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Abuse and sexuality

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Hey everyone

I was having a conversation with a friend on Friday night while we were at the strippers (as we do) and he said how he felt sorry for strippers because they must have all been abused..

This opened up a huge can of worms, and we ended up in an argument. He claims that no sane woman would
a) have sex for money
b) strip for money
c) get involved in deviant sexual acts
and thus they all must hae suffered some form of abuse that weakened their self esteem.

In the end we agreed to disagree, but it lead me to wonder... how many of us on this forum have been the victims of abuse, whether it be sexual abuse, physical abuse, neglect... either as children or as adults.

Don't need details as such... just wanted to seek others' thoughts.

Sir Stefan

Agent Provocateur
Foundation Member
I personally have never been subjected to sexual, physcological or physical abuse... although I have received the odd death threat from jealous males!

I have, over the years, known many strippers and sex workers (and not as a client) and I do know a couple of sex workers who have been victims of child sexual abuse, which resulted in them having low self esteem (Wrongly blamed themselves in Adulthood for what occurred to them in childhood)... I helped both regain their self esteem and they have now left the Industry and are enjoying life and making valuable contributions to society.

But to say ALL Strippers and Sex workers were the victim of Abuse would be to draw a very long bow and is simply not correct.

I also have met several Ladies, who come from a very happy childhood, who for various reasons, mostly economic, have spent some time in the Sex Industry and these were indeed very astute Ladies.

So to 'tar all sex workers with the common brush' is, to my mind, simply to take a very shallow view of reality.


Foundation Member
Hmm!! My pedantic old English teacher would have called this a "sweeping generalisation" and dismissed it as indefensible nonsense. A shorter and coarser version is bull****.

Sensual ~ Vanessa

Gold Member
I think even those who have suffered abuse and work in the sex industry don't necessarily do it as a result of the abuse.

I'm abit over this whole point as it is has been addressed in The West of recent times ::)


Gold Member
Hmm ok.. This may seem a little controversial but... Abuse when I was young and then other sexual exploits as a result formed my sexuality as it is today.. I think our sexually charged experiences as children form the basis of our sexual desires as adults.. And my sexuality is the core of who I am today xx The purists will HATE me for saying that! Lol

* Nothing to do with low self esteem, just a heightened sense of sexual adventure due to discovering the joys at an early age..

Sir Stefan

Agent Provocateur
Foundation Member
So, Hot Sexy BBW, in your case it would appear that your early 'awakening' has put a 'positive spin' on your enjoyment of sex.

I guess it would be fair to say that equally as many men and women have perhaps had their enjoyment of sex inhibited, or diminished, by over protective parents who shielded them from sexual exposure to such an extent that they developed a 'guilt feeling' towards sexual experimentation... The question then becomes which is the most damaging.... Early discover or supression???


Gold Member
Hi everyone,

So glad to be back, just discovered we were up and running again.

Sir Stefan, I guess I could be classified as someone who both had a very early awakening and grew up in an environment of suppression.

I recall my first sexual touching with other children around the age of 5, was first "caught" touching myself when put down for an afternoon nap when very young and had a screaming mother threatening to put me back in nappies for being "dirty". Funnily enough I never felt any guilt over the incident, just wondered why my Mum was so bent out of shape.

I have been back over the experiences I had with other children and I know that it doesn't constitute abuse, as I have no "icky" feelings from it. Although I was raised in a very strict religious environment, I consider myself fortunate to have been able to shake off their rigid views and now feel free to express myself.

I feel that sweeping generalisations can apply all over the place. Perhaps it could be said that women who marry young, stay in an unhappy marriage and don't enjoy sex were probably victims of abuse, seeking safety, yet are unable to enjoy physical expression. This too would not be accurate, yet probably applies to a very small percentage.

In this country the statistics suggest that one in three women and one in seven men have experienced childhood sexual abuse (due to non-reporting this could be much higher) therefore you are going to find people in all professions and walks of life and lifestyle choices who have suffered abuse. Their abuse is just one small facet of the fabric that makes them who they are, so to blame it for behaviour that someone externally deems to be aberrant is self-serving and short-sighted.


PS: God it's good to be back


what you see is wat you get and alot more
Diamond Member
Hi Minxxy, I certainly don't agree with your friend that SANE ladies that are working is due to abuse.
I have met quiet a few W/L's over the time and have not came across one that does it from abuse of some kind.
You could lead this subject into many different avenues. OK i have met ladies that work to support a habit, whether that be from early abuse or not i don't know.

I guess that could be one avenue where you could say maybe, Though most girls i have met that use is to make the job easier.
To be honest i have met very few girls that use these days as most parlours won't put up with it. There were more girls using in the 70's and 80's then these days. Only my observation though.

I do believe every parent has a right to discipline their children. A smack on the butt or around the legs isn't child abuse. Though these days it is seen that way.
Corporal punishment in high schools never made me feel abused, and yes i got the cane numerous times. One thing i did learn from it though was respect and to respect others.
In these days most young teens have little respect for any one else and i see that as a huge problem. That i blame on all the do gooders that made it so you can't discipline your children.
Though we still have so many teens that turn to drugs,leave home young, suicides in teens of today is huge problem.

