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ben cousins will go to richmond

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hi all,just heard that ben has been picked up by richmond,at least one club had the balls to give him another chance.his eventuallly sacking from the eagles was crap the case was thrown out of court but it cost him his career.he self confessed he had a drug problem and that would of taken alot of doing,we all make mistakes,at least he tried to better himself.he was only young when he was captinedthe eagles and had alot of money and was probably mixed up in the wrong crowd.so i think it was very good that the richmond supporters flooded the place with email to get him.ben i really hope you get out there and do your best and prove alot of th afl higharachey wrong.so good luck as far as i am concerned and hope it all works out for you..what do other members feel about it???


1600 or so memberships have been added to the membership list for Richmond, seems he is popular than media would have you suggest otherwise, wonder how much a tigers membership is? lol


Tantalizing Temptress
Gold Member
man... get enough of this shite in the newspapers atm! lets not bring this to the forums!!! arggggg sooooooo sick of hearing about him! sure, people love him... but where is the honour in being infamous! He plays football for crying out loud! sure, he's good at it... but its still just a sport (and yes i know it is a business... but the hype out there about afl atm is giving me the shits!)



Gold Member
He's not the brightest bulb in the box, but I don't think he'd go through all of this media drama, keep himself at the fitness level required, run himself through 2 drafts, to work for substantially less than he was on previously, without the sponsorships, if he thought he'd cock it up.
I reckon he'll keep his shit wired for 2 years, finish up his career and slide off into obscurity.


Foundation Member
I'm no footy fan but I have met Ben Cousins and had a good chat with him. He was very friendly and seemed to be a pretty down to earth type of guy.

The one thing what really upsets me about all this is the media. How on earth can a story about a footy player with self inflicted problems make the lead story on Channel 7 News when the trial about the guy who died as a result of being bashed by a cricket bat was mentioned second.


hi all thats one reason why i wrote this thread,its in the general discussion section so i thought it wouldnt upset anybody as its your choice to read it.its not so much about the guy its how the media beet it up.finally they may now leave the guy alone but i doubt it.he will be under ridiculous scruinty.the whole media can fuc someone up,doesnt seem to matter what they do to someone as long as they get a story..funny though when A.J retired from n.r.l and came out and said he smoked pot all thru his career.the media said or did fuc all.he is now one of the hosts on one of channel nine footy shows.whats the difference,he was as big of a star in that code of football.give the guy a break...


Foundation Member
Ben's biggest problem, and the media's biggest problem is that there is just too much hype and blather about Football. Anything to do with "footy" and the media are all over it and I, for one, am fed up with it.

Our basketball girls knocked off the mighty U.S. of A and became world champs a couple of years ago and were virtually ignored. Our netball team won the world champs and got the same treatment. Australians like Layne Beachly and dozens of other sportsmen and women represent this country with pride and success internationally for zero recognition.

A dumb overpaid drunk/drugged football player does a runner to avoid a booze bus and the event fills the first seven pages of the West.

High time football was relegated to its proper place - the back pages of the paper and the tail-end of the news.
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Tantalizing Temptress
Gold Member
Hi Stormline :) you asked what other members opinions were... i told you mine. lol. wasnt having a go at you, just at the crap going on in the media with it all...


Gold Member
Give the people what they want, if it didn't sell advertising and copies of the paper it wouldn't be getting the exposure.
If you're not into footy, tough biscuits, enough people are that it gets front cover.


hi subnymphet,i wasnt taking your post personally so dont worry its fine,everybody has a different opinion about things,be very boring if we didnt wouldnt it..i just believe the media single out people who they know are going to sell there stories,half the time they dont even have it right.WHEN HE CONFESSED HE HAD A DRUG PROBLEM it was on the front page of the west for about a week.the charge against him at northbrigge was for valium,he should not even been arrested but thats when he was sacked by his club.as i said then thrown out of court..wether you like or dislike the guy anybody that tries to beat an addiction i believe deserves a chance to prove himself.either way he goes personally i hope he makes it all ..and gives it bac to the media by staying strait.if he does though and has a good year the media will still be all over him.anyway S/N thats just my feelings about it and it happens to plenty of people.sorry you had to read more about it but i never took it personally


5 Star General
Foundation Member
hi Stormline : is there any reason u chose to put a sports subject on a xxx adault xxx forum instead of a sport forum besides the obvious ,

im case u connot find the afl forum click on link as this might help u and u can chat with any and all pro Ben Cousins fan club
all the best n merry X-mass and a safe holidays :) :) http://www.thefanatics.com/forumsvb/forumdisplay.php?f=2

to be honest i feel all the crap is over rated as if not for the media no one would give a crap

pls no offence intended ty
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hi johnlou i dont feel i have to answer that question as said above gives you an answer.i never looked at it as only a xxxadult forum. i didnt realise general disscussion was only about sex,so i must have it wrong.if you have been in other forums which im sure you have funny thing alot of competitions for points to be won which could be converted into dollars were based around football matches.:brave:


Gold Member
Hi All,

I held back as long as I could, but I just can't stop myself commenting on this thread in general.

