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Animal sex!!


Tania Admin

Thought I would peruse some animal sex habits which are a little different:

Bees: A virgin queen that survives to adulthood without being killed by her rivals will take a mating flight with a dozen or so male drones (out of tens of thousands eligible bachelors in the colony). But don't call these drones lucky because during mating, their genitals explode and snap off inside the queen!

Strange as it is, this actually makes evolutionary sense: the snapped-off penis acts as a genital plug to prevent other drones from fertilizing the queen. But tell that to the dead drone whose penis just exploded.

I don't think I would get a buzz out of that!

Who said that violence is the only way to solve fights over food or territory? Instead of fighting, bonobos have sex! Actually, their whole societal structure seems to revolve around sex.

Bonobos use sex as greetings, a mean of solving disputes, making up for fights, and as a favors in exchange for food. They tongue kiss, engage in oral sex, mutual masturbations, have face-to-face genital sex and even have a strange "penis fencing" ritual!

Hmmm, humans could learn some lessons from these cute chimps.

If bonobos "penis fence" as foreplay, flatworms do it for real.

For flatworms, sex is more like war than love. Like all sea slugs, flatworms are hermaphrodites (they have both male and female sexual organs). In this case, the male organ turns out to be two dagger-like penises that they use to hunt as well as mate. During mating, two flatworms fight (i.e. "penis fence") to stab each other, while avoiding getting stabed.

The "loser" who gets stabbed will absorb the sperm through its skin and then scoots off to bear the burden of motherhood!

Ummmm, I'm glad I'm not a Flatworm either.
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Legend Member
Where do you find this stuff !!

Guess I would rather be a Bonobo than a flatworm !


Tania Admin


Female hyenas wear the pants in the family. They're bigger and stronger than the males. And definitely much more aggressive. Heck, they even got balls. Really.

A female hyena has a pseudopenis, basically an enlarged clitoris, that they can erect at will. To mate, the meeker male has to insert his penis into her pseudopenis. That's difficult for the males, but still nothing compared to the female having to give birth through a penis!

Ouch, but very intriguing. I wouldn't mind watching that! Does that make me a sadist?


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Hehehehehehe not to forget some mum spiders who do eat the male after sex..........lol how would that be?
Bugger, nearly forgot that I am a vego ;)


Sandi Lang

Where in the world do u get all this info ? A whole lot of trivia you will never use ..lol When I hear animals and sex in one sentence it reminds me of a video , don't want to enter that realm it really scarred me for life ... lol..

Tania Admin

lol It may be trivia we won't use,,but then again,,always interesting topics for conversation..

Where do I find it all?

Google of course!


Legend Member

Female hyenas wear the pants in the family. They're bigger and stronger than the males. And definitely much more aggressive.

Actually, my ex looked a bit like a Hyena now that I come to think about it !

Lucky we had a amicable separation !
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Tania Admin

A few more weird animal sex facts, just because..

1. Sure, it’s cute that squids cuddle after they mate, but the females are stuck holding the semen in a pocket next to their mouths. Can you imagine not having the option to spit?

2. Emperor penguins get it on once a year, for two to three minutes, while face down in the snow. I bet even frigid ice queen Martha Stewart gets it on more than that!

3. Female alligators don’t eat for eight to nine weeks before they get it on. And you thought you were nervous about getting naked!


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
...shit, even penguins get more action than me...bastards!!!..... :)

Honestly Fudd, you are a worry ;)........but then think about it.......would you like to have your face in the snow while done for 2 or 3 minutes with a strap-on?.............



Legend Member
Honestly Fudd, you are a worry ;)........but then think about it.......would you like to have your face in the snow while done for 2 or 3 minutes with a strap-on?.............


Rochelle who would be wearing the tuxedo(penguin suit) The strapper or the strappee


Full Member
Foundation Member
Honestly Fudd, you are a worry ;)........but then think about it.......would you like to have your face in the snow while done for 2 or 3 minutes with a strap-on?.............


....ummmm, errrrrrr, hmmmmm.....let me get back to ya.....lol..... :)

Tania Admin

A few more to add to the topic.

This bird is a romantic at heart. And throat. Just take a look at their mating call: they inflate their throats into a bright red, heart-shaped balloon, like some kind of self-contained Hallmark greeting. Meanwhile, the female seeks out the biggest and brightest balloon, the owner of which earns her. And then while the two go at it, the male will shield her eyes with his wings so she won’t be tempted to run off with some better balloon-owner. This sort of jealousy and and competitiveness is incredibly human-like, only instead of balloons, it’s expensive cars, spiky hair and spray-tans.


Panda porn exists. And it is often seminal to a panda couple’s sex life, and their species as a whole. As pandas are endangered, their procreation in captivity is essential for their species to repopulate. And as they often show little interest in sex without any kind of prior stimulation, panda porn was necessarily implemented in a research facility in China, which has shown great success. Which begs the question: are there also panda pizza boys and repairmen?


These slugs have a few issues in life, not the least of which is that they look like the end result of stomach cramps brought on by a diet high in lentils and curry.
Another problem for the lowly slug is that the average eight-inch slug has an eight-inch penis, and when he first realizes this, he's probably pretty stoked. Then when he hears through the grapevine that his mate could potentially chew it off, the wind may be taken from his sails.
Because their penis could be the same size as their body, they need to find a mate who's the same size. If they happen to have an issue with depth perception, they won't properly fit and their special friend will gnaw on it like a NASCAR fan with a stick of jerky to solve the problem. The record holder for banana slugs had a penis five times the length of its own body, which we assume he just wrapped around his head to pretend it was a cool pompadour and sideburns when not in use.



