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20 million dollars????


Mary Anne PA

Where will I spend the 20 mill or part there of that I hope to win after I rubbed budda's tummy with my slick pick

Well the Maldives is looking like the first stop......

if you win can I come???

Where will you spend the 20 million????


Silver Member
Hey Miss Lizzie,

Although I didn't win the $20 Million, I am a dreamer like you and have thought about this many times.

So I think with $20 million, I would make some close friends very happy and mortgage free and look after a couple of charities. I would then take the remaining money $15 Million and Invest half of it. (75% in relatively safe or conservative growth and the other 25% in high risk, high reward areas). But the real fun now starts with the other $7.5M. With this I would drop everything, load a few of my favourite girls and dodgy males mates into a limo and head to the airport. We would then spend the next year travelling aroun the world (Rio for the Carnivale, Running of the Bulls in Spain, Skiing in Europe and Canada, Drive the Pacific Highway in USA in Mustangs, Race on the Autobahns in Germany before Oktoberfest, swim with the iguanas in Galapogas, Safari in Africa, Watch live sex shows in Amsterdam) etc etc, you get the point.

I would mandate this a polygamous holiday and I think I would call it "Sexfest 2011 - Steve's Ultimate Holiday"and sell DVD rights to Shane's World or Private Video. I have travelled far and wide in my short life so far, but honestly beleive there is nothing better to spend money on. I love trying new foods, being challenged by new/different cultures and of course experiencing some aweosme play time with many many different ladies.

Of course to win $20 Million, you need an Ozlotto jackpot or Powerball win or there are always too many other winners. Next draw you can rub your ticket on my belly instead ; )


Gold Member
Lets put things in perpective here.

I'd spend 5 million getting 2 ' added to my dick and the other 15 million wearing it off again


I would spent a few million million dollars on getting my fav W/Ls to have sex with me, then keep on paying them to stay so it should take about a week to spend it,lol.Far out they just will not put out! so i will up the price,
Or is there things that money just cant buy? like love?mmmmmmmm nothing else just a normal guy,lol..
Enjoy,and i will enjoy thinking bout it


i'd buy my own house, travel the world, give some to my parents and give some to a charity, particulary animals and especially dogs.

then i'd have my own business..spend the rest of my time learning, writing, being with animals, travel, spa treatments..and helping others in some way. giving back to the world, write a book, make someone elses life more fortunate. pay it forward somehow.


This is something i think about almost daily!! Sad i know.

I'd buy a couple of cars. I'd buy my first car back (bucket of crap) but then i'd buy some hyper cars. Definitely a koenigsegg and probably a veyron.

Then i'd buy a decent game fishing boat. Something around the 50ft mark so i can take it to Cairns for marlin etc.

Definitely do more travelling and trying to help people in less fortunate countries (free plug for Kiva - Loans that change lives) and set up some opportunities here for the people in need as well.

Would probably continue building the house i am since it's going to be a really nice house, but life wouldn't change to much. I'd just have a lot more toy's and look after the people i love now.

Mary Anne PA

Dam those weasely lotto balls missed by way to much

So Powerball as suggested by Ozguy is a better chance so we shall see....

I particularly like the though of getting 10 of your mates including some dodgy ones and heading straight for the airport destination unknown!!!!
Also there was a some what sensible inclination to invest included excellent!

I hope that I dont have to join balls anonymous (be they lotto power or otherwise) as those of you who know me know I love balls...(especially when they are waxed...thank you gentlemen!!)

Steve" I love trying new foods, being challenged by new/different cultures ...sex etc etc etc) you are a man after my own heart!!! and clealry stomach and frequent flyer points...se you in the lounge...Qantas or Langtrees????
love Lizzie


Foundation Member
Never mind Lizzie.

I wouldn't bother with rubbing my slickpics on the Buddha's belly if I were you. He never had much use for material wealth, did he??


i get annoyed when i see those buddhas at the lottery station. i feel like it's in such bad taste, as anyone that is familiar with buddhism and those philosophies would not put so much emphasis on money and other external conditions that we feel bring us happiness.

i know it's just a cutesy thing to do and bringing good luck, prosperity etc..it's not all that serious, but it's little things like this that just get to me, lol.

Mary Anne PA

Budda not much use for material possessions..fortunately he had no jones's to keep up with and no flights to catch....
I would like a flight to India so that I could practice yoga, meditate,be nice to cows and build a collection of previously unwanted dogs....

Mary Anne PA

I am truly touched!!!
dont worry no one won Powerball so it has jack-potted to next week...
so you are stuck with me.

Naughty Thoughts

The sad truth is, most people that win a decent amount of cash (like, over $200,000) usually end up worse than before. The average person does not know what to do with a lot of money. many end up in debt.

Mind you, my philosophy is that the best way to win at lotto is by buying shares, not tickets. Get about a week's pay once a year without spending any and it's pre-taxed so it doesn't affect the return.

Mary Anne PA

I have some ideas re investment and structured income from the win...I wouldn't disappear entirely and I am pretty grounded I think and definitely hard working and committed individual so I think I might be ok...
But adice and support are always welcome
Heres hoping I win the jack potted powerball so that we can test the theory!!

Farm Boy

What would I do with 20 million , well I guess Just keep on farming until there is, nothing left.
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you would not see me and there would be no dust as i would have bought a nice yatch and i would be off to see the world. The rest of the money would be in a careful investment to make sure I did not ever have to work again


Diamond Member
Pay off my little sister's house and give her , her retirement money. Set up my daughter for the future. Help my elderly parents with their needs. Help several of my closest friends. Make sure that I have enough money to get me through to the end of my life.
Probably give some of it to a worthy cause. Definitely won't be to the RSPCA or any other Woke type charity's. The local old people's homes would probably get a good upgrade. If I won the really big one I'd like to build a couple of 200 room low income housing apartments for those less fortunate. I'd definitely be sitting on a beach fishing šŸŽ£. Would not be traveling overseas that's for sure. Have no interest in flying to some shit hole and having to put up with border security and their crap. Australia is my home.