Firstly, this Forum's title has as it's first sentence "Gossip, Banter and Chit Chat, anything that interests you can be posted on this board. " Therefore stormline, I think you did the right thing. You feel passionate about something and you found somewhere appropriate with people who are your online buddies.

I do really understand how some people are totally over hearing about football (outside the season even) and even more over hearing about Ben Cousins. I feel that they are in for further disappointment as his second chance at a career is surely only going to give even more for the media to talk about. It's hard to avoid when it's a lead story or a headline/front page item, but I guess you'll have to try and ignore it for peace of mind.

With regards to Ben Cousins, well I feel sorry for him and now proud of him. Who of us hasn't had some difficulties in our life, or made a stupid decision of some sort, I know I'm glad that my life has not played out on the front page of the paper, or threatened my career. Not to mention the fact that people who were profiting from Ben's prodigious talent saw the problems and did nothing to help is reprehensible. So I say, good on you Ben, hope you win another Brownlow and keep running around the footy field in tight shorts for many years to come.



Silver Member
General Discussion said:
Gossip, Banter and Chit Chat, anything that interests you can be posted on this board. Great place for newbie’s to start the forum adventure. Share something of your day to help make another person’s life a little brighter. Pay it forward, what you give out always comes back in triplicate.

Seems reasonable....

I have to say that I have changed my stance somewhat. Everyone in life deserves a second (or third/fourth/fifth etc etc) chance. A chance to redeem him or her self. Andrew 'Joey' Johns has been afforded that chance and is now juggling commentary and coaching duties in the NRL, so why not Ben Cousins? Good luck to him.


Ben Cousins is an idiot and does not deserve to be considered again, I believe that he will continue to play up and bring disrepute to the sport and whatever club he plays for. A minority of these players think they are gods and cannot be touched, the club made a stand after warning him that drugs will not be tolerated and in my opinion made the right choice by depicting to young up and coming players that this type of behavior would not and will not be condoned.

If he was in any other job he would not be given the same opportunity..


If he was in any other job he would not be given the same opportunity..[/QUOTE]

how can you say that when one just take a look where andrew johns is now?what just because he fessed up when he retired that makes it ok,drugs are drugs.you come from canberra so you would certainly know who joey johns is.


If he was in any other job he would not be given the same opportunity..

how can you say that when one just take a look where Andrew Johns is now?what just because he fessed up when he retired that makes it ok,drugs are drugs.you come from Canberra so you would certainly know who joey johns is.
As you may not have gathered from my post, I have ZERO tolerance for drugheads. I have been personally involved in getting rid of 3 drugheads where I work and believe if less tolerance was shown to these people then we wouldn't have the drug problems that we have these days. I think that the original discussion was about "Ben Cousins" but I don't have any tolerence for Johns either.

I still consider myself a Queenslander even though I am currently here in the ACT..why anyone would live here is beyond me, but that is another story hey..:angel12:

Have a good Xrissy :cya:

DeeAnn D

Gold Member
I say good on him as well. I think he will be on fire this season to the point where I think he mite get a few Brownlow votes.

Being a West Coast Eagles member myself have watched him many times set Subi oval on fire.

Rhett and Scarlett

Virginity can be cured!!
Foundation Member
I am pleased that Ben Cousins is getting one last chance but can you please please explain why when all this was in the news it would be the first story to be presented then followed by someones horrific murder in NSW and then a fire that took 7 lives somewhere etc etc etc

I dont understand how they prioritise the news headlines

Anyone feel the same way or is it just me??



hi all, rhett and scarlett yes i agree with you totally on the media issues,and if thats your pic on your profile you could solve any problems::),(genuine compliment);Doh if life was that easy.. merry xmas to all have a good one....:happy4:

Kodie VIP Canberra

Legend Member
So sad to be taken down by drugs.... People don’t realise what it does ,the control of it all... No idea how it changes oneself in many ways
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