• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.


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Another World Member
Legend Member
This may not b the right place for this question,n i dont intend to cause any offense,but do women suffer from B.O. the kind im talking bout is that strong smell u sense when someone walks past or lingers close to you,i know there is a name for the bad breath people have,n i've only really smelt both these smells when around men,so do women also have this strong B.O n bad mouth breath?

Sir Stefan

Agent Provocateur
Foundation Member
bepp 712.... All Animals, including the human species produce body odours, some stronger than others...

The extent of the human B.O. will vary from person to person and will, to some extent, vary according to their sex, race, lifestyle, time of month, personal hygenie, food & beverage intake etc.

Many people in Western Societies 'mask' their personal body odour by use of chemicals, such as perfume, deodorants, soaps, powders, mouth wash, mouth fresheners, etc etc.

As a result the very large majority of people, in Western Society, can move freely about and inter-relate with others without causing offence, as a result of their personal body odour.


Yes women do!!! I worked with one girl she was a very clean person but she had BO really bad.


Foundation Member
Yep. Some people just luck out on the genetic lottery and get b.o. really badly no matter how many showers per day they have. There are some medications which can help and, in extreme cases, cauterising or surgically removing some of the sweat glands in the armpit can help.


I have known several women with offensive body odour and bad breath to match....it is very unfortunate for those that have problems with either regardless of what they do to improve their situation...for myself it is something I am very conscious of as I work closely with the public and would hate to inflict offensive odours on others....You can often find me taking a sneak sniff of the underarms and doing a subtle breath check hehehe!!!!


I've met some very beautiful women with bad breath and sometimes they just don't know cuz no one tells them
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