• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Blood, sweat and tears...


Legend Member
As much as I don`t want to boast my own ego, I like to think I work pretty hard however all that work leaves me sometimes in a little pain, either a sore back or maybe sunburnt shoulders...
Should you do well for yourself and manage to earn enough to makes sure that you never have to worry about where the next plate of food is going to come from, is it ok to give your children an easy life? I don`t mean spoil them and shower them with gifts or whatever they want but is it ok to help them along so that they don`t have to put up with all the aches and pains we got by doing too much manual work?

Farm Boy

If the kids want polony on the table someone has to do the hard yards Bill,


Lol! I don't know about easy but I'm all for a better start to life.

Perfect example is hecs debt. Having parents who pay for uni upfront is pretty generous but trust me, it puts you in a much better position when you enter the real world.


Legend Member
Depends on age of kids.

You look after them while they are under 18. After that they are adults.

I don't think paying HECS debt for kids is good. It lowers there motivation and pain to succeed. I see so many kids in uni whose parents spoil them. Failing is so cost to the kids.

I have told my kids that I plan a SKI life (Spend the Kids Inheritance). If I can work it right, they will be retired before I leave this planet, so house will be left to grandkids.

Diamond Dog

Foundation Member
I had physical jobs when I was younger and that was fine but now that I am middle aged I could not do those jobs anymore because my body could not handle it.
I have a job now where I use my intellect more and my body less.
Sometimes there comes a time where you have to look around and retrain your self in other skills so that it becomes easier to work.
The last thing you want to do is cause yourself a serious injury because of the wear and tear on your body.
Your kids will decide for themselves what they want to do but you should also take care of yourself.


Legend Member
My boys want nothing to do with farming As they got seduced by the bright lights of Perth But I bet they would not say no to a share of the place if I decide to retire before 55

Might have to think about Demons SKI life
Or set up a home for retired w/l's So they can go horseriding or sleep under a mango tree on a warm day or lie on the banks of a creek catch fresh yabbies for supper There's is a pub 10 mins away a winery 1/2hr away a fishing park 20mins away
Hell I might retire here myself

Farm Boy

My boys want nothing to do with farming As they got seduced by the bright lights of Perth But I bet they would not say no to a share of the place if I decide to retire before 55

Might have to think about Demons SKI life
Or set up a home for retired w/l's So they can go horseriding or sleep under a mango tree on a warm day or lie on the banks of a creek catch fresh yabbies for supper There's is a pub 10 mins away a winery 1/2hr away a fishing park 20mins away
Hell I might retire here myself

Most of them will be saddle sore before horse riding H2


Depends on age of kids.

You look after them while they are under 18. After that they are adults.

I don't think paying HECS debt for kids is good. It lowers there motivation and pain to succeed. I see so many kids in uni whose parents spoil them. Failing is so cost to the kids.

I have told my kids that I plan a SKI life (Spend the Kids Inheritance). If I can work it right, they will be retired before I leave this planet, so house will be left to grandkids.

It's got nothing to do with spoiling "us", as you only have to look at how many Asian kids come over and study hard whilst parents pay and remain back in Singapore or malaysia.

That part is about bringing them up properly to appreciate what they have etc. Thats good parenting, nothing else. Having no hecs debt and minor financial assistance (still played by the rules and had to work, pay board etc) has put me in the position I am today.

Farm Boy

I quite sure if you do set up a day care centre for lady's of the night it will be a well run establishment H2


Legend Member
It's got nothing to do with spoiling "us", as you only have to look at how many Asian kids come over and study hard whilst parents pay and remain back in Singapore or malayasia

But asian children getting a education in Oz is more of a retirement plan by the parents isnt it? For better educated kids will be better able to look after their parents in their old age
For they have a duty to look after there families as their children will do for them Unless they get too westernised


G'day there billybones. I don't believe there is either a right or wrong here. You've worked hard for the money, and you should enjoy the fruits of that hard work in what ever way you see fit. I am fortunate enough at this time in my life to only have to work a small handful of hours each month, as my hard work has paid off, along with some fortunate business & financial situations going my way.

My children are young, but I am well and truly enjoying my successes, but my kids are enjoying it with me. At the same time, I am funding them for education / housing / business opportunities they might come across later in their life. They don't and won't know about this until after they have shown significant endeavour to fund their lives themselves. I'll just kick in with assistance when & if needed, just like any loving, single parent would do.

Good luck with your decision making.


For better educated kids will be better able to look after their parents in their old age
For they have a duty to look after there families as their children will do for them Unless they get too westernised

:notworthy There should be far more of this attitude going on here in Australia


Legend Member
I have a lot of Asian students in my courses. Most are very diligent because of sacrifice by parents. A few are lazy because they have it easy.


I'm certainly led to believe it's a clever ploy by the old's but even then most come over here, get put up somewhere nice, get a nice car and life is sweet. But they still study hard.

Maybe your young blokes will find Asian wives and you'll have a better retirement :p

Demon, I understand the daddies rich mentality (one of my mates couldn't share with his sister, so they always got 2 of everything (xboxs, tvs etc)) but still plenty of people out there in better financial positions who appreciate and respect what they have been given.


Legend Member
Maybe your young blokes will find Asian wives and you'll have a better retirement :p

My luck WR3XR the wives will be North Korean The farm will become a camp for the Glorification of Dear Leader And the retirement village will be 100kms North of Pyongyang Though it could be worse They might ship me off to Adelaide


Legend Member
And the retirement village will be 100kms North of Pyongyang Though it could be worse They might ship me off to Adelaide

If you are lucky it will be far enough north of Pyongyang that you will be in China.

Look on the bright side. Buy land while it is cheap in North Korea. Can it get any worse? There is only upside to this gamble.

Sell your expensive farm land. You could probably buy all of North Korea and become the next Supreme Leader. Career change in mind?