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Any ways to delay ejaculation?


Bronze Member
I have tried the desensitizing condoms but the fun goes away. I was wondering if there are other better methods?


Diamond Member
Practice squeeze technique, slow down or stop mid-stream urination to improve. Slower breathing during coitus. Some have even said they orgasmed workout ejaculation.
There’s antidepressants that will delay, consult your doctor if you want a pill.

happy punter

Silver Member
Agree Delay Gel works well. One small drop enough and suggest rub on head of penis and underneath. No need to rub all over penis. Around 2 to 3 hours beforehand works best for me


Bronze Member
I used stud 100 desentisizing spray 1-2 sprays and it makes my penise very numb like someone amputated my dick and don't feel any sensation even if I pinch. I couldn't get an erection when I visited a lady, she thought I have Erectile dysfunction and started to console me, it was very awkward for me and left the place without having sex, it was the last time I use that spary.


Silver Member
Breathe. If you breathe deeply when you get close and certainly don't hold your breath, you can have more control.


Use your mind for self discipline. Does take awhile to do but once you can switch off a bit whilst doing the deed then I find I can last longer whilst still enjoying the moment. It works for me. You can control that feeling when you're about to cum and instead of blowing let the cum subside and continue this way for as long as you want until you decide to blow.


Gold Member
I used stud 100 desentisizing spray 1-2 sprays and it makes my penise very numb like someone amputated my dick and don't feel any sensation even if I pinch. I couldn't get an erection when I visited a lady, she thought I have Erectile dysfunction and started to console me, it was very awkward for me and left the place without having sex, it was the last time I use that spary.
Where u get it ?


Gold Member
Gawd I must be old I’d never heard of this stuff till I saw this post whatever happened to the good old fashion rub one out before seeing a WL works a treat with me. Back in the day if the girl tells you your times nearly up you better hurry and cum the odd wise girl use to ask you while dressing “did you rub one out before coming here lol 😂 I haven’t had a girl ask me that for while now must be a different generation now maybe or a forgotten thing.


Legend Member
Gawd I must be old I’d never heard of this stuff till I saw this post whatever happened to the good old fashion rub one out before seeing a WL works a treat with me. Back in the day if the girl tells you your times nearly up you better hurry and cum the odd wise girl use to ask you while dressing “did you rub one out before coming here lol 😂 I haven’t had a girl ask me that for while now must be a different generation now maybe or a forgotten thing.
The Google old days 😇


Silver Member
Gawd I must be old I’d never heard of this stuff till I saw this post whatever happened to the good old fashion rub one out before seeing a WL works a treat with me. Back in the day if the girl tells you your times nearly up you better hurry and cum the odd wise girl use to ask you while dressing “did you rub one out before coming here lol 😂 I haven’t had a girl ask me that for while now must be a different generation now maybe or a forgotten thing.

If this doesnt slow things down, she must be doing something special!


Silver Member
The less you think about sex before you do it, the better your performance will be. Otherwise change positions often when necessary and distract yourself by thinking deeply about something (and not another girl) as if you're not banging away.