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Are you racist??

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I'm not a beer swilling bogan, Suzy. I'm a well educated, professional guy who enjoys, classical music, literature, philosophy, architecture, fine dining and other things that I don't find in primitive cultures.

And who are you to call someone else's culture primitive? Besides, who cares if you're a beer swilling bogan or not? So many other cultures have leading lights in classical music ( Saint-Saëns), literature (Chudakov has won the Русский Букер), philosophy (Acharya Hemachandra springs to mind), architecture (Pierre Goudiaby Atepa), and fine dining (Tetsuya Wakuda) too - they're just not the same as yours.

Then again, your culture hasn't been responsible for wars, pollution, outbreaks of disease, murders, drug abuse or domestic violence has it? It's only the good stuff your modern day culture has done hasn't it Lingham?
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Don't be so proud of our..advance and intellectual educated world..as opposed to primitive..

Primitive didn't put a hole in our ozone layer, didn't dessimate our rain forest and didn't make it so the useless and lazy can spoon off the hard-working families ...

Yes, we are medically more advance but I believe more than half the sickness we are researching are result of our junk food calories high lazy arse couch sitting life style..

Beside, with so many human parasite, I don't think having a few millions of these lazy pricks culled is such a bad thing.. :)

But that going off topic...


Diamond Member
Maybe you'd be happier in the Stone Age, Suzi, than listening to Mozart, reading Shakespeare, visiting ancient temples in India or admiring a Ming Dynasty vase.

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
didn't say it was.

That is true my sweet however every time someone brings up something like people fitting in you bring up this bogan shit . now I am probably wrong here but I In the real world have heard the word Assimilate used too many times in a narrow context to be comfortable using it .

Now to me fitting in is different , there is such a wide and diverse population in Australia now that there is a place for everyone and despite opinion to the contrary there is a widespread acceptance of most things people have brought with them from there homeland .

Now here is a few of my not negotiates .

Female circumcision ,,,, its currently illegal and should remain so

One law for all .. never accept a two tier legal system in Australia

Trial by Jury always protect this one

And that will do for a start Suzy you can have a little Left elite intellectual hissy fit and label me Red neck Bogan whatever but that is my view and I shall do what ever I can using means within the law to insure the above stays Not Neg .

Link is broken so has been taken down

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That is true my sweet however every time someone brings up something like people fitting in you bring up this bogan shit . now I am probably wrong here but I In the real world have heard the word Assimilate used too many times in a narrow context to be comfortable using it .

Now to me fitting in is different , there is such a wide and diverse population in Australia now that there is a place for everyone and despite opinion to the contrary there is a widespread acceptance of most things people have brought with them from there homeland .

Now here is a few of my not negotiates .

Female circumcision ,,,, its currently illegal and should remain so

One law for all .. never accept a two tier legal system in Australia
Trial by Jury always protect this one

And that will do for a start Suzy you can have a little Left elite intellectual hissy fit and label me Red neck Bogan whatever but that is my view and I shall do what ever I can using means within the law to insure the above stays Not Neg .

Maybe we should have a thread.... Are You An Elitist? Perhaps Suzy could kick it off?


That is true my sweet however every time someone brings up something like people fitting in you bring up this bogan shit . now I am probably wrong here but I In the real world have heard the word Assimilate used too many times in a narrow context to be comfortable using it .

Now to me fitting in is different , there is such a wide and diverse population in Australia now that there is a place for everyone and despite opinion to the contrary there is a widespread acceptance of most things people have brought with them from there homeland .

Now here is a few of my not negotiates .

Female circumcision ,,,, its currently illegal and should remain so

One law for all .. never accept a two tier legal system in Australia
Trial by Jury always protect this one

And that will do for a start Suzy you can have a little Left elite intellectual hissy fit and label me Red neck Bogan whatever but that is my view and I shall do what ever I can using means within the law to insure the above stays Not Neg .

Farm boy, you're a sad person incapable of following an argument. Everytime I bring up bogan - as one of many examples, you bring up this stereotype about assimilation and bigotry "shit". When I have a view different from anyone else, it's automatically classified as left, elite and intellectual. By the way my ignorant cherub, the only hissy fit I've read so far is yours and Anastacia's. I daresay you'd be surprised whom I vote for. I've not labelled you as anything. But I will make a observation, you show the traits of the brainless person you rightfully claim to be.

Lingham, for one who prides (or portrays) himself badly on being a cultured person, your ignorance is somewhat primitive. Even iwtt thinks it lacks any intellectual depth. Of course you don't want to admit to the guilt of your superior culture and its ills.


Maryanne Kenworthy in a similar discussion some months ago.

