• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Alan Langtrees Chaffeur BLOG


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy;- its OK guys, I am sure the Phone will ring off its hook during the weekend, now rememmber lads ;- look good and brush your teeth and always have a smile on your dial.

Scary the ladies are quiet where are they all ?


Banks making 1 million an hour. Comeon even Ned Kelly wore a mask and gave back to the poor..
Yes, all those banks should be told they're full of money, full of shit and therefore not creative and fuck off where they come from. Australia's already full of fuckwits who think banks owe them a living. As for Ned Kelly, he was a fuckwit and not that noble and there's a fair bit of credible historical research to prove it.


SPOT ON ALAN666, YOU DA WOMAN (OR MAN?) I totally agree. First of all, all those pea brained fuckwits who came onto the shores in 1887 and lacked creativity and brought all that land degradation, pestilence, disease, violence, rape and pollution and their descendants should be told to fuck off where they came from and leave the place to Aborigines!

After that, all the pea brained peasants with no skills and register for the dole and refuse to to take a drug and alcohol abuse test should be given an option - fuck off the country they came from for not being creative enough or get hung at dawn! You da man/woman alan666!

Then we should send back all those fuckwit farmers who keep on crying poor year after year when like Qantas, it was obvious the industry was a dead one years ago. If you're not creative enough to keep it going, then fuck off again and leave Australia to the Aborigines like in 1887 'cos it was full already back then. You da man/woman alan666! You tell it like it is baby!

Yup in a dry continent we all need swimming pools, it's unAustralian and uncreative not to own one and fuck up the ecosystem. Them lot should be told to fuck off where they've come from 'cos if we don't have enough water, then Australia was full a long time ago. You da man/woman alan666! You tell it like it is baby!

Now if all these illegal refugees are white cocksucking hookers willing to give free blow jobs, lots of brainy men like Alan666 would say that's mighty creative and they should stay 'cos suddenly Australia's too empty and empty-headed. You da man/woman alan666! You tell it like it is baby!

And Driver Harry who thinks Bankstown's like Beirut - god forbid! Soon Rockingham and Gosnells will be full of white trash bogans when I remember when it was full off black trash boongs. How can that be allowed to happen - all those uncreative people with their fat bellies and shirts tucked into the pants which are underslung 'cos they can't get into their trousers properly - it's disgusting. These fatty belly types are leeches on our public health system with their ailments ranging from diabetes to high blood pressure to erectile dysfunction - it's un Australian! We're full. Send 'em back. You da man/woman Driver Harry! You tell it like it is baby!
I think the discussion has just heated up!


Foundation Member
Right on the money Suzy.

Romanticising criminals is something I have never understood. I liked this comment from a historian discussing the American Jesse James gang with a T.V. reporter.

The interviewer said " I have heard that Jesse James was a bit like Robin Hood in that he only robbed the rich"

Reply: 'Yes, but that was only because the poor had nothing worth taking."

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
This post is boarding on politics, and a few posters have written harshly with out realizing the implications.
I disagree with all of you. How did we get here, we immigrated. I believe that countries are brothers and sisters, and many siblings squabble. I believe that every human born on this earth is entitled to water, clean air, and land to live and education to start a better way of life.
I believe the immigration system is reasonably fair and Australia needs the cultural mix we are now attracting, so the country keeps growing. We are a small population with a vast land area, lets share, like the indigenous shared with us 200 years ago. I know we took the land by force, but first and foremost they shared the land and problems only arose when we wanted more than our fair share and or we were frightened of them because we couldn't be bothered to learn the cultural differences. I am now in Canberra and the most multi cultural city in our land, and I am loving the attitude, the service, and the friendliness of all Canberrians (can't spell this one)
We are one people, from one mother earth lets share.

I have just unapproved a post from Suzie something. I will be issuing my first warning, The post was to over the top and disrespectful.
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Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
Right well I am not going to be told that my posts were of track . this thread started with the central topic of Australia being out of food and space in the neat future something I know not to be true .

Now it been pointed out that our current farming farming practices in Australia are damaging the environment and to a degree this is true . however every single action of myself and every one of you damages the environment in some way , using electricity buying and driving cars the houses and food all have a environmental costs .