So were did things go so wrong?? Broken up families is a big part of it and so on. I guess there is a fine line in today's teens whether discipline is abuse or not. Child molestation is very much abuse and a huge problem and it goes on and on. As i said in the beginning there are so many avenues to this subject and not nearly enough help out there when it is needed.


Hey guys

Abuse can have all sorts of effects on people, and yes I am sure there are people in the sex industry who have been abused. Just like I am sure there are people in the fast food industry, lawyers, doctors, police officers etc etc.

Good to have some debate...

I LUV a Rub

"I do believe every parent has a right to discipline their children. A smack on the butt or around the legs isn't child abuse."

Incorrect. That is an outrageous assault on the child. I ask you, would YOU allow people to "smack" you and "treat you like a child"? Don't try and lie, now. The simple fact that you catagorise certain acts/assaults under a "child" heading and give them different weight to the exact same actions done to adults proves you are a supporter of child abuse.

" Though these days it is seen that way."
Wrong. Society today is more abusve towards children than ever before. It's just society carries more guilt now, so society needs to create a stronger illusion that cildren are not being abused. Understand that society sponsers and faucilitates child abuse as part of its fundamental operational core.

"Corporal punishment in high schools never made me feel abused, and yes i got the cane numerous times."
Your mind is so inferior, so warped by society that you cannot see that ritual abuse of your person exactly that : abuse. You are not to blame, society is. That was actually a violent assault upon you, done for the primary reason of the needs of the person caning you. The claim that he caned you because of your actions is insane and ridiculous, and has no foundation in reason or principal.

" One thing i did learn from it though was respect and to respect others."
You obviously did not even respect yourself enough to realise you were being abused.

"In these days most young teens have little respect for any one else and i see that as a huge problem."
That is becuase your reasoning and logic is tragically and irreparibly warped. Thier "lack of respect" is no problem for them. You want them to show you respect, because deep down you have trouble earning respect. Otherwise, why would you care?

"That i blame on all the do gooders that made it so you can't discipline your children."
Blame what? You dont specify. By the way, the word discipline is invalid and illegitimate. These are assualts, not "disciplinary acts".

"Though we still have so many teens that turn to drugs,leave home young, suicides in teens of today is huge problem."
Society is actually devised in such a way as to deliberately instill drug-use, suicide/self-hate. Can't you see that self-hate (or "putting others first" to turn the longo on it;s head) directly relates to the low self-value and high suicide rate you are actually speaking of?

I LUV a Rub

Hey guys

Abuse can have all sorts of effects on people, and yes I am sure there are people in the sex industry who have been abused. Just like I am sure there are people in the fast food industry, lawyers, doctors, police officers etc etc.

Good to have some debate...

This statement is 100% correct. Society is abusing children at such a rate that all professions have a large number of victims of child abuse working in them. To say that any particular one is related to abuse is wrong, because all citizen-slaves are being subjected to abuse just by working for the society that warped them.


Foundation Member
Hey guys

Abuse can have all sorts of effects on people, and yes I am sure there are people in the sex industry who have been abused. Just like I am sure there are people in the fast food industry, lawyers, doctors, police officers etc etc.

Good to have some debate...

Just to put my two-bob's worth in, to my way of thinking, this abuse part needs to broken down further into, -
a). Consequence
b). Outright abuse.
Consequences are the result of ones own chosen actions, we all know right from wrong, and we make the choice to cross that line, knowing there is a consequence, and in most cases what those consequencies are.

I LUV a Rub

"Just to put my two-bob's worth in, to my way of thinking, this abuse part needs to broken down further into, -
a). Consequence
b). Outright abuse."

And of course, you give no reason why it should be "further broken down", nor do you give any logical reasoning as to how you arrived at your conclusion. Possibly because there can be no legitimate and logial reasoning to arrive at your conclusion.

This statement made Me quite sad. For all the potential of reasoning and education, you settle for the teachings of a society. The fact is that the actions in your (a) and (b) statements are exactly the same actions. The claimed intent of the person "giving" the abuse does not change that simple fact that it IS abuse.

In laymens terms : Of course, the real intent of the "disciplinarian" is NEVER to help anyone. This is not psychologically possible during the mental state that they are in while assaulting thier victim. The person doing the abuse ALWAYS has the primary psychological goal (usually sub-conscious) of relieving an emotionally or otherwise unpleasant mental state due to past negative experiances by using the abused subject as a poison container to cathartically revlieve their own torment.
The "disciplinarian" type abuser is genrally over-socialised, and has to generate false moral arguments to attempt to justify thier own actions, based on the actions of others "needing to be punished". These people need illusion of moral justification to vent thier suppressed cathartic rage.

It is like robbing Peter to pay Paul. It makes no sense.

So, your answer is incorrect.

"Consequences are the result of ones own chosen actions, we all know right from wrong, and we make the choice to cross that line, knowing there is a consequence, and in most cases what those consequencies are."

I will focus on only one of the many, many contradictions and other principaled philisophical errors in the above statement.

