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A difference in ages...


Legend Member
I`m guessing one or two years isn`t so bad but how big is too big a gap in ages?? If you were 30 could you work with a boss who was 10 years your junior?? What if you were 60 and they were 40??
Does age make a difference when respecting your boss?


As long as The Cockhead knows what the F he is doing and treats me with respect and appreciates me as a hard working loyal employee. He can be a Martian from Uranus for all I care.


Legend Member
NO Yes maybe? It all depends on the attitude you as the boss bring I am sure Jamie Packer had far older men on his board when he
took over from dad


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Its common place in the work force, younger mangers, as long as the so called manger can do there job. Now that is hard to find!!!!!! and that probably explain why I do not respect any of them.

Perth boy

About 6 months ago I put a 23 year old young gun in a senior role. He is doing a great job but a few of the old fellas give him a hard time sometimes.


Legend Member
You don't go writing your age across the forehead, you would hardly ask who is what age? Some people who may look older than you may in fact be younger than you...younger boss or older boss, i just do my job and get a pay rise I am happy. screw age, unless I really wanna screw the young female boss lol...


But I think Jamie is a lot more human and humane and less self-centred than his forebears. You say he is "piss weak" colzilla but he took the courageous decision to sell off Channel 9 and some of his links with ACP. They were well on their way to becoming loss making ventures.

I don't agree with gambling as an industry but the fact is that he's making a go of it.

Can you imagine the crosses he has to bear given that sort of family history?

From The Power Index website:

Power Move
James Packer's greatest hits ... and misses
Paul Barry, Friday, 04 May 2012

Speculation is rife this morning that James Packer will continue his retreat from media ownership by selling out of Foxtel.

They say the mark of a successful businessman is that your successes outnumber your failures. If that's right, then Packer is sitting pretty.

He's no longer Australia's richest man, and he may never shake off the stain of One.Tel, where he lost around $400 million of his shareholders' money, but he's chalked up a lot of successes over the years, with smart investments like PC Tools, Seek, Carsales and Jurlique bringing in at least $600 million in profit for his private companies. And he has made a couple of hugely important strategic decisions.

Best of these was to sell 75% of Channel Nine and ACP Magazines near the top of the market in October 2006 and pocket a whopping $4.6 billion in cash from the deal. He followed that up by selling the balance three years later for another $500 million. People who held onto their media assets, like the mugs from CVC who bought James out, or the saps who owned Fairfax and Channel 10, have watched most of their money disappear.

James's fortune has also shrunk: he's now worth around $4.7 billion, according to James Thomson at Smart Company, compared to more than $6.0 billion at the height of the market in 2007. But he'd have done far worse if he'd stayed in the media.

The flipside of his escape, of course, was that he used the cash from selling Channel Nine to make a $3 billion punt on casinos in Las Vegas, and ended up losing $1.7 billon in a series of disastrous purchases that were also made at the top of the market. Had he not wriggled out of the $1.7 billion Cannery Casinos deal—his sister Gretel refused to go through the intrusive process of being vetted for a licence—he would have dropped even more of his dough.

But most of James's other big bets have been good ones. The investment in casinos in Macau in late 2004, which looked like a dog for several years, is finally paying off handsomely. And the decision to buy Crown Casino back in 1998-9 has been an unmitigated triumph.

Crown cost the Packers $1.8 billion—paid for in PBL shares—and is now worth close to $7 billion, churning out $335 million profit after tax a year.

It's worth noting that the purchase was made in the face of concerted opposition from Kerry, who thought James was paying too much, and who believed casinos to be a dud investment because big, smart punters (like him) could beat the house. (That, of course, was complete nonsense: Kerry lost fortunes at the tables).

But there are two other big decisions James took in the 1990s (or pushed Kerry into) that have paid huge dividends. First was the decision to fight the Murdochs on Super League in 1995, when Kerry wanted to fold. Sure, Geoff Cousins and others provided the muscle to make that happen, but James was a believer in pay-TV (which is what that fight was all about) when Kerry was not.

Similarly, when peace was declared in 1997 and the Packers were rewarded with an option to buy 50% of Fox Sports and 25% of Foxtel from the Murdochs, it was James who forced his father into going ahead. Foxtel was making big losses at the time and Kerry hated pay-TV. But, thanks to James, he was rolled by the PBL board for the first time in his life, and stormed out of the meeting, saying: "You all know what I think of this. It's fucking bullshit".

It's unclear how much money the Packers have trousered from Foxtel over the years, but the pay-TV group has been minting money since it first went into profit in 2006, and is currently making $200 million a year before tax. Its sister company, Fox Sports, has been coining it for a decade longer. Selling them both is expected to net Packer more than $1 billion.

James's decision to get out of pay-TV—if that's what he wants to do (and there have been denials of sorts this morning)—could also be a good strategic move, because the forces threatening free-to-air TV cloud its future too. And if he can get $4.00 a share (the price seems to have risen since yesterday), it really is a no-brainer.

We have to say The Power Index certainly isn't a buyer at that price. But maybe Bondy would like another crack?


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Don't mind a younger boss as long as she/he is competent and know what they are doing. Don't underestimate a young gun. A lot of mature workers feel threatened by a younger boss because he/she might bring changes and new things to learn (oh dear......if there is one thing we oldies don't like is to adjust to new things like technology or a new and faster computer program etc.......you get the idea). Give young guns a chance.....if they prove to be knowledgeable and respectful I certainly won't have a problem.



I'm just being a smart arse. I don't think Jamie is as ruthless as his father was.


Gold Member
Who cares what there age is,long your getting paid who gives a shit..........

Shelby @ Rubys

I do struggle to take orders from someone younger than me since you feel like you have been there longer and they just tell you what to do