• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Age gap relationships


Gold Member
Simply means that someone "woke" is actively interested in and fully onboard "important" progressive and socialist societal issues as a political and personal ideology. So that might mean so called social justice and minority race ascension. The "woke" have no hesitation twisting history to their own ends and cancelling entities or people with opposing views to accommodate their ideology and beliefs.

This is usually those more left of centre left of politics (socialist/marxist), ie the Greens, some members of the ALP, BLM, extinction rebellion and other such organisations are "woke".
Sad to see such negativity associated with 'woke' being as most folk others describe as woke are strong advocates of civil rights. The media brings up extreme examples but most folk are pretty sensible . People are just .. people.


Gold Member
Sad to see the negativity some regarding the expression 'woke'. I am a definite left winger . The ones generally using the expression are usually right wing and use it as an insult. To me it denotes a person that stands for civil, sexual and cultural rights. Cares for others and tries to help where possible. . It ain't all bad.


Gold Member
Sad to see the negativity some regarding the expression 'woke'. I am a definite left winger . The ones generally using the expression are usually right wing and use it as an insult. To me it denotes a person that stands for civil, sexual and cultural rights. Cares for others and tries to help where possible. . It ain't all bad.
I hope trump wins.


Diamond Member
Sad to see the negativity some regarding the expression 'woke'. I am a definite left winger . The ones generally using the expression are usually right wing and use it as an insult. To me it denotes a person that stands for civil, sexual and cultural rights. Cares for others and tries to help where possible. . It ain't all bad.
As long as you agree with them. Hi tash!


Gold Member
My last marriage I was 15 years older .. we were together for 24 and the last few were shaky that's how it goes.. we had looks at the start .. it was great for a while then nah .. age turned into a factor. Lol she was going to have to pay for things when I retire . As it happens she would have been shitloads better off if she had stayed .. funny that.


Legend Member
Sad to see the negativity some regarding the expression 'woke'. I am a definite left winger . The ones generally using the expression are usually right wing and use it as an insult. To me it denotes a person that stands for civil, sexual and cultural rights. Cares for others and tries to help where possible. . It ain't all bad.
True! It aint all good either. I don't think 'Woke' is defined by political affiliation. It's defined by the individual and how they interpret the needs of others through their life lens. Some woke issues are worthy some are just taking the piss......because they can.


Gold Member
How many people describe themselves as being woke .. its generally a media dig at an undefined group that care . With some seriously foolish statements of what they want .. extreme people either way are ridiculous.


Legend Member
How many people describe themselves as being woke .. its generally a media dig at an undefined group that care . With some seriously foolish statements of what they want .. extreme people either way are ridiculous.
I think you underestimate the 'woke' movement and the effect it has. Our strength rests in the 'us' not in the 'me'. Woke is a metaphor for self, where is the us these days? Heaven help us if we face a true challenge as a nation. One has recent history to say we will strip Coles of toilet paper, flour, rice. milk etc etc because it's all about self. Woke is waking up in 1939 to find war has been declared not Bruce complaining that he can't wear lipstick to work.


Gold Member
I think you underestimate the 'woke' movement and the effect it has. Our strength rests in the 'us' not in the 'me'. Woke is a metaphor for self, where is the us these days? Heaven help us if we face a true challenge as a nation. One has recent history to say we will strip Coles of toilet paper, flour, rice. milk etc etc because it's all about self. Woke is waking up in 1939 to find war has been declared not Bruce complaining that he can't wear lipstick to work.
šŸ˜€ did you read that in the media I mentioned pretty well made the term 'woke' up as a form of abuse to folk with opposing opinion. The all encompassing word 'woke' who runs it.. is there an body deciding next target? No.. lol some of us lefties are too extreme.. the majority are fairly sensible .. wanting people to enjoy life.