And as for Susie the floozie bit about farmers winging whining and continually begging for government financial help , well yes there are elements in our industry who do this

This begging happens almost exclusively in the states of Queensland
, New South Wales and Victoria, and you know what it works due to there widely dispersed population and the large number of politicians with a bit of skin in the pork for AG game.

WA is different story the most productive Farmers Miners and Transport men have to mostly look after them-self's , and the best Sex Industry operator in Australia has to operate in legal no man's land were as in the east she could be a CEO of public limited company. providing exactly the same thing she provides in WA .

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
I said some posts not all Farm Boy, stop twisting my words. I like this post, I like different points of view, as long as no one gets personal.I even like the occasional farmer...but that's:D another story.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Get off your horse Farm Boy on this forum we like people full stop.Over the years imagine the prejudice I've been though, firstly being a woman and secondly being in the sex industry, do you see me raising the issue every chance I get. Start a poll Who likes Farmers and I am convinced you will get support if you come up with some interesting poll choices.
POSITIVE:pOSITIVE:pOSITIVE from now till the end of time.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
A quick read, and i think all business is entitled to a fair profit.It does add up but banks can only survive if we the people have need.Now a million an hour sounds a lot, but they have trillions invested to reap this reward. Bank service today is far superior than it was 10 & 20 years ago, so I think they are mindful of peoples needs.


Legend Member
Your right about the service side of things Remember when banks closed 3PM? So if a single person you got your pay in a little brown envelope( a very very small envelope) Then had to get to the bank in your lunch hour to deposit some of your wages or make a loan repayment
And if you ran out sunday No Sunday session, because you had no access to your money


I actually agree with you whole-heartedly FB2 ... they weren't off-track & I probably worded my post poorly (as I do) ... was just stirring the pot a bit before I leave by bringing it back to the immigration stuff a bit .... thought the immigration points might cause a reaction, which it did (& more) .. Cheers

Right well I am not going to be told that my posts were of track . this thread started with the central topic of Australia being out of food and space in the neat future something I know not to be true .

Now it been pointed out that our current farming farming practices in Australia are damaging the environment and to a degree this is true . however every single action of myself and every one of you damages the environment in some way , using electricity buying and driving cars the houses and food all have a environmental costs .

And as for Susie the floozie bit about farmers winging whining and continually begging for government financial help , well yes there are elements in our industry who do this

This begging happens almost exclusively in the states of Queensland
, New South Wales and Victoria, and you know what it works due to there widely dispersed population and the large number of politicians with a bit of skin in the pork for AG game.

WA is different story the most productive Farmers Miners and Transport men have to mostly look after them-self's , and the best Sex Industry operator in Australia has to operate in legal no man's land were as in the east she could be a CEO of public limited company. providing exactly the same thing she provides in WA .

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
Get off your horse Farm Boy on this forum we like people full stop.Over the years imagine the prejudice I've been though, firstly being a woman and secondly being in the sex industry, do you see me raising the issue every chance I get. Start a poll Who likes Farmers and I am convinced you will get support if you come up with some interesting poll choices.
POSITIVE:pOSITIVE:pOSITIVE from now till the end of time.

I retire Injured

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
I love the photo I think it deserves 10 trophy points Farmboy when i figure out how to award them manually. Don't forget to remind me.

They were awarded from the other trophy post.
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If my bank was making 1 million an hour I'd be very assured - it means it's a relatively safe institution and investing my money well. And it means my share portfolio with the banks shares are doing well. And it means they've got heaps of money to lend as well.

Robbers who wear masks and rob are that - criminals. Where the bank's criminal activity? They don't wear masks so you know who they are. Their annual reports are there for all and sundry to read (if you know how to read). When it comes to housing loans or being a guarantor, you can take the contract to a lawyer of your choice before you sign anything. There's a cooling of period on contracts. The few bank lawyers I've met have always told me the same thing - the banks are not in the business of seizing people's houses and without betraying confidentiality, told me the immense efforts bank go to, to AVOID foreclosing on a mortgage.

So I really don't get what the Original Poster's complaining about? Some people will always make more money than others - and they bear the risk that goes with it. Good luck to them if it takes off or it fails.


Wiink. I'll Do the Rest
Gold Member
Until recently, banks made profit only by taking in deposits from customers, then giving those same deposits to other customers as loans. The banks charged more interest for the loans than they paid for the deposits.

