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A life of luxury...


Legend Member
Talking about expensive cars has made me start to think...

If you had enough money would you ever want to have your own personal servant, cook, driver all at your finger tips or would you feel uncomfortable with a lack of freedom.
After all, there could be no trip to the kitchen in your undies for a midnight snack, you would probably have to keep your bedroom door closed when getting dressed and if you had a driver you probably wouldn`t be able to drag against that P plater on the freeway...

I think money may have it`s perks but it also has it`s disadvantages too..


I think money may have it`s perks but it also has it`s disadvantages too..

I think the money would give you the option of having someone live in to provide services or not. They get the night off, return home or have their own live-in quarters.

The Beckhams still make their own coffee and you still see people like Mick Jagger or Ritchie Blackmore (of Deep Purple fame) dragging around in their sportscars for the thrill of it.

Money doesn't necessarily buy you happiness but it does give you alot more freedom. And for me, freedom = happiness. It's up to you to choose how free you want to be.


I would love to have my own servant haha, if only!
Money doesn't buy happiness but it brings a more stable life financially which makes you happier living without the stress of not having enough money for bills or other things.


Horny Bugger
Gold Member
Yep, I think it would be much better to be rich and unhappy than poor and unhappy.


Legend Member
They say money cant buy happiness But it can certainly allow to look
for it in a hell of a lot more places


Gold Member
Having money often seems to mean that you have to show it. So you buy a Mansion that's far too big for you to keep clean, so you employ a cleaner.

Then you buy half a dozen expensive cars, five of which rot in the garage and the other one is driven by your chauffeur.

Then you buy a magnificent boat which you leave in the pen because every time you have used it you are seasick. So that writes off going on a world cruise.

You are so scared of flying that no amount of money would put you in a cramped tube, even in 'Super-First" class, so you stay at home with your own form of claustrophobia.

Now you say you're happy - I doubt it.

I would much rather have sufficient not to be worried about what to do when the next bill arrives, or I need to replace the car etc. Too much money only makes you miserable.


Gold Member
Would be nice to be able to buy that new Zegna suit every time I walk past Parker & Co on Howard St in the city or take off to Sardinia in my private G6 when the urge comes. I wouldn't be able to have a servant I'd feel too uncomfortable, only thing would be I'd get someone to iron my clothes because its the one thing I loath more than just about anything else, that I would pay for gladly.

T.J. McDon

Why would hired staff prevent a run to the kitchen in your undies?
If I had live in hired staff I'd expect to walk naked to my kitchen and have it part of the employment conditions that they may see nudity on the job (they'd also be forbidden from pointing and laughing ;)
Hire a chauffeur that is an ex-car-racer and have him/her drive a fast enough car to always beat that teenager at the lights.
But I know what you mean about the more money the more expenses - we have friends with far higher income than us, that have had to scrimp at a day out, to let their kids buy an ice-cream because the huge house has an equally huge mortgage and the luxury car a luxury loan to pay it off, and luxury servicing of it that costs triple the service on a normal car. Our smaller income can not only buy the kids an ice-cream but also a pack of chips too.
I'd like enough to not have to wonder where the money will come from for the broken aircon or kid's teeth, or ....?

Farm Boy

Would be nice to be able to buy that new Zegna suit every time I walk past Parker & Co on Howard St in the city or take off to Sardinia in my private G6 when the urge comes. I wouldn't be able to have a servant I'd feel too uncomfortable, only thing would be I'd get someone to iron my clothes because its the one thing I loath more than just about anything else, that I would pay for gladly.

Whats a Zegna suit how many $$$ were are they made, wool mark and were is Parker & Co?


Legend Member
FarmBoy Parker & Co have been about for many many a year.
Bit dearer than R M Williams but not as versatile


Gold Member
They are at 89 St Georges Terrace, Cnr Howard Street & St Georges Terrace. I usually do my suit shopping in Melbourne but the one I bought from Parkers last year was a little under 2 grand discounted about 50% for EOFS , it's angora wool. Usually just buy it straight of the rack have the pants taken in a bit.

Farm Boy

They are at 89 St Georges Terrace, Cnr Howard Street & St Georges Terrace. I usually do my suit shopping in Melbourne but the one I bought from Parkers last year was a little under 2 grand discounted about 50% for EOFS , it's angora wool. Usually just buy it straight of the rack have the pants taken in a bit.

Thanks David now a serious question .Do you wear Chinese Suits some of these are quite low cost ? if not why?


David, if you're ever in Thailand, Hongkong or Singapore I know several good tailors who've been tailoring for generations. I've had my suits made there for more than a decade now and they use only the finest quality materials. PM me if you want their names.

You may well know them anyway.


What about Bali?

A wise man once told men never to judge a man by his suit but by his 2nd suit..

But geez some of you blokes have gone from thinking about being rich to thinking about bring billionaires with your G6s :D


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
WOW....what a dream......like winning lotto I guess.....to be honest guys I wouldn't change a thing....no big house, no servants, no Porsche or Merzedes Benz. I guess I would drop out of work quietly (what ever excuse works), drop out of Perth and fulfil my dream (quietly as well). What's the point in showing off?????? By the way.....did you know that money is the root of all evil????? And for sure it doesn't buy happiness but it makes some things a hell of a lot easier.
Guess I have to play lotto........:thumbsup:


Farm Boy

David, if you're ever in Thailand, Hongkong or Singapore I know several good tailors who've been tailoring for generations. I've had my suits made there for more than a decade now and they use only the finest quality materials. PM me if you want their names.

You may well know them anyway.

Now why would he do that Dave spent 2k on a suit last year.
Or may be big black dick is telling us he has a nice suit custom made in Thailand and a pretty good one from HK and bugger me dropped of in Singapore and picked up another yer right.

Miss Delights

Diamond Member
I am soo not that type....I really enjoy my independence. & am too strong willed to have someone else do everything for me & I actually enjoy doing it myself. Mind you if I had twelve kids & a bloody big house I would have a cleaner.:thumbsup:
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Gold Member
I don't really go overseas so haven't bought any from China or Thailand, Hong Kong etc I know a lot of my colleagues / mates do though and the quality is very good,. The suit I bought from Parkers was for a wedding so didn't mind splurging out.

kim of kal

Senior Member
Foundation Member
To have enough money to not have to worry about bills would be nice, just enough to be secure.
Not much in to servants even if I did have that kind of money I like to do things myself.
Just think you soon will get bored of having someone doing everything for you.
Nothing like cleaning your home and the satisfaction you get after it is all done is priceless :)


No servant thats for sure and no cleaner the only thing I would like would be a driver for when I want to go out have some drinks. I love to cook If I had a servant I would prob cook more meals for them then they do for me haha! As for cleaning sometimes when Im in the mood its actually pretty relaxing whilst listening to your fav tunes