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a question



if youve been looking for years to find someone for you and have come to realise that it just isnt going to happen...what the hell do you do on your weekends???


Well, firstly, dont assume it will never happen.

The moment you stop looking is probably when you will stumble upon that special someone unexpectedly :)

Secondly, you go to the beach, the awesomest place on earth, ofcourse :p


Full Member
Foundation Member
if youve been looking for years to find someone for you and have come to realise that it just isnt going to happen...what the hell do you do on your weekends???

....am pretty much in that same position, craigus. I stopped "looking for it to happen" years ago and just got on with life. If I beat myself up over this, then I'm either going to go loopy or make one hell of a mistake.

My view is that if it's going to happen, it will.......if it doesn't, then so be it. For the moment, I'm comfortable with that and, for me, that's all that is important to me.

Fudd :)


Legend Member
Well, firstly, dont assume it will never happen.

The moment you stop looking is probably when you will stumble upon that special someone unexpectedly :)

Secondly, you go to the beach, the awesomest place on earth, ofcourse :p

I like your positive attitude Dragon Princess. Way to live.


Am in this boat but not really interested in finding someone. I have plans for my 30 something years::)


Make a regular appointment with a working girl to relieve the stress, when you are thinking clearly (stress free) the rest takes care of it's self. Say hello to a stranger , you'll be surprised at the amount of great people that are out there.


I do the same on the weekends as I do during the week- work! Its what I know so I keep doing it. I also visit Langtrees sometimes to relax.


Foundation Member
Hmm, Been there, done that.

Funny thing is that when you are single it seems everyone else you bump into is with a partner and at social gatherings you can easily feel like a fifth wheel. Weekends and holidays are probably the worst times and, of course Christmas.

The only advice I can offer is to build yourself a life around things you enjoy doing and, if you are that way inclined, join a couple of social or sporting clubs which have members in your age group. Just don't make the classic mistake of desperately "hunting" all the time - women can sense that and most will run a mile at the first whiff.


Full Member
Foundation Member
...Funny thing is that when you are single it seems everyone else you bump into is with a partner and at social gatherings you can easily feel like a fifth wheel. Weekends and holidays are probably the worst times and, of course Christmas.....

....oh, aint that the truth....another Xmas to struggle thru.


Legend Member
....oh, aint that the truth....another Xmas to struggle thru.

It is one reason why a lot of people love to work on xmas day. Not so funny that those who don't wish to work on certain days force their opinions and preferences on others. "If you disagree with us you have no rights." They miss the point about rights. It is a right to be different.


you get to a stage in ur life when u feel u will never feel the ability to really feel affection for someone or be jealous, and then bang out of nowhere u meet someone and all those feelings come back and sometimes it hurts more than having no-one i have done a lot of christmass alone and its a case of being comfortable with urself and enjoying ur own company and yes the girl i met is a w/l and i am old enough to know nothing will come of it but its my bit of fantasy i will leave it at that