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Body Language for SeXXXy Seduction.



Attracting a man sexually is all about projecting confidence and maintaining seductive, flirtatious behaviour.

When a Man walks into the Lounge of a brothel / bar / club......some times he is nervous and shy...especially if he is a NEW comer...the Ladies who breeze over to him...Making full eye contact with a broard smile and welcoming open body language are the ones who seem to "get the booking" 9/10 times.

It is about being ATTENTIVE, FRIENDLY AND WELCOMING.... sexual attraction stems from the attitude perceived....not just on having the 'goods alone'.

What SEDUCTION tips work for YOU ???? do tell....

OPEN body language - arms not crossed, wrists exposed...head tilted to the side, cheeky sexy EYE CONTACT... thats a good start.



oh... i forgot to add good POSTURE... ass and tits...stuck out...


Legend Member
I guess fella with their hands thrust deep into the pockets must come across badly too> Unless of course he is trying to keep a raging boner in check Because of a Friendly Attentive and Welcoming woman With good posture and her ass and tits stuck out

PS Jessica how do you thrust your tits out as well as your bum? That must be a challenge


PS Jessica how do you thrust your tits out as well as your bum? That must be a challenge


Something like this but standing up :p :p

** seduction is all about the eyes and the smile I reckon xx

Al Swearengen

Hi Jessica,

How about in reverse?? Like when a man walking into a room wants to attract a woman? What sort of body language would work there?



Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy;- I do agree with Jessica;-
"It is about being ATTENTIVE, FRIENDLY AND WELCOMING.... sexual attraction stems from the attitude perceived....not just on having the 'goods alone'. "
I have always been partial to a lady that smiles at me and seems welcoming, the rest I just ignore.

To Boardwalk, well bro if you are a mature professional male, I would start off by buying a dark, good looking suit and shoes; women pick up on detail far better than guys can.
As well Boardwalk, if you really wish to gain attention and show off your peacock feathers; - go get some jewellery. Chucky gold necklaces, wrist chains, rings and do not forget the gold belt buckle, expensive shoes, gold cigarette case and lighter and finally gold money clip. Remember women pick up on lots of small details.
As far as myself, I just sit down near the bar, smile and say hello to people and buy whole bottles of Rum and share with anyone who smiles back at me.
Cheers from HappyPirate


Legend Member
As well Boardwalk, if you really wish to gain attention and show off your peacock feathers; - go get some jewellery. Chucky gold necklaces, wrist chains, rings and do not forget the gold belt buckle, expensive shoes, gold cigarette case and lighter and finally gold money clip. Remember women pick up on lots of small details.

Cheers from HappyPirate
You Must have loved the 70's HP Dont forget the flares and the white shirt with 6inch collar (15cm to you youngsters) opened down to the navel with a huge gold medallion resting on a carpet of black chesthair Oh and giant heels on your buckle up shoes as well


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Thank-you;- Happy2;- "You Must have loved the 70's HP Dont forget the flares and the white shirt" LOL, LOL,Well Bro I suvived the 70`s, I do understand where you are coming from, but, I was on the other side of the street;- look up Adam Ant, I looked a lot like him.
As far as technique is concerned;-As far as myself, I just sit down near the bar, smile and say hello to people and buy whole bottles of Rum and share with anyone who smiles back at me.
Cheers from HappyPirate


My totally cold indifference to just about anyone has been my biggest seduction technique. It comes natural.


Diamond Member
It's all in the walk.....

MMmm the way she sways the hips and her ass moves from side to side with perfect rhythm as she walks in her stilettos, with the figure hugging skirt accentuating her womanly curves :p~~~


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
When clients come in it is the attitude that makes them attractive/unattractive. I am amazed how many clients come in and literally run through the lounge without looking left or right totally ignoring a friendly "hi" and a smile.
Or the ones who sit down in the last corner and before you even have time to say "hi" and ask them if they would like a drink they tell you that they want to be left alone. (Hang on.......why are you in an establishment then?????).
LOL or the ones who come in with mates (2 to 4) and walk straight to the loo (all of them!!!!!!!). Must be crowded in there.
Seriously.......nice smile, friendly, respectful......doesn't matter male or female........makes attractive.



Foundation Member
Amen, Rochelle. You have nailed it in one.

There is nothing worse than walking into a brothel (or anywhere else for that matter) and being ignored. The lady who flashes a smile will get more attention from me than the lady who flashes her boobs.