• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.



Legend Member
I`m not sure if it`s because I`m getting old or because I`ve now made over 1000 posts but I can`t remember if I have asked this question before... Apologizes if I have.

Have you ever had an imaginary friend?? Do you still have one? My imaginary friend is getting lonely and I`ve asked everybody at work hoping to find him a playmate and they either don`t have one or the one they have has been a bit of a trouble maker and is being told to stay home...

Please help.

Perth boy

Yes BB you have asked this before in fact it was march 2010

I introduced your friend to mine. Lol


Legend Member
My imaginary friend is/was a monkey I thought he would leave me as I got older but now he seems to evolved into something more substantial. I sometimes feel he is lurking on these pages somewhere