• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Adriá is back!

Aundre of Sydney

Bronze Member
Hello Hello everyone,

The last time I have been on here I think it was at least 3 years ago haha.

So I was going by the name of Aundre now it's Adria needed a change.. What's been happing, went on tour to Perth last year, might come again later this year see how much I will get from the WA laddies. Been on TV twice now so have look here, SBS
and Channel 10 http://tenplay.com.au/channel-ten/studio-10/extra/season-2013/6-jun--just-a-gigolo...

Im going to make more of effort on here and hopefully meet a few people.



Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy;- Our pleasure Adria, welcome aboard, like I said the forum has changed a great deal and there are many people on hear that will be very interested in your point of view. I think its great that you are from Sydney (I am assuming) so you can give us a eastern states view point as well. I checked out your video and its very interesting.
Have fun and all the best
Cheers and Pass the Rum