It does not matter if the person being abused knew what would happen or not. It is still abuse. The action is still the same, and the REAL motivational forces of the abuser are still the same.

Of course, if we are all responsible for our actions, then the person doing the "discipline" (ie abuse) must also be responsible for thier actions. How, then, can you claim that the actions of the person being abused were "her fault" or brought on herself?

I ask you : can't you see the paradoxial problem with your latter statement? You claim that it's alright to do something that you would in other circumstanes claim is wrong (i.e. "your (b) outright abuse" example) simply because the person being abused/disciplined did something "wrong" themselves. Your are virtually saying two wrong make a right, or to be more accurate, two wrongs make only one of the "wrongs" (the 2nd one) become right...only if the other person was wrong!

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

I am sorry, but by your logic, it would be impossible to decide who was in the "wrong" at all with any logical consistancy. Of course, the end result would be that everyone would see each other as "in the wrong", and then think that they should abuse (oh, discipline) every-one else.


... He claims that no sane woman would
a) have sex for money
b) strip for money
c) get involved in deviant sexual acts
and thus they all must hae suffered some form of abuse that weakened their self esteem...

For me this is the key quote. If you're portraying your friend's opinion accurately it doesn't sound like he's saying that ladies working as strippers etc. were necessarily abused but that they necessarily have low self-esteem and that it was most likely caused by abuse. I think that's an important distinction to make. Is it true? I wouldn't know. I'm glad your friend has compassion for strippers etc., though, if he believes they've probably suffered abuse.

The older I get the more complex human beings seem. I'm barely able to account for my own likes, dislikes, preferences, desires, decisions, and persuasions, so the thought of trying to account for the decisions of other people seems like an impossible challenge.

However, I certainly don't think one can sum up and dismiss another person as merely a victim of low self-esteem or of abuse. I don't think it is quite that simple because there are abused people with low self-esteem who do not strip, so obviously it is something else which makes strippers strip. Personality? I don't know. Loving the spotlight and attention? I don't know. Money? Lifestyle? I don't know. I'm sure it is a combination of many factors and influences.


Gold Member
My perception of strippers and WL's changed immensely when I started going to uni and met a couple strippers and one particular WL all in their teens/early 20s working to pay for uni & living, bit of a cliche thing but talking to them gave me a real insight into the sex industry in general.

Especially one girl I know who is a WL - I only found out after several frustrating weeks trying to court her it was obvious she liked me but kept brushing off going out till finally she told me the only reason she wouldn't go out with me is cos shes a WL and dosnt want to get involved with anyone while doing that, understandable considering she only has to do it for another 12 months or so till she graduates and she will get a job easy as shes heaps smarter than I am! bit frustrating as shes impeccably good looking!

Their reasons are money based, very very very confident girls with extremely high goals set for themselves and extremely smart.

Guess this is the same as the idea that chicks that do porn came from abused backgrounds etc seems to be fairly unfounded although there would be isolated cases.

I was quite badly sexually abused as a kid, definitely affected me sexually would be a massive reason I first punted at a parlour as it was a controlled environment for me to become more confident and accustom to sex.

It's still a big issue for me in terms of sex and will be for a while I think especially with intimacy.

I don't see how being good at something is of less value just because its sexual in nature.

Miranda Fox

My perception of strippers and WL's changed immensely when I started going to uni and met a couple strippers and one particular WL all in their teens/early 20s working to pay for uni & living, bit of a cliche thing but talking to them gave me a real insight into the sex industry in general.

Especially one girl I know who is a WL - I only found out after several frustrating weeks trying to court her it was obvious she liked me but kept brushing off going out till finally she told me the only reason she wouldn't go out with me is cos shes a WL and dosnt want to get involved with anyone while doing that, understandable considering she only has to do it for another 12 months or so till she graduates and she will get a job easy as shes heaps smarter than I am! bit frustrating as shes impeccably good looking!

Their reasons are money based, very very very confident girls with extremely high goals set for themselves and extremely smart.

Guess this is the same as the idea that chicks that do porn came from abused backgrounds etc seems to be fairly unfounded although there would be isolated cases.

I was quite badly sexually abused as a kid, definitely affected me sexually would be a massive reason I first punted at a parlour as it was a controlled environment for me to become more confident and accustom to sex.

It's still a big issue for me in terms of sex and will be for a while I think especially with intimacy.

I don't see how being good at something is of less value just because its sexual in nature.

Hi David_San,
I like your post.....
Many people in life do what they have to, but other people do what they want to. Choice, that simple.

I like what I do, previously I have worked in other industries from CBD Business offices, Health department, Ute business, Accountants, Building trade etc. Therefore I have the experience to do whatever I want to.

As said in another post "I like seeing a man happy, with a smile on his face. Some men like/want someone to talk to, some men like/want someone to hold. Some men are looking to learn from someone, such as how to do a certain act. Some men are wanting to experience something that they are not experiencing at home with their wife, and don't feel comfortable that she will want to do whatever it is he wants.

Does not mean that each W.L. or Stripper was sexually abused as a young child or adult.
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