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ASD, employment and the opposite sex


Silver Member
What options are there for an high functioning autistic men who dont have the social skills to land and keep a good job that would allow him to not only provide for himself but also have 300 or so to spare to obtain alittoe human contact and attention from the opposite sex... before some Chad meme asshole comes in and tells me to go see some cheap asian joint where my communication is next to impossible unless your asking yes or no questions and even then its hit or miss as to whether there is an understanding of what your saying

Its a rough world for people who dont fit into the social norms especially when its comes to relationships and sex

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
View attachment 127923
What options are there for an high functioning autistic men who dont have the social skills to land and keep a good job that would allow him to not only provide for himself but also have 300 or so to spare to obtain alittoe human contact and attention from the opposite sex... before some Chad meme asshole comes in and tells me to go see some cheap asian joint where my communication is next to impossible unless your asking yes or no questions and even then its hit or miss as to whether there is an understanding of what your saying

Its a rough world for people who dont fit into the social norms especially when its comes to relationships and sex
are you any good with social media, looks like it from your thread... and good on the internet, if so I may have the answer, it would be a slow start but could produce $1,000-$3000 weekly.Send me a PM and come and have a cup of coffee.


Bronze Member
Might be a little late to the punch on this one but I think broadly. Specialisation is the key to employment and wealth in the current era. Learning an in demand skill and getting really good at it win arguments and speaks for itself. (learning, to code, learning a trade ect)


Gold Member
Hey some of the best programmers, cyber techs, white hat hackers are in your range.. attention to detail, single minded and willing to put the effort in... and most of it these days is work where you want when you want... plenty of free education too online ...


Gold Member
[CONTENT WARNING: Details that polite people never mention - hopefully not too rude for this site]

Autistic people tend to be good in lots of technical trades where you can focus on stuff without humaning, from IT to accounting to engineering to crafty things. BUT:

• We're often crap in new social situations, such as job interviews or networking, where we don't know whose body language to mirror, loathe small talk, and may still break eye contact to think (including during sex). For honest details [I prefer and consent to blunt honesty] ask 3 [I'd only tag them with permission] Langtrees Ladies who were available at 2am on Sunday night/Monday morning.

• We can usually handle normal life, but we can break easily if we push ourselves too far and don't have time to defrag - so cannot handle repeated 60+ (depends on person) hour weeks.

• We're crap at empathy, difficult conversations with normies and reading normy vibes, making us useless at enthusing normies or dealing nicely with incompetent and/or crying minions. This makes us useless at any job that requires leadership, and not just management.

• We're not good with bulldust, making us crap at jobs requiring us to lie and be lied to, from HR to executive management, to complex negotiations to selling investments.

Together, this means we easily spend too long at uni... getting highly educated, then find it difficult finding good jobs quickly, then plateau in senior technical roles with minimal staff supervision, unless we're in technical workplaces like accounting or engineering firms.

This means that if you have a technical career, but don't stay in technical firms, your career plateaus very early at only about $100,000pa (in accounting), and stays there. In technical firms, your career can go a couple more steps until it is stopped by your poor networking/selling/bulldusting skills. BUT technical firms are often toxic and/or require occasional long hours - I quit this side of accounting industry a decade ago when I couldn't hack it.

The obvious career plateau gets frustrating after a few years.

I'd recommend seeking a technical career and trying to find a non-toxic firm full of experts, where your career can progress without changing employer every few years. If you're an accountant in Perth, there's a few workplaces I'd recommend, but only a few.