It's the old 3-6-3 rule: take in money at 3%, loan out money at 6%, and get to the golf course by 3 o'clock.

A nice tidy way to make some money, but no real getting rich this way.

What's new is a repeal of old laws that now allow banks to take deposits and invest them in risky things instead of just loaning the deposits to customers.

When it works, the profits are huge. But when it doesn't, the banks lose its customers deposits. So they can't make enough loans or return all the customers money if asked to. The government has no choice but to step in and help. This is where the problems start.


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy Very True Bro H2, pirates will always hunt you down to their last Heart beat, for the gold.
Please note;- I have really enjoyed the information on this thread, thanks for sharing your opinions and view points, its been educational as well.
Cheers and Pass the Rum

And he will hunt you down for the rest of his days But he will never catch you That pegleg does not work than well out in the country
That right HP?


Until recently, banks made profit only by taking in deposits from customers, then giving those same deposits to other customers as loans. The banks charged more interest for the loans than they paid for the deposits.

It's the old 3-6-3 rule: take in money at 3%, loan out money at 6%, and get to the golf course by 3 o'clock.

A nice tidy way to make some money, but no real getting rich this way.

What's new is a repeal of old laws that now allow banks to take deposits and invest them in risky things instead of just loaning the deposits to customers.

When it works, the profits are huge. But when it doesn't, the banks lose its customers deposits. So they can't make enough loans or return all the customers money if asked to. The government has no choice but to step in and help. This is where the problems start.

To an extent; that's still blaming the banks. Not that they're without blame. The thing is though that if you're not an adventurous risk taker, you shouldn't be banking your money with them really.

There are enough cooperative banks around that are run on more conservative sound money principles and while not owing gold mines, they're still owners of safes with lots of cash in them. So again, why blame the banks?


Legend Member
And I believe SAO26 Australian banks do have far stricter rules applied to them than the American banks do or did


Diamond Member
I disagree with you, Suzy, about risk taking. For those who are truly risk averse, fixed term deposits with the Aussie banks are the safest place to put money. As interest rates are low right now, these accounts won't deliver a great return, but the principal will be safe. Don't forget, too, that the Govt guarantees deposits up to $250k.

Madam Tracey

Cyclone Langtrees
Staff member
Legend Member
I want somebody ...anybody!
But they have to be totally awesome.
Just like me.
Its not about the money.....Its about everything!!!!
Compatibility....sexually,intellectually,financially, blah blah blah.
If the balance is off then the relationship is usually unsustainable.
But if they are a good fuck......well you can keep 'em round for a bit.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
What???????? It is not about money, Cyclone???????? It is all about money..........maybe you guys put a bank statement on the forum..........:D (just kidding)


...the floor is lava
Legend Member
Specifically- I'm looking for the kind of guy that can come and finish my house renovations... And that's all... I have a guy that does all the other stuff. :p


Live, Love & Believe
Legend Member
AHHHHH Alan Alan Alan....
that question I have to answer this way!

I need a guy who is just a super handyman around the house:
renovations, plumbing, painting etcetc

I need a guy who is just the best ever chef...
who loves to make me scrumptious meals-
breakfasts in bed, clever picnics in the parks, romantic dinners at home

I also need my workaholic man to love to work
& make the money for me...pay my bills , keep the banks at bay....

What about a great mechanic -
a petrol head who absolutely loves cars & sorts all my car problems out!!

AND LAST but by no means least (in fact more like FIRST OFF THE RACK)
I need that Lover, that man who knows exactly what buttons to push
to make me feel like that most loved woman in the world!!!

But most of all,
I need them to be 5 men & may they never meet!!


Live, Love & Believe
Legend Member
Actually just thinking about it....
I do have them 5 guys -
unfortunately some of them have met each other.....
:eek: AWKWARD :confused:


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Guys you might want to re look at your advertising so your phones will start ringing..... :):):)

Ahoy Thank-You MsSue excellent advise;- Hmmmm I think we shall try false pics, state that we are Young and Good looking and Rich;- 'Yeah that should work'

From Ms Rochelle;- ..........'maybe you guys put a bank statement on the forum..........:D (just kidding)'
Thank-you excellent advice;- we are now Young and Rich
Hmmmmm but;- if us 3 where young and rich, why are we advertising?