5 Star General
Foundation Member
FYI Bestiality is ripe .

The answer to this question is pretty complicated. As brief as possible: There are very few places where bestiality is clearly legal. Most countries do not expressly forbid bestiality, but it can be covered by animal cruelty laws. Zoosexuality is legal in Norway, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Mexico, and Cambodia, given that any animal involved is not harmed, though the distribution of pornographic material of a zoosexual or bestiality nature is illegal.




Creature in the Shadows
Legend Member
did you know rabbits and horses cant vomit lol

bit off topic but its a fun fact

Tania Admin

Porcupine: Wee Marks the Spot.
Quick: how do porcupines mate? If you answer: "carefully," you'd only be half right - it's also "bizarrely." Indeed, porcupines have a very bizarre mating habit:

First of all, female porcupines are interested in sex only about 8 to 12 hours in a year! Second, to court a female during the short mating season, a male porcupine stands up on his hind legs, waddles up to her, and then sprays her with a huge stream of urine from as far as 6 feet away, and drench his would-be paramour from head to foot!

If the female wasn't impressed, she'll scream and shake off the urine. But, if she is ready, then she'll rear up to expose her quill-less underbelly and let the male mount her from the behind (that's the only safe position for porcupines!). Once mating begins, the female is insatiable: she forces the male to mate many times until he is thoroughly exhausted. If he gets tired too quickly, she will leave him for another male!



That is hilarious!! I need to hunt out more strangeness to share.

Tania Admin

Homosexual or bisexual behavior is not uncommon in the animal world, and it’s particularly common among male geese, which will often choose same-sex partners. Though they perform copulation like heterosexual geese, obviously neither party is impregnated. However, sometimes female geese will very slyly slip between the two mating males, getting fertilized and then taking off. When the baby geese are born, the entire trio can be observed taking care of them.

View attachment 13469


Where in the world do u get all this info ? A whole lot of trivia you will never use ..lol When I hear animals and sex in one sentence it reminds me of a video , don't want to enter that realm it really scarred me for life ... lol..

Im with you Sandi ....very trivia stuff... then the real scary human animal sex thing..

Tania Admin

Nothing wrong with a bit of trivia, it always comes in handy on those nights around the fire, drink in hand, when talking the small stuff, trivia, can supply so much entertainment :)


Legend Member
Nothing wrong with a bit of trivia, it always comes in handy on those nights around the fire, drink in hand, when talking the small stuff, trivia, can supply so much entertainment :)

So how are you at Trivial Pursuit Tania

Tania Admin

So how are you at Trivial Pursuit Tania

I'm always in the pursuit of Trivia...lol

On a serious note, I'm pretty damn good at most games :)

Gives me an idea,,,it would be awesome to have a Trivial Pursuit game based on Sex questions, facts etc, where the trivia of animal sex, abbreviations etc where the aim of the game. It would be awesome fun.


Legend Member
I'm always in the pursuit of Trivia...lol

On a serious note, I'm pretty damn good at most games :)

Gives me an idea,,,it would be awesome to have a Trivial Pursuit game based on Sex questions, facts etc, where the trivia of animal sex, abbreviations etc where the aim of the game. It would be awesome fun.

So , questions such as Famous Pornstar Marilyn Chambers was a deepthroat specialist If she took 15 cms per thrust on average
How many Kilometers of cock did she swallow in her career?

Tania Admin

So , questions such as Famous Pornstar Marilyn Chambers was a deepthroat specialist If she took 15 cms per thrust on average
How many Kilometers of cock did she swallow in her career?

Yes, with questions just like that! lol :)


Legend Member
Thought I would peruse some animal sex habits which are a little different:

Bees: A virgin queen that survives to adulthood without being killed by her rivals will take a mating flight with a dozen or so male drones (out of tens of thousands eligible bachelors in the colony). But don't call these drones lucky because during mating, their genitals explode and snap off inside the queen!

Strange as it is, this actually makes evolutionary sense: the snapped-off penis acts as a genital plug to prevent other drones from fertilizing the queen. But tell that to the dead drone whose penis just exploded.

I don't think I would get a buzz out of that!

Who said that violence is the only way to solve fights over food or territory? Instead of fighting, bonobos have sex! Actually, their whole societal structure seems to revolve around sex.

Bonobos use sex as greetings, a mean of solving disputes, making up for fights, and as a favors in exchange for food. They tongue kiss, engage in oral sex, mutual masturbations, have face-to-face genital sex and even have a strange "penis fencing" ritual!

Hmmm, humans could learn some lessons from these cute chimps.

If bonobos "penis fence" as foreplay, flatworms do it for real.

For flatworms, sex is more like war than love. Like all sea slugs, flatworms are hermaphrodites (they have both male and female sexual organs). In this case, the male organ turns out to be two dagger-like penises that they use to hunt as well as mate. During mating, two flatworms fight (i.e. "penis fence") to stab each other, while avoiding getting stabed.

The "loser" who gets stabbed will absorb the sperm through its skin and then scoots off to bear the burden of motherhood!

Ummmm, I'm glad I'm not a Flatworm either.
Some one put animal sex on face book couple of days ago didn't stay on long !!