This post is boarding on politics, and a few posters have written harshly with out realizing the implications.
I disagree with all of you. How did we get here, we immigrated. I believe that countries are brothers and sisters, and many siblings squabble. I believe that every human born on this earth is entitled to water, clean air, and land to live and education to start a better way of life.
I believe the immigration system is reasonably fair and Australia needs the cultural mix we are now attracting, so the country keeps growing. We are a small population with a vast land area, lets share, like the indigenous shared with us 200 years ago. I know we took the land by force, but first and foremost they shared the land and problems only arose when we wanted more than our fair share and or we were frightened of them because we couldn't be bothered to learn the cultural differences. I am now in Canberra and the most multi cultural city in our land, and I am loving the attitude, the service, and the friendliness of all Canberrians (can't spell this one)
We are one people, from one mother earth lets share.

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
One More Not Neg

voting by secret ballot

And this Sad Ignorant Cherub cares not who STF votes for for But rejoices that she can Votes In safety and secrecy


Silver Member
Let's make this real interesting and start involving religeon.

Did we evolve into all these races or is that how we all ended up from two people "7000" years ago?

Actually, no I'm staying out of this.

A lot of interesting opinions here.
It was inevitable that this subject would get personal.


Wasn't me who made it personal - if you look at it FB, Anastacia and Lingham did.

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
Wasn't me who made it personal - if you look at it FB, Anastacia and Lingham did.

STF first post on this thread

i'm not racist , i just get frustrated when people cannot understand the English langue
Now that's funny. Are you seriously trying to tell me that Australians (even the white ones) understand the English language (and it's not "langue" as you've written johnlou). Talk about a faux pas (and that's not "fox pass").

Might not be personal Suzy but your stile of posting will lead to a personal confrontation ,

And by the way I do not think you and I have been trading personal barbs we just are being honest From were I sit you are a classic Left Wing Elite Pseudo Intellectual ,

And You say I am a Sad Ignorant Cherub I am OK with that


Farmboy, it's not my "stile"; it's your stupidity - which you do with such style.


I kept silence but by now you offended a few forum members, which other people have so much respect for.....
I must support Punk Zebra, you still full of shit.... You probably one of the people in this country that should F,,k off. Because you waste our oxygen.

Could you say that in English Anastacia? The only ones who get offended are those who feel threatened or can't handle an intelligent woman with independent or different views. But you seem to get on well and don't offend them Anastacia.

By the way Anastacia, your own words were "When I see foreigners living in Australia for 20 years and they don't know how to speak English, they should be suggested to go home where they come from." The clock's ticking, let's see how much your command of the English language improves. Have you contacted Centrelink or A Current Affair with your fantastic scoops yet?

Maryanne Kenworthy in a similar discussion some months ago.

This post is boarding on politics, and a few posters have written harshly with out realizing the implications.
I disagree with all of you. How did we get here, we immigrated. I believe that countries are brothers and sisters, and many siblings squabble. I believe that every human born on this earth is entitled to water, clean air, and land to live and education to start a better way of life.
I believe the immigration system is reasonably fair and Australia needs the cultural mix we are now attracting, so the country keeps growing. We are a small population with a vast land area, lets share, like the indigenous shared with us 200 years ago. I know we took the land by force, but first and foremost they shared the land and problems only arose when we wanted more than our fair share and or we were frightened of them because we couldn't be bothered to learn the cultural differences. I am now in Canberra and the most multi cultural city in our land, and I am loving the attitude, the service, and the friendliness of all Canberrians (can't spell this one)
We are one people, from one mother earth lets share.

Let's see you take her on and criticize her with equal vigour. We wait with bated breath. Will you take the bait as you breathe?
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Could you say that in English Anastacia? The only ones who get offended are those who feel threatened or can't handle an intelligent woman with independent or different views. But you seem to get on well and don't offend them Anastacia.

By the way Anastacia, your own words were "When I see foreigners living in Australia for 20 years and they don't know how to speak English, they should be suggested to go home where they come from." The clock's ticking, let's see how much your command of the English language improves. Have you contacted Centrelink or A Current Affair with your fantastic scoops yet?

Maryanne Kenworthy in a similar discussion some months ago.

Let's see you take her on and criticize her with equal vigour. We wait with bated breath. Will you take the bait as you breathe?
You just do not get it do you? Forget the topic. It is you who offend people with your righteous, confronting, elitist and often vicious attitude. You are a sad, sad woman and the pity is that you cannot see it.


Perth Escorts
Diamond Member
English is my second language and I don't speak it as well as Australian people do. Smart people understand me but not you, because you NOT SMART.. Don't hide behind Mary Ann comments. You are antagonising and you using big words to belittle people. I am who I am and you not Helen Mirren so who the f..k are you? Don't shame Helen Mirren. You don't understand others opinions and shutting down others views on subject. Actually, you are the one who comes across as being offended. As far as I know, you not even a intelligent woman. You are fat dude with big tits. And the reason why you being offended because you are not originally from Australia. How do you value yourself if you hiding behind an older smart woman.
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