not forget to post some pics, we are hear and waiting Mz Sue,
WE promise not to tell anyone!!!!!!!!!!!

LOL............Yes Sue, come on, tell us more. I bet you do have a few outrages stories to tell. Why not making it a series on the forum? I am sure it would be the number one hit the world of 'most read posts'.........and i am sure there would be some wisdom included. ;)



Full Member
Foundation Member
...oh God, have lost count the number of times I've made a goose of myself after a boozy session...and chances are that I will probably continue to do so before I drop off the perch!!!....... :)

Farm Boy

I have posted this before but this silly old prick must have been realty pissed.

Memphis trousers affair
On 14 October 1986, Fraser, then the Chairman of the Commonwealth Eminent Persons Group, was found in the foyer of the Admiral Benbow Inn, a seedy Memphis hotel, wearing nothing but a towel and confused as to where his trousers were. The hotel was an establishment popular with prostitutes and drug dealers. Though it was rumoured at the time that the former Prime Minister had been with a prostitute, his wife stated that Fraser had no recollection of the events and that she believes it more likely that he was the victim of a practical joke by his fellow delegates.

Ms Sue

Legend Member
I'm not prepared to tell the gymnastic story.... But I will tell you a more appropriate one....
I attempt this every 20 years and last week was the moment...... I tried to get past my gag reflex and SWALLOW! I have to admit I had a few drinks before this and.... It didn't help and I gagged it over my chest.
It doesn't end there.... I woke up the next morning and walked into the kitchen where my youngest daughter said "Mummy your peeling on your chest...."


Foundation Member
Maybe I am just a silly old fart whose tolerance for human stupidity is running low but I don't find this stuff amusing at all.

I like a drink, a good wine with dinner, a scotch for a nightcap or a cold beer or two on a hot day but I just don't get this insane urge to pour the stuff down your throat until you make an idiot of yourself or, worse, cause real harm to yourself or others.

Graveyards are full of people who thought they could "hold their liquor" well enough to drive a car and even fuller of the innocent third parties who were unfortunate enough to ride with them or met them on the roads.

For every death there is a circle of relatives, friends and workmates whose lives will be forever changed :tearyeyedand let us not forget that death is not really the worst outcome. How about having a man supporting a family changed into a dependant wreck who needs help to wipe his a##e or a vibrant young woman permanently disfigured or disabled?

If I could have one wish for this country it would be for people to just grow up and learn to enjoy alcohol in a civilised and safe manner.:BangHead::BangHead:


Legend Member
I do know of a young farmers son around about 1981 who was a little on the sloshed side in the mighty metropolis of Northampton population about 800 but with three hotels plus off licenses and sporting clubs The local Sergeant offered me sorry him a warm bed for the evening For being rude obnoxious and and simply a pain in the derriere
At ten he saw the look of guilt and maybe even remorse on the young lads face ,and called his Father to pick him up as he had ,had his wake up call about being rowdy in a quiet town The poor buggers Father told the Sergeant he might pick him up on the way to football the following morning The mongrel did not He picked the poor fellow up at a decent hour in the AM But at 6.30 PM on Sunday

There is one thing I ,sorry again, "He" ended up on Svengali's side Never to drink just to make an arse of ones self or worse have someone in a wheel chair because of someone else's irresponsibility with grog


There is wild drunken stupid student behaviour and wild drunken harmless stupid student behaviour... on the whole my sentiments are fairly similar to svengali's.

At a university college here in Perth, I lost count of the number of girls who lost their virginity with two reasons/excuses/alibis - I was absolutely pissed etc. I wouldn't be surprised if some had been raped along the way.

Years later, working in an office, one of the more senior staff got totally blotto and drove against the traffic in a freeway and lived to tell the tale (thanks to the police). Some years ago, in the late 70s, I gather two nurses after a night out on the town at Pinnochio's or Beethoven's (yes they were nightspots on Murray Street I think) drove up against the freeway traffic.

The police tried to stop them by broadcasting on all the radio stations to try to get them to stop. It had a very tragic ending... and there are cabbies who've had offers of taxi fares paid in kind by drunk women - a bj or a root.

Who can forget this babe? I think she was pickled. link not working so taken down

And these guys have to be prime son-in-law material
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Gold Member
i love having a beer with lads and taking the piss with one anther,,nothing wrong with getting pissed and having a good time as long as they respect themselves and other around them


And then there's the two new nightclub pastimes - glassing and pushing people through windows.

Ms Sue

Legend Member
She was priceless but I am sure she regrets her actions....

The positive if you need to find one was she was not driving......(thank god)...

Ms Sue


Hmmm, shouldn't this thread be in the General Forum?:merror::dontknow:


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
I'm not prepared to tell the gymnastic story.... But I will tell you a more appropriate one....
I attempt this every 20 years and last week was the moment...... I tried to get past my gag reflex and SWALLOW! I have to admit I had a few drinks before this and.... It didn't help and I gagged it over my chest.
It doesn't end there.... I woke up the next morning and walked into the kitchen where my youngest daughter said "Mummy your peeling on your chest...."

LOL.......Sue........that is a classic. I always knew that there is a naughty side attached to you.......now .......come on and tell me more about the gymnastic story........lol........I do have my suspicions what might have happened........ ;)
LOL.......Sue........that is a classic. I always knew that there is a naughty side attached to you.......now .......come on and tell me more about the gymnastic story........lol........I do have my suspicions what might have happened........ ;)

I've been trying to get the gymnast story out of her all week! I think her lips are sealed on that one :(


Legend Member
Upside down? The splits? Bendy back? Legs around the head? We will get it out of her...:la:


Gold Member
Never touched a drop and never will. My best childhood friend got killed by a drunk driver when we were 12. I swore I'd never touch a drop in his memory. 37 now and never been tempted once.


Good for you Justlookin. I've never been a drinker either and I'm about your age.

My poison is a cup of tea. White with one. Sometimes if I'm feeling a little naughty I may have an extra teaspoon of sugar.


i love having a beer with lads and taking the piss with one anther,,nothing wrong with getting pissed and having a good time as long as they respect themselves and other around them

Amen to that. End of season team wind ups, sunday session with the boys, raftups, bbqs, all good harmless fun really.


"Beer - helping fat chicks get laid since 3500 BC"

A t-shirt message you see once in a while.