• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.



Legend Member
Well said Mr. C. Your rights got sucked into that black hole that you deposited your dough in.


Mr H being unloveable and spending Mr Ca$h on pretend love, have saved me a lot of hassles in the long run.

Plus I'm a bit of a slacker too.


Legend Member
Mr C. For sure man, mr Ca$h is your buddy. Pretend love is better than no love and the real thang just cost you too much in the long run, ruin your health and wealth.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Be....it cannot..
Seems...it can..

Too much of that lot....
The shit hits the fan.....


Better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all... Even if paid for.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
With the not reals. The lesson learned is to keep it short then next.

That keeps them wonderful.

Probably for them too.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
And beyond that it can go south east or south west usually.

But yeah somewhere between is pretty cool.


Depends on the girl I guess. Had some good one offs and some that required more perseverance.

Think the ones that took more time were the interesting ones

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Had all sorts. Then when it gets personal. A world of stuff comes out.


.Confucius say… man who put cream in tart, not always baker.
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Foundation Member
Pray tell, who or what is "CSA"?

Anyone who rings me out of the blue who has nothing of any value to offer would be lucky to get five minutes of my time.

No emotion at all just "Please do not call this number again" (click)


Foundation Member
Ah! a branch of the Taxation Office. No wonder she came on all authoritive.

Most of the overpaid clerks who infest the Taxation department have the idea that they are descended from the Gods of Olympus and some of the powers they enjoy are not far short of that.

However, their kryptonite is another Government agency called "The Administrative Appeals Tribunal" which is charged with putting overly enthusiastic bureaucrats back in their boxes.

If you have a legitimate complaint put it in writing to the head of the CSA. Often, doing this will take the problem out of the orbit of the mindless drones and into the realms inhabited by intelligent life capable of making sensible decisions.

If this fails an appeal to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal will see the matter arbitrated by an independent third party charged only with the responsibility of ensuring fairness. If this is just some clerk throwing his/her weight around for the hell of it they will, in all probability, back off rather than cop a knockback from the tribunal.
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Gold Member
Speaking of anger. Right now as I am forced to stay up late doing shitty annual report (unpaid) ... perhaps I could warn others that the atmosphere at the moment at the Wellington park east perth is a little too lively with the native locals considering the drug rehab Centre just around the corner..


Legend Member
Ah! a branch of the Taxation Office. No wonder she came on all authoritive.

Most of the overpaid clerks who infest the Taxation department have the idea that they are descended from the Gods of Olympus and some of the powers they enjoy are not far short of that.

However, their kryptonite is another Government agency called "The Administrative Appeals Tribunal" which is charged with putting overly enthusiastic bureaucrats back in their boxes.

If you have a legitimate complaint put it in writing to the head of the CSA. Often, doing this will take the problem out of the orbit of the mindless drones and into the realms inhabited by intelligent life capable of making sensible decisions.

If this fails an appeal to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal will see the matter arbitrated by an independent third party charged only with the responsibility of ensuring fairness. If this is just some clerk throwing his/her weight around for the hell of it they will, in all probability, back off rather that cop a knockback from the tribunal.

If only CSA worked like this. You need set things to be able to complain about decisions made that affect you.